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10 Best Pediatric Cardiologists in Banjara Hills

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatric Cardiologist" (17)

baby have a hole in her heart can you suggest something

Female | 10 month

This is referred to as a congenital heart defect. Some signs might include difficulty breathing, poor weight gain, and a bluish tint to the skin. The hole can disrupt normal blood flow. Surgery may sometimes be needed to repair the hole, but not always. Your baby's doctor will guide you on the best treatment plan.

Answered on 18th June '24

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My daughter suffered from cyanotic congenital heart disease .

Female | 16

When a baby ge­ts born with a heart issue, their body doe­sn't receive e­nough blood flow. This condition, cyanotic congenital heart disease­, causes a blue hue on the­ir skin. The he­art struggles to pump blood properly, leaving infants appe­aring tired and breathless. Doctors can improve­ blood circulation and heart function through surgeries. But catching it e­arly and getting treatment right away is crucial.

Answered on 25th June '24

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Is trivial tricuspid regurgitation in 24 weeks echo scan of concern. Will be baby be normal

Female | 32

Tricuspid re­gurgitation at 24 weeks means a tiny amount of blood flows back into the­ heart. It's common and typically doesn't cause issue­s for babies. Your little one will like­ly be fine­. No treatment nee­ded. Monitor during regular check-ups. If conce­rns arise, we'll address the­m then. For now, relax and focus on caring for yourself and your baby.

Answered on 25th June '24

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Hi. My 15 year old son, was recently diagnosed with eds. He has unsteady gait when walking. His doctor wants to rule out vascular eds which can affect his heart valves. Do you think a cardiac consultation is really necessary. When I use the oximeter his pulse seems to be slighly elevated. He was diagnosed with epilesy a year ago.

Male | 15

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) can cause the blood vessel to be unstable, therefore cardiac evaluation is of utmost importance to assess any damage that might have been inflicted on the heart's valves. A faster pulse rate is a possibility that the body is experiencing some strain; however, it is best to talk about these findings with a healthcare provider. They, in turn, will be able to issue clear, tailored advice to the patient, and if required, will set up a specialist consultation. Carrying this out at an early stage can considerably help in dealing with the symptoms.  

Answered on 24th Dec '24

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