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10 Best General Medical Consultation doctors in Vileparle

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Dr. Harshad Limaye General Medical Consultation

Dr. Harshad Limaye

General Physician

21 years of experience

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Harshad Limaye

Questions & Answers on "General Medical Consultation" (35)

I have a height issue my height is 5.3 ft i want to increase a height for a good looking. Do you have any treatment for my age 21 now.

Male | 21

By the age of 21, your bones have mostly finished developing, and your height is largely determined by genetics. At this point, increasing your height further is unlikely. However, maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep can help you reach your maximum potential height. 

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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I am a 14 year old male and i am confused am i going through puberty or ended it because they say that when height is stopped growing ouberty ends and i am already 3 inches taller than my father at this age and when i started puberty around 12 my height was almost same as my father so how when is it going ti end? I have noticed little bit height growth in the past few months possibly 1 cm

Male | 14

Hello! It seems you’re worried about how tall you will get and when puberty will end. It’s natural to feel insecure. Puberty normally stops around 18 for boys when they’ve had all the major growth spurts that can make them taller than ever before. If you’ve only started noticing yourself growing in height lately then this might mean your body is still changing because of puberty. Keep eating well, sleeping enough and exercising so your growth can be supported!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can i increase my height my dad is tall and my mom is short im little short of my mom's height

Male | 14

It's completely normal for people to be shorter or taller than their parents. Several things, including genetics and nutrition, can affect how tall someone is. Eat well, sleep enough, and keep moving. Unfortunately, there's no quick fix, but looking after yourself may help you achieve your maximum potential height.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir I am 18 years old. My height is increased but my weight is not increase. I am the thinnest boy of my village. I eat lot of food but my weight is not increase what should I do

Male | 18

If you eat a lot but still can’t gain weight, maybe you have a high metabolism. But sometimes hyperthyroidism or other medical conditions can do that too. You should see a doctor to find out what’s going on. Then they can give you some advice and help with that. 

Answered on 7th Jan '25

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