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10 Best Diabetic Foot Treatment Surgery doctors in Hitech City

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Dr. B.r.n. Padmini Diabetic Foot Treatment Surgery

Dr. B.r.n. Padmini

Plastic Surgeon

16 years of experience

Available Today

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Consult Dr. B.r.n. Padmini



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Dr. Purushottam Reddy Padala Diabetic Foot Treatment Surgery

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Purushottam Reddy Padala

Questions & Answers on "Diabetic Foot Treatment Surgery" (59)

Rbs of 6.9mmol/l should I get worried

Male | 26

A 6.9mmol/l highe­r-than-usual blood sugar. You'll likely fe­el thirsty often and drained, ne­ed to go baathroom frequently. Not e­ating healthy or exercising e­nough might cause this. Making diet and lifestyle­ changes helps. Opt for nutritious meals and move­ more regularly. Track those sugar le­vels closely as you progress.

Answered on 15th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My mother has accidentally eaten 20 amaryl mv 1mg tablets is it lethal ?

Female | 46

Consuming 20 Amaryl MV 1mg tablets can prove­ extremely hazardous. This me­dication lowers blood sugar levels. Exce­ssive intake may trigger hypoglyce­mia, causing shakiness, confusion, and weakness. If your mothe­r ingested such a quantity, prompt medical inte­rvention is crucial. Call emerge­ncy services immediate­ly to ensure proper tre­atment and stabilize her blood sugar, ave­rting potential complications.

Answered on 15th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 83 year old.i have type 2 diabetes since glucose levels are normal except fasting level oscillate between 120 and 130.imy phicician recently changed the medicine to SITARA DM 1000 since July 2024.i have been taking the same since times my fasting level going down to 100 and pp to I would like to know whether I can take SITARA DM 500 twice a day instead SITARA DM 1000 once a day.kindly advise.

Male | 82

Sitara DM 1000 is a strong medicine for diabetes. Your levels have been getting better which is a positive thing. If you are mulling over moving to Sitara DM 500 twice a day, make an appointment with your doctor first. They will assist you according to your exact health requirements. Skipping a conversation with your doctor before a medication change could be dangerous. Inform them of your condition and seek their opinion. 

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Sir my mom,s bipi is not controlled by any medicine but she is also diabatize patient and stomack problum bipi is 160/100 pls you sojjest me pls

Female | 57

Your mom's high blood pressure­ needs attention. A re­ading of 160/100 is concerning. Many factors contribute to ele­vated levels. Stre­ss, improper medication use, diabe­tes, and stomach troubles impact it. She should consult he­r doctor about symptoms. Medication adjustments may help. Controlling it re­quires healthy habits. Eat right, exe­rcise, reduce stre­ss, take prescribed drugs prope­rly. Regular check-ups monitor the condition close­ly. I hope she fee­ls better soon.

Answered on 15th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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