Female | 25
Warum schmerzt meine Brust aufgrund von Hautveränderungen?
Du Seit letztem Dezember habe ich nur Schmerzen in einer Brust. Der Schmerz kommt und geht. Aber es sind jetzt seit 4 Monaten starke Schmerzen. Manchmal verspüre ich stechende Schmerzen, die bis in die Achselhöhle und den Arm reichen. Auf meiner Brustwarze ist ein Hautfleck. Meine Bruchstelle hat eine verfärbte Stelle, etwa fünf Zentimeter von der Brustwarze entfernt. Nicht an meiner Brustwarze, aber ganz in der Nähe habe ich kleine Beulen, aus denen dicker Kater herauskommen kann. Meine Brustwarze selbst ist nicht umgedreht, aber direkt neben der Brustwarze befindet sich eine Vertiefung. Vor zwei Monaten war meine Drüse an meinem Hals direkt über meinem Schlüsselbein etwa drei Tage lang auf der gleichen Seite wie meine Brust geschwollen und hatte Probleme
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
Schmerzen, stechende Schmerzen, Hautveränderungen, Eiterklumpen und geschwollene Drüsen sind Anzeichen, die Aufmerksamkeit erfordern. All dies kann auf verschiedene Ursachen zurückzuführen sein, zum Beispiel auf Infektionen, das andere auf Brustkrebs, aber das kommt seltener vor. Es ist wichtig, eine zu habenOnkologeSchauen Sie sich an und führen Sie bei Bedarf Tests durch, um eine endgültige Diagnose und Behandlung zu erhalten.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Breast Cancer" (50)
Please tell me how Mastectomy works. Are breasts conserved in this treatment or are they removed in this procedure?
Mastectomy is removal of breast. But further details are needed which are not mentioned by you, to answer your concern. Still consult general surgeons who will examine and evaluate you and then guide you regarding the procedure. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I have something thick in my breast for 2 weeks and have been taking relief tablets what can I do now?
Male | 14
During two weeks, you've noticed a lump in your breast and taken medicine. This needs examination by an oncologist. Lumps may happen due to hormones, cysts, or severe problems. I suggest scheduling an appointment soon to get checked properly and learn the next steps.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
Hello, my sister discovered she had a breast cancer in March 24, she had a successful lumpectomy in March 28, the pathology report said that tumor was 22 x 23 x 18 mm, has 5 involved lymph nodes, ER strong positive ( score 8 ), PR negative, HER2 negative... after that she did a pet/CT scan in May and the opinion of the radiologist written in the report was " patient with right breast cancer after surgery showing no evidence of hypermetabolic lesion distinctive for loco-regional resudal/recurrence of metastatic disease. I also attached the detailed results of the pet/ct itself. Now does it recommend for her to start chemotherapy or to do oncotype dx test first and btw she had 25 sessions of radiotherapy, so after the surgery ( in March) we had the radiotherapy in ( June) and now we don't know we have to start chemotherapy or do this test first since she has ER positive, HER2 negative and she's postmenopausal. She is 55 yrs old. Now I now your opinion, your advice and recommendations for us. And if she did the test and the result is law and chemotherapy is still recommended for her can she take at least a less intensive chemotherapy regimen.
Female | 55
From the information that you were able to share, it sounds like your sister had the necessary treatment done successfully for her breast cancer. Given that she is ERpositive and HER2 negative, the Oncotype DX test can be used to determine whether she requires chemotherapy. If the test indicates low risk, she might not have to undergo intensive chemotherapy. This check is based on the study of the genes present in cancer cells and helps to determine treatment methods. It is important to talk about these options with her oncologist so that the best solution can be found for her case.
Answered on 9th Sept '24
Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
Name sarani toppo world like to ask that recently diagnosed with TNBC .PDL-1 test report is positive Is it mandatory to go for immunotherapy
Female | 37
TNBC is a type of breast cancer that is difficult to treat. A positive PDL-1 test could mean that immunotherapy would be effective. You don’t have to, but it can help your immune system fight off cancer cells more effectively. Immunotherapy adjusts your body’s defenses so they can attack the cancer better. Make sure you discuss this with your oncologist though.
Answered on 10th June '24
Dr. Donald Babu
Patient is having pain in left brest also feel something is moving inside
Female | 31
If you are experiencing pain in your left breast and feel something moving inside, it is important to consult a doctor. These symptoms may be due to various reasons, and it is best to visit a breast specialist or a general surgeon for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can guide you with the appropriate care and tests needed.
Answered on 19th July '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Hello sir, my wife told me yesterday that there is a lump around her breast. What further steps should I take to determine if it is cancerous or not? As of now, the lump around her breast is painless. Do I need to visit an oncologist?
Female | 41
As per my understanding your wife is having a painless lump in her breast which is the cause of concern. You consult a surgeon first and get your wife thoroughly examined and evaluated .Only after that will it be clear what her diagnosis is and the required treatment will be advised. Consult Breast Surgery doctors in Mumbai, or in any other city.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Babita Goel
37 year old female with lump on chest above left breast
Female | 37
The lump on your chest above your left breast could be due to a few reasons. It might be a benign (non-cancerous) ovarian cyst or a swollen lymph node, or it might be caused by hormonal changes. Other reasons for the pain could include an injury or an infection risk. It is important to consult with an oncologist to clarify the cause and obtain the right therapy.
Answered on 13th Sept '24
Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
can you get breast cancer at 19?
Female | 19
It is not that common in teenagers but there is no harm in being alert. Young women even at 19, should be aware of their breast health and report any unusual findings, like lumps or changes in breast appearance, to your doctor.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Donald Babu
I am having extreme pain in my left nipple
Female | 22
It feels painful in the nipple due to a range of causes such as injury, infection, or sometimes even hormonal changes. Be sure to wear loose clothes so as not to make things worse and stop them from rubbing against anything that might irritate them further. You could also try applying a warm compress on it; this might help soothe the pain temporarily but if it’s still there after a while then please go see an oncologist about this as soon as possible.
Answered on 10th June '24
Dr. Sridhar Susheela
I have slight pain in my left breast
Female | 29
Answered on 6th June '24
Dr. Akash Dhuru.
I'm a 24 years breastfeeding mother. I experienced pain just below my left breast for the past 4 months and now the area is swelling. I tried pain killers and resting but nothing is changing
Female | 24
You could be having a problem known as costochondritis, which is a situation where pain and swelling occur near your breastbone. This may be due to activities that tire your chest muscles or an infection. To promote the ice pack action, try not to engage in activities that increase the pain. If the swelling and pain persist, it's better to see an oncologist for further assessment and treatment.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Dr. Donald Babu
Hi am 18 years old female...and I feel hardness in my right side breast same like as lump and pain in my both breast ... sometimes there are some 1-3 red spots rashes upper my breast..
Female | 18
You may be undergoing symptoms associated with your breast health. The hardness of the right breast that you are feeling could be a lump, which might be produced by hormonal changes or the process of inflammation. The pain in both breasts may be caused by either hormonal fluctuations or wearing an improperly fitted bra. The red spots or rashes could be a result of a skin reaction. Regarding these issues, you should ensure you are wearing a bra that fits you properly and then seek consultation with an oncologist for further evaluation and guidance.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
Dr. Donald Babu
I feel hard in my right side breast and pain in my breasts..
Female | 18
You are feeling some tightness and soreness in your right side breast. The symptoms could be due to issues like hormonal changes, trauma, or an infection. Wearing a well-fitted bra, applying warm compresses, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers may help with the discomfort. Get a professional evaluation and treatment from an oncologist.
Answered on 26th Aug '24
Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
As per sonography report is sates -. Both breast shows---- E/o Small coarse cakcification noted in left breast upper outer quadrant of size approx.. 2.6 mm...?due to old infective etiology or chronic inflammatory So we did mammogram as per report Findings: Both breasts consist of mixed scatured fitroglandular and fatty tissue. (ACR type II) No obvious focal spiculated mass lesion, retraction of tissues or cluster of microcalcifications is seen in either breast to suggest the presence of malignancy. No axillary lymph nodes are noted. Sonomamography screening: Both breast consist of mixed fibroglandular and fatty tissue. No SOL is noted. No duct ecatia is noted. IMPRESSION: No significant abnormality in both breasts. (BIRADS 1). Suggest-Follow up after 1 year for routine check up. Is there any case of worry
Female | 52
According to the tests, there’s no evidence of any major problem such as cancer in either breast, which is fantastic news. The tiny calcification found in the left breast could have resulted from an old infection or inflammation. Currently, there’s no cause for alarm but it’s essential to have another checkup next year to be safe. In case you observe any unusual changes in your breasts before then, please let your doctor know.
Answered on 20th July '24
Dr. Donald Babu
Mastectomy kitne rupay mai hogi
Female | 28
Answered on 19th June '24
Dr. Akash Dhuru.
Am having a painful ball in my breast for about four years now pls help me
Male | 20
A painful lump in the breast that has been there for four years could be a sign of something serious, like a cyst or even breast cancer. Please visit a breast surgeon or an oncologist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
Hello, I want to know if breasts are removed in Breast Cancer surgeries, or are there any other methods in which there is no need of removing the whole breasts?
Female | 46
The biology and behavior of breast cancer will be considered for planning the treatment of breast cancer. Treatment options also depends on several factors like the tumor subtype, hormone receptor status, stage of the tumor, patient's age, general health, menopausal status, and preferences. The presence of known mutations in inherited breast cancer genes, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2. There are some general steps commonly preferred for treating early-stage and locally advanced breast cancer. Doctors generally recommend surgery to remove the tumor in breast. Though the goal of surgery is to remove all the cancer which is visible but microscopic cells sometimes remain behind. Therefore another surgery may be required. For cancers which are large or are rapidly growing, the clinician suggest systemic treatment with chemotherapy or hormonal therapy before surgery. This is called neo-adjuvant therapy. This helps in shrinking the tumor which is easy to operate; also breast can be preserved in some cases. After surgery it is important to check for recurrence. Then adjuvant therapy is advised. Adjuvant therapies may include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and/or hormonal therapy When surgery to remove the cancer is not possible, it is called inoperable, and then Chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, and/or hormonal therapy may be given to shrink the cancer. For recurrent cancer, treatment options depend on how the cancer was first treated and the characteristics of the cancer. What will be the line of treatment in your case will depend on your clinical condition. You can take one more opinion to a clear understanding of your concerns. Consult Cancer Treatment doctors in Mumbai, or any other city you find convenient.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Babita Goel
My mom has been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer which is the best hospital to deal with this kind of cancer. Please help me out.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Sandeep Nayak
What should I do if my triple-negative breast cancer is not responding to chemo?
Female | 42
Consult with your oncologist if you can try immunotherapy or radiation therapy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
I had 2 lumps ( fiberdenoma ) on my left breast and it's easily movable ...and I found the lump on November 2023 now also it has not gone ...now I was feeling a lump on my right breast also ...and it also easily movable...not having any health issues anything like that
Female | 22
Fibroadenomas are the predominant cause of these lumps. They are caused by hormonal changes and they are not cancer. They can be discovered on their own due to fluctuating hormones when a woman's period cycles. They are painless, moveable, and without any problem. To be perfectly sure, one should go to the hospital and get it examined thoroughly. Even if it is frequent the hospital may demand additional tests. Keep in mind not to freak out but you'll require a professional check for any changes in your breasts that are unaccountable by logic.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Sridhar Susheela
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