Female | 44
Micción frecuente y secreción vaginal.

Answered on 23rd May '24
La micción frecuente y una sensación de ardor en la vagina podrían ser indicativos de una infección del tracto urinario (ITU) o una infección vaginal. Es importante consultar a un profesional de la salud/urólogopara un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuado. A menudo es causada por bacterias que ingresan al tracto urinario y las infecciones vaginales pueden ser causadas por hongos o un crecimiento excesivo de bacterias. Estas condiciones requieren atención médica para prevenir complicaciones y aliviar los síntomas.
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Questions & Answers on "Urology" (990)
Suffer with sex transmitted infection . How tp cure my infection permanently
Female | 20
Sexually transmitted infections aren't fun. These infections spread via sex without protection. They may cause odd discharge, aches, or sores near private areas. To fully cure it, you must visit a urologist/sexologist for proper testing and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Urinary bladder inadequate fill
Female | 16
In many cases, the cause of the bladder not being filled with urine can be different, such as damage to the nerves or some obstruction. Urology consultation should be the first step to diagnose properly and establish a treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I consumed alchohal ,it's been 2 days since my kidney stone surgery. Now I am feeling very low and dizziness what to do
Male | 22
It's essential to stop drinking immediately if you're feeling dizziness and low..Alcohol can have adverse effects on your recovery and overall health, especially after surgery. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, rest, and avoid alcohol and other substances that may interfere with healing.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I Have premature ejaculation observed since 2 years, i have tried delay gel, viagra tablets, kegel exercises and masturbation some time before sex but nothing helped me. One day i have tried SSRI tablet but i got dizziness only for about 1 hour. Please suggest me now what are possible reasons for PE and what i have to do now
Male | 23
Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri
Hi, last night I had protected anal sex. However my partner used a towel to wipe his ejaculate off his stomach then handed me the same towel which I then use to wipe my penis. I wasnt thinking in the moment and I don’t know this person’s status. What is the risk for HIV transmission through sharing towels?
Male | 27
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I have been suffering from premature ejaculation. Married for last 17 years. Could not hold too long ever since got married. But for last 6 months not able to penetrate at all.
Male | 42
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ankit Kayal
I am a male aged 22 am been having abdomen back and testicle pain for 2 months now before this I had an sti gonorrhea I was given antibiotics but I think they only stop the symptoms for a little time what should I do
Male | 21
You've been experiencing discomfort in your abdomen, back, and testicles for some time. It's good that you've taken treatment for gonorrhea, but if the pain keeps returning, further treatment may be needed. The cause could be an infection that needs different antibiotics or another untreated STI. It's important to get a medical evaluation to find the exact reason for your pain and receive the right treatment. Contact a urologist for a thorough examination of your symptoms.
Answered on 1st Oct '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I am 42 years old, I feel burn at the tip of my penis, Cipro and doxylag is given to me. Before all this I take STD treatment but not cured, feeling came back. What shall I do? I am stressed now, have no sleep, please help me.
Male | 42
The stinging at the end of your penis could be an indication that a previous treatment that didn't completely work has still been around, an infection, for instance. This should be dealt with as it can cause further issues. The tension and sleep deprivation can also worsen the situation. I suggest you talk to a urologist to talk about your signs and symptoms and get other treatment alternatives.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Can I take tadalafil ? Even I don't have any problem & even I'm good . & I can't spend more time in sex
Male | 24
I don't recommend use of tadalafil without prescrition from a doctor. And if you are not diagnosed with any sexual dysfunction, it is not good to use medications. Tadalafil is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. Only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the best treatment for you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I am male 17 year old almost, I was experiencing a little discomfort in right testis but now it is fine and I found that I have a lump or something on my left abdomen in groin area and I can feel it but on the right side it is very small what is this I am very scared , I have so much tension, please tell me , I searched on Google it's saying lymph node I don't what to do I think it's from long time but I am not sure It's no pain while touching walking running I sometimes forget about it No fever , no pain it is like 1.5-2cm I am not sure
Male | 17
You might have discovered a lymph node in the left side of your groin. Lymph nodes are the little helpers of your body's defense system. Sometimes they can become bigger when there is an infection nearby. It's normal to have different sizes on each side. Since you don't have any pain or other symptoms, it's probably nothing serious. If it starts bothering you or gets bigger, you can check with a urologist to be on the safe side.
Answered on 1st Oct '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I'm getting recurring infection on penis head and penis glance with a bad smell. Went to urologist and dermatologist. They suggest me some medicine I took those medicine properly and problem were sloved but I got same issue again please suggest me permanent treatment.
Male | 26
The term "balanitis" may be what is being referred to, which can be either a result of poor hygiene, irritation, or some skin diseases. To help manage this issue, make sure to keep the area clean and dry, avoid harsh soaps, and wear loose-fitting underwear. Besides, it is necessary to consult your urologist for a detailed examination and therapy.
Answered on 10th Sept '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi, Whether pre ejaculation can be cured
Male | 48
If you have concerns about pre ejaculation or your sexual health it's best to consult with a healthcare professional like urologist or your family doctor for personalized advice and guidance.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Need treatment options. Calculus of size 17 x14mm (HU-1100) seen in left renal pelvis causing upstream moderate hydronephrosis(blunting of fornices). Two small calculi seen in inter and lower polar reegion, largest measuring 5mm in lower pole(HU-850).
Female | 26
Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri
I have peniel adhesion when i pull my skin back, my skin is attached all around the forehead what, its been like that for 2 years what shoud i do
Male | 18
It is like you may have a problem known as phimosis where you cannot retract your foreskin due to the tightness. Therefore, consulting a urologist who is a specialist in diseases of the urinary system and male reproductive organs is advisable step. They can make exact diagnoses and suggest verified cures. It is necessary to see a doctor to get his help with your issue and get the proper instructions.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I didn't go through a surgery, I don't have diabetes and neither do i take medication of any kind. But I have the symptoms of retrograde ejaculation. Why?
Male | 22
Retrograde ejaculation, where semen goes into the bladder instead of out, can occur without surgery, diabetes, or medication use. Possible causes include nerve damage, anatomical issues, certain substances, infections, or psychological factors. Please consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Hey, i putted my penis into my partner’s ass without condom, and now im very worried. Do you think i will get something?
Male | 17
It is crucial to learn and engage in safe sexual activity to avoid STI transmission. It is suggested to consider consulting a healthcare specialist like a urologist or a sexual health practitioner who can give you tailor-made prescriptions and advice based on your particular case.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
From last one week doctor, i am suffering a lot due to stone
Male | 35
If the problem is severe you should consult a best Urologist in India to get things cleared.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sachin Gupta
My penis is paining since last four days , I understand may be it's due to masturbating like four times last week
Male | 32
Penis pain after frequent self-pleasuring isn't unusual. Muscles and tissues require rest periods. Taking a break may alleviate discomfort. However, worsening symptoms merit medical evaluation. Masturbation habits affect genital well-being significantly. Moderation prevents strain on intimate areas. Pay attention to any concerning changes. Consulting an urologist can resolve uncertainties surrounding genital health responsibly.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
A month ago . I have just feels a fluid in my right testis . Then i have an appointment with my doctor urologist A minimal hydrocele was seen in my right testis Doctor gave me some medicines but no effect yet . What should i do now
Male | 26
Hydrocele could be a common condition where an extra amount of liquid forms around the testicle causing swelling. There are cases when medications are not effective and surgery is required to be done. This can be done by a urologist and this is a minor surgery that drains extra fluid. This may be a simple procedure that can help to eliminate the issue. It would be a good idea to see your urologist for a check-up and take it from there.
Answered on 16th July '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I masturbated after i started feeling a pain in the lower part of my penis. On a scale of 1 to 10 its a 2.
Male | 22
All too often individuals complain about the pain that is located in the lower region of a penis as a result of masturbation. If the procedure is too hard or if there is a lack of lubrication, pain is likely to develop. But, you said discomfort is usually around a 2 out of 10. To get over it, you can have a time out for a few days without masturbating, doing gentle strokes on the skin with lube, and ensuring appropriate lubrication the next time.
Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
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