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Stem Cell Therapy Autism Success Stories At StemRx

The outcome of stem cell therapy in autism is remarkably positive. 91% of individuals with autism have shown clinical improvements. Don’t believe it? Then do not miss reading our inspiring patient story on stem cell therapy for autism in India.

By Snigdha Sahai

25th Oct '23

Name: Abdu

Gender: Male

Age: 17 years

Country of Origin: Congo, Africa

Treatment at: StemRx Bioscience Solutions Private Limited

Treatment for: Stem cell Therapy


Abdu, a 17 years old boy, and his mother are happy to share a story of stem cell therapy treatment in India. Abdu was suffering from short-term memory loss. The major problem he faced was that he could not remember things. He knows that there is a thing called a pen, but he doesn't remember the purpose of it.

From the beginning, until age 5, he was normal. After age 12, he started eating half of his body's requirements. After that, he started showing some different behaviors. For example, he used to eat three times more than his capacity.


Another problem he was having was that he was introverted and hyperactive in some cases, and doctors at his native place also said he had mental retardation.


His parents were worried about Abdu's condition and desperately sought help, which they could not find in their native place. Through some contact, they came to India. Abdu and his mother came to Delhi, India, for treatment of Abdu, but after various Blood tests, MRI, and X-rays, the doctors could not find the problem he was having. 


During this journey, Abdu's mother came into contact with clinic spots. Our team members reached out to them, listened to their queries, and tried to solve them. Our team members reached out to Dr. Pradeep Mahajan. He suggested the line of treatment for Abdu with 2 stem cell therapy sessions.


There were 4 video consultations with the patient and our team members.


  • 1st video call- our team member had the first video call with the patient and his mother. He was wearing a mask throughout the video call but didn't remember why he was wearing it. There were several incidents where he knew that there was a particular thing called a pen, but he doesn't remember the purpose of it.
  • 2nd Video call- The second video consultation was between our team members, the doctor, and the patient and his mother. This session was mainly about the patient's mother's doubts regarding stem cell therapy. However, Dr. Mahajan cleared all her doubts regarding the treatment.
  • 3rd Video Call- During the 3rd Video Call, the patient's sister joined the conversation as she was aware of autism. She understood the treatment process well and was satisfied with the answers of Dr. Pradeep. However, she had a question that the best treatment for autism could be done at the age of 5-10 years, but her brother was 17.

    How will he adapt to this treatment?

    Dr told her that stem cell therapy could be done at any age, no matter how old you are. However, the body will adapt to the process slowly compared to age 5, but it will be effective.
  • 4th Video Call- It was mainly regarding the accommodation in Mumbai, Tickets related queries, and other procedures.


Once they arrived in Mumbai, they went to StemRx Bioscience Solutions Private limited for treatment. Once they had reached the hospital, our team members went to meet them in person and motivated them throughout the journey.


Abdu was admitted to Stemrx Bioscience Solutions Private Limited under the guidance of Dr. Pradeep Mahajan. Dr. Pradeep Mahajan suggested a treatment plan of stem cell therapy for 30 days, but he took it for 21 days as they had less time.


The doctor followed the sandwich protocol.


This protocol includes- Collection of bone marrow from the patient's body and injecting it into the spinal cord on the first day, followed by a physiotherapy session for seven days, and again the process is repeated for 21 days. Quality treatment was given to him with proper medical care.


The staff was also very co-operative. The hospital itself provided accommodation for Abdu's mother.


The treatment cost him around 6,200 USD for 21 days. During the treatment process, he had undergone various emotional phases and self-doubt. However, our team was constantly in touch with him and motivated him throughout the treatment.

After treatment, he was advised to attend physiotherapy sessions for at least six months.


The patient's mother, who was with him throughout this journey, has expressed great satisfaction with the treatment and has seen improvement in him.


Note:  We respect our patient's privacy so the name has been changed to maintain confidentiality.


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