Male | 22
ব্যক্তিগত এলাকায় ছত্রাক সংক্রমণ কিভাবে চিকিত্সা?
আমার বয়স 22 বছর এবং আমি গত এক বছর ধরে আমার ব্যক্তিগত এলাকায় ছত্রাকের সংক্রমণে ভুগছি। আমাকে কি করতে হবে দয়া করে সাহায্য করুন...

চর্মরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ
Answered on 29th Aug '24
আপনার ব্যক্তিগত এলাকায় একটি ছত্রাক সংক্রমণ আছে. কখনও কখনও এটি ঘাম, আঁটসাঁট পোশাক বা গোসলের পরে সঠিকভাবে না শুকানোর কারণে হতে পারে। প্রধান লক্ষণ হল চুলকানি এবং লালভাব। এটি অ্যান্টিফাঙ্গাল ক্রিম দিয়ে চিকিত্সা করা যেতে পারে। এলাকা পরিষ্কার এবং শুকনো রাখুন। আলগা-ফিটিং সুতির অন্তর্বাস এবং অংশে আঁচড় না লাগালে এটি আরও ভাল হবে।
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Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (1992)
I have a rash around my private part area,itchy and sometimes painful.
Female | 20
You should see a dermatologist. This may indicate a skin problem or an infection. Since a dermatologist will be able to diagnose the problem correctly and offer appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil
Can you please diagnose what this skin condition is. My brother has this skin disease for the past 2 months and he refuses to meet dermatologist I would like to upload the image
Male | 60
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Khushbu Tantia
How to reduce pimple Ane acne hair proble
Female | 23
Face problems arise frequently. They occur when pores clog with oil and dirt. Blocked pores mean red bumps form. Or blackheads. Or whiteheads appear. Washing your face gently twice daily helps reduce these issues. Use mild cleansers. Don't overly touch your face.
Answered on 23rd Aug '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal
Sclerotherapy karne se gaat ho gayi hei
Male | 20
At first, the treated area might get a small bump or red spot, which is normal and could be a minor skin reaction. It may feel a bit tender or itchy for a few days. Using a cool compress can help ease the discomfort. If you experience sudden pain, notice the redness spreading, or feel the area getting hotter than the skin around it, call your dermatologist.
Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Anju Methil
My doctor prescribed some medication and prescribed eumosone m cream to treat my penile fungal infection. There is steroid content cream, however, claims to be safe to use on the penis for three weeks. Please notify me if this changes.
Male | 26
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar
I have been experiencing itching all over my body. It started months ago after being exposed to someone. I tried treating it with all sorts of medication it doesn't go skin looks dry and last year I was on oratane for period of 7 months
Female | 27
Excessive persistent itching throughout your body can become very irritating. It may worsen due to dry skin especially after a drug like Oratane. Sometimes the cause of itching could be allergies or skin conditions. Make sure to use mild creams that will keep your skin moist and avoid taking hot showers. You may have to see a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal
Nasty boil down below. Female. Bathed for 3 weeks. Burst but now not leaking but swelling. Have antibiotics. BUT WILL IT BURST ALONE?
Female | 55
Aching and red bumps filled with pus are caused by microbes that enter the skin through cuts or hair follicles. It's good that the bump has burst, but the swelling is still a concern. Being on antibiotics should help fight the infection. The boil will usually drain on its own, and taking a bath and applying warm compresses can help it heal faster. If you develop a fever or the swelling worsens, see a dermatologist.
Answered on 20th Aug '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur
Hello sir/ma'am please suggest me any skin cream. I used elosone ht cream over my skin for 3 month, that have affected my skin. And one of my friend told me that i have a skin atrophy. My skin where i use to apply the cream is completely covered with a dark layer. Can you please suggest me any cream so that the affected area can be fade out by time. Please ma'am its a humble request to you. It feels very bad and i cant even go outside due to this.
Female | 18
Using the cream may have caused your skin to become thin and fragile, a condition known as atrophy. The dark layer you see could be a result of this. Try using a gentle moisturizing cream with ingredients like aloe vera or oatmeal to help fade it over time. Avoid strong products and give your skin time to recover. Always do a patch test on new products before applying them to larger areas.
Answered on 10th Sept '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur
40 year old female shaved and used a cucumber baby wipe been itching every since 2 weeks now
Female | 40
The cucumber baby wipe might have reacted with your skin causing the itch. This means the itch can be as a result of irritation or an allergy. To calm the itch down, try using a mild moisturizer that does not contain perfume. Stop using any more products on the affected area for now. If the itchiness continues or becomes worse, it would be best to see a dermatologist.
Answered on 8th June '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal
I have a reoccuring red blisters in the back of my throat and today i had a big white pimple on my i have herpes...ive had sore throat as well but no discharge or pain anywhere...
Male | 21
Herpes causes throat blisters and lip pimples. Sometimes there's no pain or discharge, but sore throat still happens. These symptoms seem like what you have. But other illnesses can look similar too. To find out for sure and get the right treatment, you should see a dermatologist. They will examine you closely and maybe run some tests.
Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal
I had a fair to medium looking skin tone while growing up but somehow I started to get tann very easily. I have prominent hyperpigmentation or pigmentation around my mouth and head. I just need a proper but safe treatment for hyperpigmentation around my mouth. And a skin brightening safe serum that could restore my natural color. I follow ctm routine+ use a broad spectrum sunscreen SPF40 everyday. Please suggest something that's safe and effective
Female | 22
Skin lightening serums/ cream containing kojic acid/ azelaic acid/ arbutin / AHA and chemical peels as procedures.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swetha. P
Hi, I am a girl of 19 years old. My boyfriend has given me a love bite on my breast and on back. I wanted to ask if this is normal? As I am feeling a bit sick and feverish. I want to know if this is okay to feel such way? For more information, earlier when i got a love bite, it was on neck and i faced neck infection. I had neck swelling. It got okay after medications though. But I want to know if there are chances for swelling this time too? Something like this? Or will it be okay with time and nothing will happen? Please clear. Thanks
Female | 19
A love bite can cause fever and sickness, it's normal. Your boyfriend's bite on the breast and back may have let bacteria enter broken skin. This causes infection - swelling and tenderness. Clean the area, use warm compress, take pain meds if needed. But if pus appears or symptoms worsen, get medical help right away.
Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar
I have having vitiligo from past 9-10 years , after huge medications like needling , UV rays etc I can remember all, now I am using these medications: MELBILD LOTION (IN SUNRAYS FOR 5MINUTES : 2 TIMES A DAY ) , TAKING me 12 od one time , and applying TACROZ FORTE APPLYING ON SCAR , I AM HAVING SEDIMENTAL VITILIGO ON UPPER LIPS AND DOWN THE NOSE, SO CAN U SUGGEST SHOULD I CONTINUE THE TREATMENT OR SOMETHING ELSE * ASLO THAT I AM GETTING white hairs on it so is there any cure of it and also mention that I am using these medications from last 6 months
Male | 17
Vitiligo is a skin condition in which white patches appear on your skin due to the loss of pigment cells. You are applying Melbild lotion and Tacroz Forte, which can contribute to the pigmentation process on your skin. If you are not seeing any improvements after 6 months, you should probably consider discussing other treatment options with your dermatologist. Unfortunately, there is no remedy for white hair, but you can try using hair dyes to cover them up.
Answered on 15th Aug '24

Dr. Anju Methil
Balanitis redness irritation burning sensation a bit swollen too
Male | 18
Fungal infections, poor hygiene, or chemical irritants can cause balanitis. To reduce symptoms, maintain cleanliness and dryness in the affected area, avoid products that may cause irritation, and use an OTC antifungal cream. If there is no improvement, seek medical attention from a dermatologist.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Anju Methil
I think it's a allergy, always itchy and it's like a rash
Male | 18
It seems like you are having an allergic reaction and you end up with an itchy rash. Make an appointment with a dermatologist. They will appropriately examine and treat your disease.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil
black mark and itching between legs what should i do
Male | 23
This may result from different conditions ranging from fungal infections to simple skin irritation. It is recommended to seek a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil
I am a female aged 22.l have rash in between my thighs this has been happening for the past 10 years.l thought it is caused by friction so l wore tights to prevent it and it worked, but now Nothing is working. I went to see a doctor and he gave me prednisone,folic acid and vitamin B tablets it worked for the time l was taking them but after they were finished the rash started again.Now l.dont know what to do..please help.The rash is not itchy nor swollen but it causes a discomfort.
Female | 22
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Khushbu Tantia
Hi, Can we donate blood while we undergo PRP treatment?
Male | 28
No, blood donation is not recommended, while undergoing PRP treatment for at least 3-4 weeks.
Answered on 25th Sept '24

Dr. Ashish Khare
so today I was masterb$$$ing and after some time I went to washroom and I saw there was a bumps on my pinus forskin it was kind of swelling I think please tell me what to do please it’s a request I tried to find on YouTube but without proper information I couldn’t identify what is wrong
Male | 19
Balanitis causes redness and swelling of the foreskin. This could happen from irritation or poor hygiene. Keep the area neat and dry. Don't use harsh soap products. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. If discomfort persists or worsens, consult a dermatologist promptly. They'll properly assess and treat the condition.
Answered on 26th July '24

Dr. Anju Methil
I have too many Acne scars in face
Female | 27
Acne scars are the marks left on your skin after acne heals, often making your skin look uneven or swollen. These scars form as your body tries to repair the skin after a breakout. To reduce acne scars, treatments like topical creams, laser therapy, or chemical peels can help. These methods can, over time, get rid of scars. Consult a dermatologist to determine the best way for you.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar
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