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10 Best Liver Disease doctors in Goregaon East

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Questions & Answers on "Liver Disease" (133)

I have symptom of jaundice last 8 years

Male | 22

send your abdomen ultrasound report and follow these herbal combination initially, sootshekhar ras 125 mg twice a day, pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water

Answered on 9th July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

Livar me dhabbe hai our sujan bhi hai livar me jiyada problem hai koi hal btayiye plz

Male | 58

Liver spots and swelling can indicate serious issues like fatty liver disease or hepatitis. It is crucial to see a hepatologist, a liver specialist, for proper diagnosis and treatment. Self-treatment is not recommended. Please consult a hepatologist as soon as possible for a detailed evaluation and appropriate care.

Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Gross Description: Specimen received in formalin with proper lab no. consists of one tan brown linear piece of tissue. It measures 1.2x0.2cm. Submitted as such. Microscopic Examination: Sections show linear core of liver tissue. The liver tissue shows mild distortion of the lobular architecture. NAS score: Steatosis: 2 (about 52% of hepatocytes) Lobular inflammation: 1 (2 foci/200x) Hepatocytes ballooning: 2 (Many hepatocytes) Total NAS score: 5/8 Fibrosis: Ic (Periportal) Diagnosis: NAS score: 5/8 Fibrosis: le Is that report is Normal. Pls explain?

Male | 28

Your liver has some­ issues according to the report. It's inflame­d and swollen with fat deposits. Obesity, chole­sterol problems, or alcohol could cause the­se changes. To improve live­r health, focus on eating right, exe­rcising regularly, and giving up alcohol. Taking care of your liver is crucial for ove­rall well-being.

Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

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