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10 Best Gynecological Cancer Treatment doctors in Santoshpur

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Dr. Sanjay Sen Gynecological Cancer Treatment
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecological Cancer Treatment" (366)

My Self Lalit from India. My Mother is Stage 4 cancer patient. I want to Know that Initially doctors give letrozole medicine but now they have changed it to anastrozole which is less effective than letrozole.

Female | 43

There in no reported difference in efficacy of these two drugs.

Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Shiv Mishra

A 45 year old woman just had surgery of left kidney removal due to renal cell carcinoma. A report came back saying “Microscopically; - left side radical nephrectomy ; - Sections show; renal cell carcinoma, nuclear grade Ill according WHO/ISUP grading system (composed of 4 grade), the growth composed of diffuse, tubular micropapillary patterns, the cells having granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, with invasion of pelvicalyseal system and renal sinus. Minimal tumor necrosis. Positive Lymphovascular and renal capsular invasion (but no invasion to perirenal fat). No renal vein invasion. Pieces of rib was tumor free. The growth limited to kidney, no extra renal extension. AJCC TNM staging 2N0Mx group stage I| (T2= mass > 7 cm< 10 cm limited to kidney)”. Some doctors are stating that chemotherapy is needed now because there is a risk of it being spread in the body (not necessarily organs). So my question is what does this report summarize or mean? Can you explain it to me and how chemotherapy really is needed?

Female | 45

Che­motherapy aims to eliminate unse­en cancer cells, pre­venting future recurre­nce. It serves as a pre­cautionary measure against the dise­ase. Chemotherapy targe­ts potential residual cancer ce­lls undetectable through scans. This additional tre­atment bolsters defe­nses, reducing chances of cance­r's return. It provides an extra safe­guard, increasing the odds of successful manageme­nt.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

Hi, My aunt is very recently diagnosed with skin cancer. I do have her medical report with me. Will it be feasible for you to have a look at the reports we got from doctor and suggest/advice me on next step. Suggest about what stage the cancer is, what should be the treatment and which hospital I can admit her? Thanks Sachin

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Dr Deepa Bandgar

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