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Male | 73

ما هي خياراتي فيما يتعلق بمشاكل باركنسون والكبد؟

عمري 73 سنة وأعاني من مرض باركنسون منذ 9 سنوات الماضية والعلاج مستمر. عروض USG اليوم التغيرات الدهنية في الكبد. الوريد البابي واتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي بارزان إلى حد ما. الآن أريد اقتراحكم في هذا الصدد.

الدكتور غوراف غوبتا

أمراض الجهاز الهضمي الجراحية

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

لقد مررت بمرض باركنسون حيث تتحكم منظمة معينة داخل جسمك في وظائف مثل الحركة والتوازن. تشير نتائج الموجات فوق الصوتية إلى أنك قد تعرضت لتغير غير ضار في الكبد الدهني والذي يحدث لأسباب مختلفة مثل زيادة الوزن أو الإصابة بمرض السكري. يمكن أن تساعد خيارات نمط الحياة الصحي مثل تناول نظام غذائي متوازن وممارسة الرياضة بانتظام في تقليل ذلك. 

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Questions & Answers on "Hepatologyy" (123)

Anti - HBs -Ag (antibody to Au antigen ) Results positive . That means what

Male | 26

You are diagnosed with antibodies that are against the hepatitis B surface antigen which means you are being protected from hepatitis B. It means your body has successfully fought off hepatitis B infection or you have been vaccinated against it. You may not have any symptoms, but it's important to keep your health by eating healthily, exercising, and avoiding alcohol to keep your liver in good shape. Ensure to get regular check-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your health.

Answered on 19th July '24

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I am having a high bilirubin 1.62, and this is the 2nd time. Last year at this same time I had it. And due to this I can't eat properly, and I feel vomiting as soon as I take a sip of water after eating. It's already been 15 days. It's making my appetite low, I feel low. I eat very less now, and in that too It's feel like my stomach is tight and blown up. Pls help me?

Male | 19.5

Based on the complaints and elevated bilirubin levels you seem to be suffering from a type of liver disorder, a condition wherein excess accumulation of bilirubin (a brown yellow coloured compound formed in breaking down of red blood cells) occurs. With loss of appetite, vomiting, stomach tightness and bloating; fever, extreme fatigue and abdominal pain can also be seen in liver diseases.

• There are multiple causes for development of liver dysfunction such as infection, autoimmune liver diseases like cholangitis, Wilson’s disease, cancer, alcoholic liver (due to alcohol abuse) and non-alcoholic (due to excessive consumption of fats) and drug induced.

• When using a medicine that is known to have the potential to cause liver damage, your doctor may recommend you to have blood tests done on a routine basis after starting the medication so that any signs of liver damage may be recognised before symptoms develop.

• Common medications that can cause damage to the liver include Paracetamol, Statins – drugs for lowering cholesterol levels and certain herbs.

• Other liver function parameters such as AST(aspartate aminotransferase), ALT(alanine transaminase), ALP(alkaline phosphatase) and GGT(gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase) bilirubin are required to be evaluated and additional to this for determining the exact cause of dysfunction especially to confirm presence of jaundice; urinalysis, CT (for distinguishing between biliary obstruction and liver disease including cancer) and liver biopsy (for ruling out concern about possible liver cancer) needs to performed.

• The treatment is based on the underlying cause and damage levels and can range from dietary changes, medications such as antibiotics, sedatives, etc to liver transplants.

• Consult hepatologist near you for further assessment and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have taken 20 500 msg of paracetamol and I have yellow in the whites of my eyes and I don’t know what to do

Male | 20

You could be reacting to an overdose of paracetamol. Yellow in the whites of your eyes can be a sign of liver problems. This can be if you take paracetamol in excess. It is crucial to get medical assistance immediately. The doctor can examine your liver and give treatment if necessary. 

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can you please tell me if anything on my ultrasound would indicate liver problems or anything else of concern? EXAMINATION: ABD COMP ULTRASOUND CLINICAL HISTORY: Pancreatitis , chronic. Increased pain right upper quadrant. TECHNIQUE: 2D and color Doppler imaging of the abdomen is performed. COMPARISON STUDY: None FINDINGS: The pancreas is obscured by bowel gas. Proximal aorta is also not well seen. Mid to distal aorta is grossly normal in caliber. The IVC is patent at the level of the liver. The liver measures 15.9 cm in length with coarse echotexture and loss of architecture definition consistent with infiltrative change, nonspecific. No focal geographic abnormality identified. Hepatopetal flow in the portal vein noted. The gallbladder is normally distended with no gallstones, gallbladder wall thickening or pericholecystic fluid. Can not exclude a small amount of dependent sludge. The common bile duct measures less than 2 mm in diameter. The right kidney demonstrates normal corticomedullary differentiation. No obstructive uropathy. The right kidney is 10.6 cm in length with normal color flow. Left kidney is 10.5 cm in length with normal corticomedullary differentiation and no evidence of obstruction. The spleen is fairly homogeneous. IMPRESSION: Limited evaluation of the pancreas and proximal aorta due to bowel gas. No obvious free fluid, correlation needed, consider CT with IV contrast if additional assessment warranted. Subtle gallbladder sludge suspected. No acute cholecystitis.

Male | 39

Based on the ultrasound findings, the report mentions some observations, but it also notes limitations due to bowel gas obscuring the pancreas and proximal aorta. No focal abnormalities or gallbladder issues are identified, although a small amount of dependent sludge cannot be completely ruled out. The kidneys and spleen appear normal.Further evaluation and correlation are recommended, such as a CT scan with IV contrast, if needed. No acute cholecystitis or obvious free fluid is noted. Also make sure to consult your doctor for a comprehensive assessment and interpretation of the results.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir liver me sujan and ant me infection hai

Male | 21

send your abdomen ultrasound report initially

Answered on 23rd July '24

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I am suffering from chronic liver disease and had ascites last month but now better after treatment. At Jan month My albumin 2.3, AST 102 & ALT 92 level is reduced albumin 2.7, AST 88 IU/L & ALT 52 IU/L. My USG report taken during ascites shows DCLD & liver reduced in size, measures 10.4cm & coarse parenchymal echo texture with surface irregularity noted.portal vein indistinct. Following a healthy diet. Kindly advise if my liver had chances to regenerate or symtoms goes worse. Any treatment to cure.

Female | 68

It is possible for the liver to regenerate, especially if the damage to the liver is not too severe. However, this is not always the case, and the extent to which the liver can regenerate may depend on the underlying cause of the liver damage. 

There are several treatments that may be helpful in managing chronic liver disease. These may include medications to control symptoms and complications, such as ascites, and lifestyle changes, such as following a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol. In some cases, a liver transplant may be necessary if the liver damage is severe and not reversible. 

You must follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment and to continue to monitor your liver function tests and other symptoms closely. It is also important to avoid activities that could further damage your liver, such as drinking alcohol and taking certain medications that may be harmful to the liver.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 50years.i am dialysis my HCV report is I'm very weak, can't stand properly.what i eat then vomit after few RNA titre report will get next Wednesday. Now what should i do?pressure is always fluctuating.i follow nephrologist prescription and take the medicines but now i become very incapable to do anything. Please suggest me.hepatologist of sskm suggested 1st collect the hepatitis c reports then visit him.

Male | 50

Do exactly what your doctor said 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suffering from fatty liver

Male | 36

follow these herbal combination for complete cure:- Sootshekhar ras 125 mg twice a day, pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water, send your reports initially

Answered on 4th Aug '24

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Livar me dhabbe hai our sujan bhi hai livar me jiyada problem hai koi hal btayiye plz

Male | 58

Liver spots and swelling can indicate serious issues like fatty liver disease or hepatitis. It is crucial to see a hepatologist, a liver specialist, for proper diagnosis and treatment. Self-treatment is not recommended. Please consult a hepatologist as soon as possible for a detailed evaluation and appropriate care.

Answered on 30th July '24

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Sir liver me sujan and ant me infection hai

Male | 21

The liver is swollen due to an infection in the intestine, a severe condition. Symptoms include stomach pain, tiredness, yellow skin (jaundice), and fever. The causes are viruses and bacteria. To help, the doctor prescribed medications for the infections and suggested a special diet to support the liver. Following a doctor's advice carefully is crucial for proper treatment.

Answered on 20th July '24

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How to reduce bilurubin levels

Male | 23

Bilirubin is a yellow substance­ that forms when old red blood cells bre­ak down. If too much bilirubin builds up, your skin and eyes can turn yellow. That's jaundice. It might signal a liver issue, infection, or bile­ duct blockage. The underlying cause­ must be treated to re­duce bilirubin levels. Some­times, medication or procedure­s help lower the le­vels too. Don't ignore jaundice; se­e a doctor to figure out why it's happening and ge­t treated properly.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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I am 73 years male I am suffering from Parkinson's disease since last 9 years and treatment is going on. Today's USG shows Fatty changes of liver. Portal vein & CBD are mildly prominent. Now I want your suggestion in this regard.

Male | 73

You have been through the Parkinson's disease process wherein a certain organization inside your body controls such functions as movement and balance. The ultrasound results indicate that you have experienced a harmless fatty liver change which happens due to various reasons like being overweight or having diabetes. Healthy lifestyle choices such as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can help reduce this. 

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

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liver problem please can u guide me

Male | 18

If the liver is not functioning properly, the person may feel fatigued, become jaundiced, see yellow skin and eyes, and experience pain on the right side. Liver disease can be the result of virus attacks, overconsumption of alcohol, or obesity that leads to metabolic disorders. Take care of your liver and you will be forced to follow healthy eating habits, do regular workouts, and limit your alcohol consumption.

Answered on 18th July '24

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