10 Best Pediatric Neurosurgery doctors in Talwade
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Questions & Answers on "Pediatric Neurosurgery" (48)
My name is shameer .I have surgery L1 burst .and loss control on bladder and bowel .11 months completed .how gain Bladder regaining power
Male | 23
It is tough to cope with the loss of control over the bladder and bowel. These problems may occur after L1 burst surgery due to injury to the nerves. Symptoms of this include not feeling the need to pee or poop or leaking. The positive news is that you can regain bladder control with pelvic floor exercises and bladder training. Request your doctor or physiotherapist to devise a plan for strengthening those muscles.
Answered on 10th Sept '24
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dear doctor my mother has an inoperable grade 4 glioblastoma diagnosed in february 2024. Her tumor measures 7.4x4.6x3.4 cm. she is undergoing radiotherapy and is taking chemotherapy tablets called themodal could you please give your specialist opinion?
Female | 52
Glioblastoma is an aggressive form of brain cancer, which is not feasible for us to deal with. The disease may result in symptoms viz. severe headaches, nausea, and changes in the body's functioning. Conventional methods in the stream of treatment rather than the mainstay are therapies using radiation and chemotherapy drugs of oral forms like tablets for chemotherapy. Both approaches of treatment are prevalent to slow down the growth of the cancer and manage symptoms. Keeping the neurosurgeons instructions in mind and monitoring her condition at regular intervals is the only way to achieve a favorable outcome.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My little brother is when he was 3 years old, he was hit by a motorbike, due to which he had a big injury in his head, his head was broken by his head. He was in coma a couple of months, but he could not walk, but he could not walk, Now he is 10 years old.but he cannot move.Dear sir tell me how to treat him.
Male | 10
It sounds like he experienced a severe head injury at a young age, resulting in significant impairments. Given the complexity of your brother's situation, it would be best to seek the expertise of specialists such as pediatric neurologists or neurosurgeons,
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My father suffered right subdural hematoma, and underwent surgery on 11/12/24 but on the repeat scan of 16/12/24, there was still residual hematoma, so what should be the further management. His bp stays high, in the range of 170-180 systolic, but diastolic is in normal range. Now he has left sided loss of power but he can move all limbs, gcs is 15/15, no vomiting or headache.
Male | 68
Nice to know that your father is fully awake and GCS is intact at 15. A remaining hematoma can sometimes need extra checkups. His high blood pressure is dangerous and the doctors should address it as it has an impact on the recovery. The weakness in the left side of the body is probably due to the intermitted functioning of the hematoma in the brain. You must get advice from his neurologist for personalized management, which will cover such measures as controlling blood pressure, monitoring his symptoms carefully, or seeking additional intervention for a hematoma.
Answered on 20th Dec '24
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I am 48 years old and suffering from carpal tunnel from past 6 years. Earlier problem was not so much but now I am feeling numbness in my right hand while writing or doing any particular work. Should I go for surgery? Is there any physiotherapy after surgery and after how long I can do writing work as I am a teacher
Female | 48
You should go for surgery if your symptoms are very severe and make it difficult for you to do your everyday activities. Yes, after surgery, physiotherapy is done for better flexibility and strength. When can you resume writing and other work depends on the type of surgery you had and other things. It is important to listen to your doctor and start writing only after consulting him.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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