Strand Clinic
Colaba, Mumbai
About Strand Clinic
Strand Clinic, located in the heart of Mumbai, in both modern and spacious. Our centre is well equipped with recent and advanced technology and equipment. We house our monitoring, procedure rooms, pathological investigations all under one roof, enabling us to provide patients with continuous, convenient care.
Doctors in Strand Clinic
Strand Clinic Services
- Fertility Treatment
- Cosmetic Labiaplasty
- Hymenoplasty
- Fnac
- Hysteroscopy
- D C Dilation And Curettage
- Tubectomy Tubal Ligation
- Vaginoplasty
- Pcod Pcos Treatment
- Natural Cycle Ivf
- Obstetrics Antenatal Care
- Breast Examination
- Well Woman Healthcheck
- Laparoscopic Sterilization
- Vaginal Infection Treatment
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