Spine Surgery treatments in India
Whichever treatment you would be looking for, you would be interested in learning the treatment cost, isn't it? At Clinicspots, we provide the treatment cost estimates of all cities! Yes, we are a one-stop destination for knowing the cost estimates of all treatments! So, which treatment cost are you looking for?

Average Cost
Spine Surgery
It Is A Procedure That Joins Two Or More Vertebrae.
Min. $1251
Max. $6880

Average Cost
Spinal Fusion
It Is A Surgical Technique That Joins Two Or More Spinal Columns.
Min. $8000
Max. $20000

Average Cost
Slip Disc
The protrusion of the inner disc of the spinal column which may be caused due to weakness or injury.
Min. $750
Max. $5588

Average Cost
Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery are types of surgical procedures that are done using robotic systems.
Min. $4848
Max. $10908