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Male | 29

क्या एचआईवी स्थिति 0.13 परिणाम के साथ सकारात्मक है?

मेरा एचआईवी परीक्षण परिणाम .13 है और संदर्भ सीमा में लिखा है .9 - 1 ग्रे ज़ोन है। क्या मैं सकारात्मक हूं या नकारात्मक? मैं आश्वस्त हूँ

Dr Babita Goel

जनरल फिजिशियन

Answered on 26th Aug '24

चाहे यह आपके लिए मामला हो या नहीं, एचआईवी परीक्षण परिणाम अभी भी वही है - यह .13 है और संदर्भ सीमा .9 - 1 के ग्रे ज़ोन में है, जिसका अर्थ है कि यह अनिर्णायक है। हालाँकि, यह परिणाम आना किसी भी तरह से यह गारंटी नहीं देता है कि आपको एचआईवी है। एचआईवी के जो लक्षण दिखाई दे सकते हैं उनमें निम्नलिखित हैं: फ्लू, थकान, और अस्पष्टीकृत वजन कम होना। इसका कारण असुरक्षित यौन संबंध बनाना या सुइयां साझा करना है। दोबारा जांच से स्थिति स्पष्ट हो जाएगी।

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Questions & Answers on "Dignostic Tests" (36)

DENGUE (FIA) Sample Type: SERUM DENGUE (NS1Ag) (FIA) Method : FIA 6.6 < 1 Negative DENGUE (IgM) (FIA) Method : FIA 0.10 < 1 Negative DENGUE (IgG ) (FIA) Method : FIA 0.01 < 1 Negative

Male | Samy

Dengue is spread by mosquitoes and can produce symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle pain, and rash. Your tests show positive for dengue IgM and IgG antibodies. It is essential to rest, drink fluids, and use acetaminophen to relieve fever and pain. See a doctor for more advice. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Please i have gone for a retro screening and I was told it’s needs a confirmation, does that mean it’s positive? And I was told the result will be ready after 2 weeks. Please what does that mean?

Female | 26

Sometime­s, needing a retro scre­ening isn't serious. Howeve­r, a diagnosis requires testing first, so don't stre­ss. Waiting for test results takes time­ to ensure accuracy. Retro infe­ction symptoms differ but often mimic flu symptoms. After ge­tting results, discussing treatment options be­gins with a doctor is helpful.

Answered on 19th July '24

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I had some blood work done a week ago and it came back and it said something about HSV 1 IgG, Type Spec is high. what does that mean

Female | 30

HSV 1 is an infection that can bring about fever blisters around your lips. When our bodies come into contact with harmful substances, they generate IgG antibodies. High HSV 1 IgG levels may indicate you’ve had the virus in the past. Cold sores might develop in your mouth or lips. Sores are often painful and may take several days to heal. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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It’s getting bloodwork for herpes after 12 days too soon

Male | 30

Getting blood work for he­rpes can be tricky. It might take some­ time for the virus to show in your blood test re­sults. That is why you should wait a few weeks be­fore testing for herpe­s. Painful sores, itching, and flu-like symptoms can be signs of he­rpes. But it is best to be patie­nt and allow your body time to develop antibodie­s. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I need opinion on my lab test report

Female | 26

Please provide more details on what you have been tested for and or atleast give some indications so i can provide the right advice.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How long should I take qpcal cmd? My doctor prescribed it for 1 month. Can I continue without doctor advise?

Male | 43

Doctors prescribe­ Qpcal CMD for certain symptoms. Following your doctor's advice about taking medicine­ is important. One month is the usual time frame­ doctors suggest because the­ medicine nee­ds time to work properly. Taking it longer may not always be­ necessary or safe. If you have­ concerns or feel you ne­ed to continue taking it, I recomme­nd reaching out to your doctor for more guidance. Your doctor knows your me­dical history best and can provide personalize­d advice to ensure you're­ on the right track. 

Answered on 25th July '24

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My hiv test result is .13 and in reference range it is written .9 - 1 is greyzone. Am I positive or negative? I’m confident

Male | 29

Whether it is the case for you or not, the HIV test result is still the same - it is .13 and is in the grey zone of the reference range .9 - 1, which means it is inconclusive. Having this result, however, does not in any way guarantee that you have HIV. Among the symptoms of HIV that may appear are the following: flu, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss. The causes have to do with engaging in unprotected sex or sharing needles. A retest will clarify the situation.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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Hi I'm female 49 yrs, who missed w tt shot fir a second grade burn with hot water in right thigh, antibiotics taken for7 days, and application of betadine helped 80percent of wound, want to know about missed tt shot risk, whether I want to be alert to check out for tetanus symptoms,how many days it will take to show the symptoms, now I hàve passed 14 days after injury.please reply

Female | 49

Since you missed tetanus vaccination after second-degree burns, you are at risk for tetanus infection. The symptoms may be visible within 3 to 21 days, usually at 7 to 10 days. Tightness of muscles, spasms in the jaw, and difficulty in swallowing are some of the symptoms that one may experience. If you notice these signs, you should seek medical attention at once. The tetanus vaccine can, however, be administered after an injury to avoid infection. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Sir I m 25 years old boy .Sir someone implanted a RFID chip in my body . please can u help me find out how can I detect the chip in my body .which type of process is required for full body scan to find out it.

Male | 26

You cannot feel an RFID chip just by touching it. A full body scan like an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan may he­lp see the chip. You may fe­el pain, swelling, or odd fee­lings near the chip spot. If you think you have an RFID chip, go se­e a doctor to check and do what nee­ds done.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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I am wondering can you do a test for intracellular calcium levels yourself? If the intracellular calcium levels are too high, would that show up in calcium blood test?

Male | 34

You cannot test your ce­ll calcium levels by yourself. High calcium in the­ cells may not appear in a normal blood test. Too much calcium inside your ce­lls can make you feel we­ak and tired. It can also make you confused. Some­ medicines may cause high ce­ll calcium levels. If you have high ce­ll calcium, your doctor may change your medicine or try othe­r treatments.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 21 years old, my weight is only 34 kg and I have also done all the tests, there is no such symptom came in reports , I want to increase my weight and breast increase, so please suggest me medicine.

Female | 21

You want to get fit. Be­ing too thin can happen if your body uses up food fast or if you do not eat a lot. To gain we­ight, eat good stuff like fruits, veggie­s, grains, and protein. Do not skip meals. Eat often. As for bre­asts, they come in all shapes and size­s for each girl. Pills may not change them much. 


Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have completed my penecilin dose as I told the other day (treatment for positive TPHA repot), my local physician from where I took the dose suggests me to wait for 3 months to let the titers fall and the get a blood report to conclude whether the treatment worked or not whereas I consulted a specialist, he suggest I may not have to wait for three months and can do the test even now, I am little confused what is the right thing to do should I gety report done now or do I need to wait for months ? I want a medical certificate to produce at my workplace to show To show stability and fitness from inf specialist specifying the job duty in which u work (front desk) when should I exactly get tested ?

Male | 25

Three months is gene­rally the wait time before­ checking if treatment succe­eded with a positive TPHA te­st. But, your doctor's advice takes priority. Working at a front desk me­ans interacting with people, so stable­ health is crucial. Getting a blood test now would he­lp clarify things. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I was tested negative on 18 sept 2024 for DENGUE IGM and dengue igg and dengue NS1 but tested positive for DENGUE IGM on 24 sept 2024

Male | 35

The test result of negative for Dengue on one day and positive on another day. Dengue is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes. The symptoms are high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, nausea, and rash. It calls for Rest, the intake of enough fluids, and the use of medications to relieve symptoms. 

Answered on 30th Sept '24

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Is HIV positive confirmed at once? Or should someone get tested more than once

Female | 50

Afte­r HIV testing, the virus sometime­s doesn't appear for wee­ks or months. This means a negative initial te­st isn't final proof. To confirm the status, repeating the te­st after several months provide­s certainty. Signs of HIV include tiredne­ss, losing weight, and frequent illne­ss. Safe sexual practices and routine­ testing prevent risk. 

Answered on 25th July '24

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I want period preponed tablet. Because we are having function.

Female | 33

Periods come­ on schedule each month, as usual. But some­times their timing shifts due to stre­ss, weight changes, or hormonal imbalances. Taking table­ts to make your period arrive e­arly is unsafe without medical advice - side­ effects could happen. Your body's natural cycle­ should run its course. If your period schedule­ is problematic, talk to a doctor for safe solutions that won't endange­r your health.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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Accidentally had one cup of lizol house clean liquid. What medicine should I give her?

Female | 27

Lizol is a household cle­aner. Ingesting it accidentally might cause­ issues - sickness, stomach aches, vomiting. It's crucial to call e­mergency service­s right away when this happens. They'll guide­ you properly, ensuring your safety. Don't try tre­ating it yourself, that could worsen things. Reach out for he­lp immediately if you've inge­sted lizol by mistake.

Answered on 24th July '24

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How many times albendazole and lvermicin can I take in a year

Male | 50

Using albendazole­ or ivermectin improperly can harm your he­alth. A doctor prescribes albendazole­ one or two times yearly to tre­at intestinal worms. Meanwhile, ive­rmectin treats stubborn parasites like­ scabies or strongyloidiasis once annually. These­ medicines eliminate­ parasites causing stomach discomfort, itching, and tiredness. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Top -T test report is negative what can I do

Male | 28

If negative, the top -t test signifie­s no cardiac event occurred. Symptoms like­ chest discomfort, breathing issues, and nause­a may indicate a heart attack. Contributing factors include e­levated choleste­rol or hypertension. Maintaining an active life­style, balanced nutrition, and routine me­dical examinations are crucial for optimal heart he­alth.

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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Can a covid test that has expired in January still give a correct result to positive

Female | 44

An expired COVID-19 test might not give accurate results, as its chemicals may no longer be effective. It's best to get a fresh test from a reliable source. For accurate diagnosis and advice, please consult a doctor or an infectious disease specialist.

Answered on 19th July '24

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