Female | 25
Ist ein 600-HCG-Bluttest für eine Schwangerschaft sinnvoll?
Hallo Doktor, ich würde gerne wissen, ob der 600-Blut-Schwangerschaftstest einen guten Wert hat?

Answered on 22nd Aug '24
Ein Bluttest, der einen Wert von 600 für eine Schwangerschaft anzeigt, ist gut. Diese Zahl weist auf das Vorhandensein eines Hormons namens hCG hin, das bei schwangeren Frauen normalerweise erhöht ist. Wenn Sie Symptome wie Ausbleiben der Periode, Übelkeit und Müdigkeit verspüren, könnten dies Anzeichen einer Schwangerschaft sein.
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Questions & Answers on "Ivf (In Vitro Fertilization)" (44)
I was ovulating on 17 September 2024 and after someday I checked some faint line came in
Female | 29
You're experiencing mild headaches and some strange feelings in your eyes. These could be dehydration symptoms, especially if you're drinking a lot of water while playing football. Dehydration can lead to headaches and eye strain. Make sure you're staying well-hydrated before, during, and after your game. If the symptoms continue, it's best to consult a gynecologist for further evaluation.
Answered on 12th Oct '24
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My lmp is 4 July and I went for my first ultrasound scan on 27 august when my gestational age according to LMP was almost 8 weeks but the scan measured no fetus nor a gestational sac so I was recommended beta HCG test which reported 3129mIU/ml of HCG measuring to 5 weeks after two on September 10 I went for an ultrasound and my doctor said that the fetus hasn't grown after 5 weeks 3 days.. gastational sac measuring to 1.24 cm ...but my beta HCG report on the same day reported levated level of HCG measured to 6537.. now my doctor has advice to wait for another two weeks what are the chances of baby being there and is just not coming in an ultrasound because I haven't experienced as bleeding or spotting or even a change in discharge nor do I have nausea or vomiting... Although I do have headaches and I do notice Linea niagra showing up
Female | 18
Sharing the fetus's growth data might raise some concerns, but the absence of bleeding or spotting is a positive sign. However, the rising HCG levels and lack of embryo growth on the ultrasound need close monitoring. Symptoms like headaches and the appearance of Linea Nigra are common in pregnancy. Your doctor’s advice to wait another two weeks is sensible for further observation. During this time, focus on staying calm, eating well, and getting plenty of rest.
Answered on 16th Sept '24
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We are planning for kids for 6 months. In my semen analysis found low sperm count and motility so doctor said better to go for IVF. Is there any chance for increase count within 1 to 2 months
Male | 31
Difficulty conceiving sometimes happens due to low sperm count or motility. But you can improve sperm quality by living healthily, like eating nutritious food, avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol, and managing stress. Taking certain supplements, like folic acid and zinc, may help.
Answered on 14th Aug '24
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Meri shadi ko 9 years ho gaya hai sir baccha nahi bus abhi tak
महिला | 37
One frequent reason for this is infertility issues. Male sperm or female egg problems, or combining these, can trigger this. Certain factors like stress, medicines, or illnesses may also impact fertility sometimes. Speaking to a infertility specialist helps identify the root and explore fertility treatment options.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello my hcg is 16035.1 am I pregnant?
Female | 23
A high hCG level of 16035.1 indicates that you are most probably pregnant. The hCG is a hormone that is produced during pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms are missed periods, nausea, and tenderness of the breast. High hCG levels may be due to several pregnancies or gestational trophoblastic disease. If you think you're pregnant, visit a gynecologist for confirmation and further guidance.
Answered on 6th Sept '24
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sperm concentration is 22 million per ml total motility 33 % progressive motility 30% live sperm 48% normal morphology 15% now pls check
Male | 28
Your sperm analysis shows a concentration of 22 million per ml, which is within the normal range, but total and progressive motility are slightly lower than ideal. While 48% live sperm and 15% normal morphology are acceptable, it's advisable to consult a urologist or fertility specialist for a detailed assessment and personalized advice. They can guide you on potential next steps to improve your fertility.
Answered on 3rd Aug '24
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I have been trying to conceive for the past 2 and half years. My AMH level was very low- 0.4ng/mL. I had one failed IVF from one of the hospital in kerala. Then I consulted another doctor from another hospital and I was suggested to do Autologous Stem Cell Ovarian Treatment (ASCOT). My last menstrual period was April 16 2024. And my ASCOT treatment was done on April 23, 2024. From May 1, 2024 to May 3, 2024 I had a slight bleeding. After which I have not yet got my periods and my pregnancy test is also negative. On June 10, 2024 I did a Beta HCG test and AMH test. Beta HCG test result is negative and my AMH has decreased to 0.39ng/mL Is it okay that my AMH has decreased after the stem cell treatment or should it be increased? I have got an appointment on June 22, 2024 and the next treatment doctor would be suggesting is IVF. I would like to know the percentage of positive outcome after this IVF.
Female | 29
A small decrease like yours after ASCOT is usually okay because AMH levels fluctuate slightly. The success rate of the upcoming IVF can range from 20% to 40%, depending on factors such as age and health. Symptoms of low AMH involve difficulty conceiving. For fertility issues, IVF is a good option.
Answered on 12th June '24
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After how many weeks ivf pregnancy is safe
Female | 41
It is generally safe after the first trimester.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Maine baby avoid krne k liye kit khai thi. aur abb mere baby nhi ho rha
Female | 18
It is important to understand that taking certain pills to avoid pregnancy can sometimes affect your fertility. However, this is not always the case, and other factors might be involved. Visit a gynecologist who can help identify the exact cause and guide you on the proper treatment for conceiving.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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I have married 7 years ago but still I not pregnant . My monthly period also not on time. My husband all medical report are Okey
Female | 25
You're likely having irregular cycles and trouble getting pregnant. There are many possible reasons for this. Hormone imbalances, thyroid issues, PCOS, or stress can all affect your cycle. It's crucial to see an infertility specialist who'll run tests. They'll help determine the cause and guide you through options to increase your chances of conceiving.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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Hello doctor I would like to know is 600 oh blood pregnant test good value ?
Female | 25
A blood test that shows a value of 600 for pregnancy is a good one. This number indicates the presence of a hormone called hCG, which is usually elevated in pregnant women. If you're sensing some symptoms such as missed periods, nausea, and fatigue, these could be signs of pregnancy.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24
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Whats the conception date if ultrasound results on 25th July 2024 showed that the baby is 30 weeks old
Male | 28
Based on the ultrasound findings on 25th July 2024, the baby is probably 30 weeks old, so the conception date was around mid-November 2023. Symptoms like fatigue, morning sickness, and missed periods usually notify about pregnancy. These symptoms are the direct effect of the hormonal changes in the body. Take care of your health during pregnancy by eating well, being active, and going to your prenatal check-ups regularly for a healthy pregnancy.
Answered on 29th July '24
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today is the 12 day after FET, i have not experienced any bleeding or spotting, only mild crampings in lower abdomen. the pregancy test comes negative. what does it mean?
Female | 30
Lower abdominal pain without bleeding is a normal phenomenon after the 12th day of FET. In case the result of the pregnancy test shows a negative, it may be an indication that the pregnancy did not occur this time. Be cool, regulate the way you feel, and think about talking this over with your gynecologist, to get tailored help.
Answered on 31st July '24
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0.10mlu/ml means pregnant or none pregnant sir
Female | 22
Speaking of "0.10mlu/ml," while mentioned, shows the quantity of hCG hormone in your body. This hormone corresponds to pregnancy. The quantity 0.10mlu/ml is considered a low level that either is an early pregnancy or is a false positive result. For one to be pregnant, the symptoms include no period, feeling sick/ throwing up, being tired, and hurting the breasts. To verify pregnancy, it is your choice to either do the test again or go to a gynecologist.
Answered on 9th July '24
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Why am I unable to get pregnant
Female | 22
There may be several reasons to explain why you can't conceive. It is crucial that you go and get examined by a fertility doctor or a gynecologist and get your infertility cause to be diagnosed. Whether you opt for IUI or IVF, they will offer you counseling and explain the available methods to enhance your chances of conceiving.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, I am HIV positive and also gay. I want to have a baby with help of the IVF technique. Is this possible?
Indeed, HIV-positive persons can have a child conducting IVF, including same sex couples. Specialized reproduction techniques such as sperm washing could be used to eliminate the risk of HIV transmission.Talk to a fertility specialist, they can offer you a holistic approach and work in conjunction with your infectious diseases specialist to ensure successful conception and pregnancy treatment. HIV-positive individuals have viable parenting options due to the technological developments in reproductive and treatment technologies of HIV.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello! I am very worries because I just figured out that I might be pregnant. I had intercourse three weeks ago. I drank alcohol a week ago, that was before I eveb considered the fact that I might be pregnant. I am worried now that I habe done some damage
Female | 37
It is not uncommon for a woman to drink alcohol before knowing that she is pregnant. At this very early stage, it is improbable that a minuscule amount of alcohol has caused any harm to the baby. The symptoms of damage could be a delay in the development of the baby. If you are afraid, refrain from drinking in the future and talk to a gynecologist for reassurance.
Answered on 4th Oct '24
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I tested thrice in home at got the same results thrice one dark line at C and one faint line at T then had little brown bleeding and later had heavy red bleeding with severe cramps, the discharge initally was huge, red, full of blood and white and later there was res discharge and bleeding but now i have 2 to 3 drops of faint brown blood what to do what has happened
Female | 23
Miscarriage signs may include a positive pregnancy test. Next, bleeding, cramps, and tissue passing could happen. Miscarriages are common occurrences. Many factors can cause them, such as genes or hormone imbalances. Speaking with a gynecologist is best for guidance and support now.
Answered on 29th Aug '24
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Good day, I have a history of tubercolosis i think 8yrs ago now im 25 and i have a live in patner for a 1year but my sperm is low or sometimes its no coming out, is the way i can be a make a baby and become a father!?
Male | 25
To address your issue, it's vital to consult a fertility specialist or doctor. They can assess your specific situation, suggest potential treatments, and advise lifestyle changes to improve fertility. Don't hesitate to seek professional guidance and consider fertility treatments if needed.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Rubella igg 94.70 cytomegalovirus 180.00 harpix simplex virus 18.70 kya me conceive kru ab do bar miscarriage huaa torch test positive tha vaccine Lena shi hoga please help kya kru me ab
Female | 23
Your tests indicate that you have increased antibodies to rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus. Such infections cause difficulties with pregnancy such as miscarriages. Taking vaccines against these diseases may be helpful before the next attempt at conception. It is advisable to talk to a gynecologist about what to do next.
Answered on 24th June '24
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