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Dr. Aneek Bhattacharya undefined

Dr. Aneek Bhattacharya

Ear-Nose-Throat (Ent) Specialist

30 years of experience

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Dr. Aneek Bhattacharya has a rating of 1/5

Dr. Aneek Bhattacharya Reviews


Rakesh Pandey



My son was operated in 2018 in Ruby General Hospital. Dr. Aneek was supposed to remove one bone from nose but he removed three bones which leaded to Pot Septoplasty Huge anterior Septal perforation of 1.5 x 1 Cm. Today he appeared for Armed Forces medical test for officer's cadre in New Delhi where he has been declared permanently unfit for Armed Forces. Doctor Aneek never disclosed his failure to any of our family members. Dr. Aneek has spoiled the career of my son. Dr. Aneek is not doing ethical medical practices. We have lost faith on him and going forward I will also take up this matter in consumer's court and to Indian Medical Council for justice because he can't spoil the career of my son by doing wrong surgery and wrong medical practices.

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