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Male | 58

¿Cómo puedo eliminar las manchas negras de mi cara?

como quitar manchas negras en la cara

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Las manchas negras en la cara suelen ser el resultado de la exposición al sol, cambios hormonales o inflamación de la piel. Suelen formarse como áreas planas que son más oscuras que la piel circundante. Para eliminar estas manchas, puedes optar por utilizar cremas de venta libre que contengan retinol o hidroquinona, entre otras cosas. Además, también es necesario mantener la piel a salvo de los rayos solares aplicándole protector solar a diario. Si las manchas persisten o tiene dudas, acudir a undermatólogoes la mejor opción para una mayor evaluación y tratamiento.

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Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (1992)

Is it possible for herpes signs to show up suddenly after 5 months of being with someone

Female | 22

Yes, it is possible. Visit a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Delaying treatment can lead to complications and the risk of transmitting the infection to others.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I pinched the tip of my penis head and I got a mild hematoma. How do I treat it?

Male | 29

I recommend that you see an urologist promptly for appropriate assessment and diagnosis of the true nature of your condition. Do not use any home treatment since it may worsen the hematoma. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Hi...i am having itchy rash outside my vagina and thighs , its been 2days

Female | 24

Fungal infections can lead to an itchy rash in the vaginal and thigh area. The warm and humid climate is an ideal growth environment for fungi. Keep the area dry and clean. You can use antifungal creams available over the counter to help clear it up. Moreover, wearing loose and breathable clothes is also important. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Yeast infection caused by bactrim

Female | 35

It is uncommon, that Bactrim might cause a yeast infection. This happens because the good and bad bacteria equilibrium in the body can be tipped by Bactrim thus allowing yeast to thrive. Among the symptoms are itching, redness, and a thick discharge. Probiotics and antifungal medicines can be used to cure this. It’s also a good idea to talk with your doctor about other possible medications.

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Allergy hoti ha bhut jada

Male | 21

If you are experiencing frequent or severe allergies, it might be due to a reaction to something in your environment, food, or even medication. It's important to identify the trigger and manage it effectively. Visit an allergist or immunologist who can provide you with proper guidance and treatment.

Answered on 16th Aug '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

I suddenly move Rajasthan here temprature 48° my full body back sunburn skin damage and full body itching and pimples redness please suggest me best cream and moisturizer for speedy recovery

Male | 26

This happens when the sun’s rays damage your skin; it makes it turn red and sometimes itch or even have bumps that look like pimples. A mild lotion containing aloe plus some moisturizer should be applied frequently to speed up treatment. For now, however, take much fluid since this will help speed up recovery too; rest in a cool place without being exposed again until things get better.

Answered on 4th June '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

I am a 24 year old boy who is suffering from hair fall, can you suggest how should I proceed?

prpb/ follitech laser

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Newderma Aesthetic clinic

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