Female | 19
Puis-je gérer l'énurésie nocturne et les maux de dos pendant mes études en soins infirmiers ?
Salut, je suis une femme de 19 ans depuis 14 ans, je faisais toujours pipi sur mon lit. Je ne sais pas comment dire cela médicalement, chaque fois que je m'endors avec un médicament, je me réveille sur mon lit complètement mouillé. J'ai commencé à consulter les médecins quand j'avais 13 ans. Les médecins m'ont dit que j'avais une infection à chaque fois et m'ont dit d'arrêter de boire de l'eau après 4h30 du matin. À un moment donné de ma vie, je n'en ai jamais parlé à aucun de mes amis et je détestais chaque fois que mes parents le disaient à mes mes proches et maintenant, comme aujourd'hui, j'ai extrêmement mal au dos et j'ai aussi faim. J'ai le ventre ces derniers mois. Je prends des médicaments mais ils sont chers et mes parents détestent quand je leur dis que mes médicaments sont terminés. Je ne sais pas quoi. à faire, je suis en 3ème année de mon baccalauréat en infirmière, alors comment diable suis-je censé travailler par équipes sans rien prendre, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît

Answered on 9th Sept '24
L'énurésie, une condition dans laquelle on ne peut pas contrôler sa vessie pendant le sommeil, pourrait en être la cause. Cela peut être dû à des infections ou au stress. Les maux de dos et les problèmes d’estomac pourraient être liés. Vos études d'infirmière rendent d'autant plus important de vous faire aider par un médecin pour déterminer la cause exacte et le meilleur traitement, surtout en cas de doute. Assurez-vous de tout dire à votre médecin et d'expliquer à vos parents pourquoi il est important que vous continuiez à prendre vos médicaments.
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Questions & Answers on "Urology" (991)
Why can't I stop nocturnal enuresis
Female | 19
it can be caused by an overactive bladder or hormonal imbalances and sleep apnea. For children, it is recommended to seek advice from a pediatrician or urologist; for adults—a urologist and gynecologist. Looking for immediate medical attention can lead to the right diagnosis and consequently, a tailored treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
When I do sex I get discharged in 10min
Female | 42
One of the common sexual problems is rapid ejaculation known as quick discharge during sexual intimacy with her or him. Visiting a urologist or a sexologist is a highly recommended option for correct diagnosis and an ultimate solution.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I am a 21 year old male. I have groin pain and frequent urination with back pains. I’m sweating and feeling weak. Please I need help
Male | 21
The symptoms you have mentioned may point to a urinary tract infection (UTI). These are common and can lead to the indicated symptoms. To help yourself, make sure you drink plenty of water, never hold your urine, and maybe apply a warm compress to your lower abdomen. However, it is important to consult a urologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I'm having erectile dysfunction during sex. I can't maintain an erection during the sex and I get tired as if I have ejaculated even when I did not. I also have lower back pain.
Male | 32
Experiencing erectile dysfunction and having lower back pain can be related, but it's necessary to consult with a urologist or an experienced doctor for proper evaluation. ED can have physical or psychological causes, while lower back pain can stem from various factors. A urologist or sexual health specialist can assess your symptoms, determine the underlying cause, and recommend appropriate treatment options. Seeking medical advice is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and personalized guidance.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
i tested positive for chlamydia but my partner tested negative
Female | 20
You should consult a doctor immidiately. A negative test of your partner does not mean they are free of infections, because it could take time for bacteria to turn up in the test. It is recommended to consult a gynecologist or a urologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
ज्यादा हस्तमैथून के कारण लिंग टेढा हो गया है ओर तनाव भी नही आता हैं । हमेशा कमजोरी महसूस करता हूं
Male | 25
Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri
What make something that looks like sperm to come out from my penis
Male | 24
The chance that the fluid you mentioned is semen is high which is the normal product of the male reproductive system. Nevertheless, if the pain or unusual appearance has any appearance, immediate consultation with your urologist is required for definite diagnostic and treatment purposes.
Answered on 16th Sept '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Please i have small penis, is there means to do to increase it because my wife is not enjoy it like that
Other | 24
Yes penis ENLARGEMENT surgery can increase penis size.. However it's risky and complications may arise.. Alternative options include penis extenders, pumps, and exercises..stem cell therapy also can help you with penis enlargement. It's important to CONSULT a doctor before attempting any of these methods.. Communication with your partner is also important in addressing any CONCERNS..
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Why can i not pull my foreskin back
Male | 17
Sometimes your foreskin might be difficult to pull back. This happens when the opening is too tight, called phimosis. You could feel pain or discomfort trying to retract it. If so, see a urologist - they may suggest gentle stretching or medication.
Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
My penis is hurting so bad I can't sleep.
Male | 19
The symptoms you are experiencing may indicate an infection or inflammation on the surface of the penis. It is essential to see a urologist who can diagnose the problem and give a proper treatment regimen. Do not try self-medicating and get a medical checkup immediately.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi I felt a lump on penis after a wild intercourse maybe it folded in between process lump is in mid of the part no visual felt just tangible lump
Male | 29
You shouldn't worry too much about the lump on your penis after intercourse. It might just be swelling caused by friction during sex. Or maybe it's a cyst or blocked oil gland, which isn't serious. But if it doesn't go away soon or hurts, you should get it checked out by a urologist.
Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I am having UTI can i take flygly 400mg
Female | 26
As a medical expert, I would urge to get a doctor advice before start taking Flygly 400mg. UTI is a bacterial infection that requires a combination of antibiotics used depending on the nature, severity of the infection. I would advise a visit to a urologist or a gynecologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I have been experiencing erectile dysfunction since i was 14 and im not sure what to do
Male | 16
The erectile dysfunction in young men can be a symptom of an underlying disease and it should not be neglected. A urologist should be consulted to be sure. Ignoring the issue will only make things worse.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Can epididymitis go away for itself?
Male | 20
Epididymitis may resolve on its own, especially when caused by a nonbacterial factor like a viral infection. This condition can lead to pain, swelling, and discoloration of the scrotum. Bacterial infections are the primary cause, followed by sexually transmitted infections. At the first sign of suspected epididymitis, seek medical advice from an urologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics.
Answered on 29th July '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I am 21 yeaRs old I think I have suffer erectile dysfunction what is the solution
Male | 21
If you think you're suffering from erectile dysfunction then seek personalized advice from a urologist for appropriate treatment. Lifestyle changes, communication, counseling, medications, and medical treatments may help improve your condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
My child has 6 year old and he is pain on penis and feel like swelling.
Male | 6
Your child's penis seems sore and swollen - that's balanitis. The causes? Poor hygiene, soap irritation, even detergent. Rinse the area gently with warm water, and mild soap. If there's no improvement, see a urologist. They'll check for infections, and treat properly. It's quite common. Keep the area clean, watch closely. With proper care, balanitis usually clears quickly.
Answered on 17th July '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi ma'am Ma'am my question is why I feel horny all the day ma'am please and my penis get quickly erect when I suddenly open insta reel
Male | 18
People often feel that sexual urge more than once a day throughout. If your sexual drive is far exceeding the normal range or if you generally are worried about your sexual health, you would be advised to go to a urologist or a therapist who can, keeping in mind your unique case, appropriately guide and advise you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
My son is suffering from VUR on right side frequently trapped by UTI Got his pyeloplasty done a month ago on left side Augmentin DDS is antibiotic I am giving him on profalxis
Male | 1.5 years
VUR, which means that urine flows back up towards the kidney, can cause frequent UTIs. Symptoms can include pain while urinating, fever, and abdominal discomfort. On the left side, pyeloplasty helps with drainage. Augmentin DDS is an antibiotic that can help prevent UTIs. Be sure to administer this antibiotic to your son regularly as per the urologist's instructions to stop further infections.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
यूरिनरी ब्लाडर में पेशाब बनते ही तेज जलन। अंड कोष में कमर में और जांघो में दर्द। पेशाब बार बार जाने की इक्छा। फीवर आ रहा बार बार पेशाब में बुलबुले आ रहे
Male | 46
Answered on 5th July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri
I'm 15 years today my urine colour change to pink colour yesterday I ate 2 cotton candy if any problem is there
Female | 15
Pink urine may indicate a symptom of a urinary tract infection or some other medical condition. You should seek the services of a urologist or nephrologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
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