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Male | Anurag

Can touching used condom cause fever and headache?

Sir mene prostitute k saath condom ka used karke sex kiya uske baad mene uss condom ko touch kar liya ta aage se 5 din k baad mujhe fever start ho gya aur sar dard bi

Answered on 20th Dec '24

Your health is likely the main thing that concerns you after the incident, and that is understandable. It can be caused by a host of different reasons, such as viral infections, stress, or anxiety. While the health risk from contact with a used condom is almost nonexistent, it’s vital to keep an eye on your symptoms. To recuperate, drink lots of water, take a break, and utilize OTC drugs as necessary. In case your condition does not resolve or even get worse, please talk to a sexologist and ask for their advice. 

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Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (949)

If my boyfriend rub his pennies to my vagina can I get pregnant

Female | 20

When a man rubs his private part against a woman's private part, the result can be pregnancy--in other words, sperm, which is essential for making a baby, may be introduced into the woman's body. Pregnancy signs include late periods and queasy feelings. The method to avoid getting pregnant is by protecting yourself using a condom every time you get into this kind of contact.!

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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After taking bath I found some drops of semen leaked from my penis.iam a Muslim boy that's why I am not able to pray please tell me solution.

Male | 14

It seems that you had what's known as “pre-ejaculate” after your shower. This is a natural fluid that can be released before or after sperm. It usually occurs as a result of being turned on and doesn’t indicate any problems with health. 

Answered on 29th May '24

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I am 39 years old not yet married, last one year Continuously doing masturbution, last 4 days continues vibration around my peni ,what is treatement for this problem any tablet is there.

Male | 39

It seems like you are facing side effects of excessive masturbation.. 

Masturbation is a natural phenomenon. All men do this but as a natural principle… excess of everything is always bad, so you must try to control it.

Don't do it more than once or twice in a month.

Don't worry you can do that... just do not watch porn… Try not to be remain alone, don't read or view sexual literature, books, whatsApp & porn videos etc.

Avoid oily, more spicy, Chilly and junk foods.

Do exercise daily for one hr or yoga mainly Pranayam… Meditation… vajroli Mudra... Ashwini mudra. Start reading religious books.

Please note that now a days the main drawback and side effect of the masturbation is once you are addicted to masturbation mostly and always by watching porn… where you get different type of stories... relations... girls… body... and styles... etc.

Once u got married u don't get all those things with wife so u don't get aroused and you don't get proper erection.

Now a day's mostly patients comes to us with the complaint that they are not able to get erection with wife in the bed but they are getting erection in the bathroom while masturbation.

This is creating a lot of problem in their married life so my advice is to control it. If u are not able to do so then you must consult your family doctor, many times it's not possible to control without the help of your doctor.

You can take Chandra kala ras 1 tablet morning and night after food

Yastimadhu chuma 3gms morning and night with water

Sidhamakara dwaja 1 tablet morning and night after food.

Do all the above suggested treatment for 3 months and see the results.
If you don" get satisfactory results then you can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.

My website

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to treat premature ejaculation

Male | 20

Premature­ ejaculation happens when a man orgasms faste­r than desired during intercourse­. It means ejaculating within one minute­ after starting sex. Many factors can lead to this. Fe­eling anxious or stressed contribute­s. Medical conditions too. However, the­re are ways to manage it. Re­laxation techniques and condoms reducing se­nsitivity help. Seeking the­rapy is another option. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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Me and my boyfriend had intimacy the day before yesterday. We didn't intercourse. It was my first time so we didn't intercourse. I am still a virgin. We just cuddled naked. He ejaculated outside in the bedsheet twice. He tried to finger me but I didn't let him do so. I am still scared of getting pregnant. Is there any chance?

Female | 20

Based on the information you have provided, the probability of pregnancy is almost zero since there was no intercourse and he came outside with ejaculation. Keep in mind that for the pregnancy to occur, the sperm should be in the vagina. If you're feeling nervous, you can always think about using protection in the future

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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I wiped my sperm with clothe and again I wiped my girlfriend private part is become pregnant because she getting delayed periods it's been 3 days

Female | 22

If your woman's period is a little late, it possibly could be because of a lot of things such as stress, hormonal changes, or even pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms include not having a period, appetite loss, nausea, or breast tenderness. The best way to find out is to take a home pregnancy test. Is your girlfriend willing to go and check her doctor before she and you start worrying? If the pregnancy case is positive, they would reassure and point out the necessary help for any health-related queries that you may have. 

Answered on 19th Dec '24

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I was had sex with a woman with a condom which was already used by her few hours ago then do I have any chances of getting hiv

Male | 19

Using a condom that has been used already has a small risk of getting HIV or other infections. The first signs of HIV are fever, tiredness, and body aches. To remain safe, you should always use a new condom and get tested for HIV regularly. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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I am having a lot of pain passing urine. I'm also bleeding a lot. This is after having sex with my s/o. We didn't use protection twice. I don't know if it's UTI or STI. I've never had this problem before and I'm terrified. Please assist

Female | 24

It appears from the symptoms you mention that something does not work well because of pain and bleeding which happen every time after having sexual intercourse. A UTI or an STI may be the cause of this. UTIs are infections that happen in the body's urinary tract, while STIs are infections that are transferred through sex. The most common symptoms are pain, burning when passing water, and bleeding. It is very important to see a doctor to make sure you're diagnosed and receive the proper treatment fast. Also, remember to always use protections during sex for instances of contamination.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 37 years old married woman . These days i hardly feel sexually aroused . What to do ? , please help

Female | 37

There can be many possibilities for the problem.. get yourself evaluated for best advice.. 

You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.
My website:

Answered on 19th Nov '24

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After taking medication for three to four months, I frequently have penile rashes, which go away and then return. Some flesh had a covering of dead skin like wounds this time around. could you please suggest me a better treatment where my condition would be completely cured.

Male | 27

Many times when it is borderline phimosis… Then during intercourse if you use proper lubricants like, lubic jelly, k-y jelly or any other jelly or oil etc. for both of you then many times there is no pain or tear of the foreskin and you can have painless intercourse.
But sometimes if the partner's vagina is very tight or dry then you may face problem.
So first you try the above said lubricants if your problem is not solved then you must consult a General Surgeon,

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 22 year old. I have sex( physical relationship) with my partner. I have done 2 rounds but I relief my spump out side. Can she get pregnant?

Male | 22

Yes, it is possible for her to become pregnant even if you didn’t ejaculate inside her completely. There are still sperm in pre-cum that can result in pregnancy. If she has symptoms such as a missed period, feeling sick or throwing up a lot, or her breasts being sore and tender – then it is possible that she may be pregnant. To avoid this, use protection every time you have sex. 

Answered on 29th May '24

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I have issue with my penius size and when I had sex with my partner I can't last long for few months I don't know what happened to me I want perfect Dr for that n no addict medicines any solution??

Male | 33

Such problems may result from different things such as stress, anxiety, or certain medical conditions. Take good care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and engaging in physical exercises regularly. Besides, try to open up with your spouse about this matter and at the same time practice some relaxation methods together. 

Answered on 12th June '24

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Hello Dr. I have a sex related problem I'am 22 years old and i was masturbate when i was only 13 year old and i was masturbate daily two times since 9 year and now last 3 to 4 years i'am suffering from erectile dysfunction and pre mature ejacultion and i am addict off masturbation.

Male | 22

Hello, it's seems like you are facing side effects of excessive masturbation.. 

your problem of erectile dysfunction and pre-mature ejaculation are most commonly occurring in all ages of men, fortunately these both have high recovery rates through ayurvedic medications.
I am explaining briefly about erectile dysfunction and pre-mature ejaculation so that it takes fear out of you.
In erectile dysfunction, men are not able to get or keep an erection that is sufficient to have penetrative sex. In premature ejaculation men come out Very fast, men gets discharged either before penetration or immediately after penetration, they hardly get some strokes, so the female partner remains unsatisfied.
This may be due to so many factors like High cholesterol, High blood pressure,
Diabetes, excessive masturbation, excessive porn watching, nerves weakness,
Obesity, thyroid, heart problem, alcohol, Tobacco use, Sleep disorders, Low testosterone, tension, stress etc.
These problems of erectile dysfunction and pre-mature ejaculation are very much treatable.
I am suggesting you some ayurvedic medicines.
Take Aswagandhadi churan half teaspoon in the morning & in the night.
Take Capsule SHILAJIT one in the morning and one in the night,
Take tablet manmath Ras one in the morning and one in the night.
Take tablet Pushp dhanva Ras one in the morning and one in the night. And take tablet Sidh makardhwaj Vati with gold, one in the morning and one in the night after food.
All the above preferably with hot milk or with water
Also apply and message Shri Gopal tail on your penis three times a week for 2 to 4 minutes.
Avoid junk food, oily and spicier food, alcohol, tobacco, tension and anxiety.
Start doing brisk walk or running or cardio exercises for at least 30 min a day. Start doing yoga, pranayama, meditation, Vajroli mudra. Ashwini mudra, kegel exercise for at least 30 min a day.
Start taking hot milk twice a day.
2-3 dates in the morning and in the night with milk.
Do all the above suggested treatment for 3 months and see the results.
If you don't get satisfactory results then please go to your family doctor or a good sexologist.
You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.
My website:

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi there. Regarding my sexual health, I am experiencing mild stinging of the penis with no visible sores. I’m currently applying clotrimazole for a fungal infection of the scrotum which has been present for around 10 days. 5 days ago I had protected sex with saliva contact on my penis. I’m unsure if I am dealing with a uti, thrush or genital herpes. Please advise, Thank you

Male | 30

The tingling feeling you’re noticing on your penis might mean the infection is still there or it could be caused by something else. There are similar symptoms for UTIs, thrush, and genital herpes. A UTI comes from bacteria, while thrush is a result of fungus and genital herpes is caused by a virus. To be certain about what’s going on, consider seeing a doctor. If you’re currently using clotrimazole for the fungal infection then continue doing so as directed. Another thing that might help is drinking plenty of water while staying away from any irritating products. 

Answered on 27th Oct '24

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Hi I have a tiny penis and I don't get erection properly and I ejaculated in flaccid penis also and I have anxiety issues what should I do

Male | 26

Size of penis is not important for satisfactory sexual relationships.

For this one should have a good hardness in the penis & should take sufficient time before discharge.

So please forget about increase in size of penis.
your problem of erectile dysfunction most commonly occur in ages of men: fortunately it has high recovery rate of 90% through ayurvedic medications.

I am explaining briefly about erectile dysfunction so that it takes fear out of you.

In erectile dysfunction, men are not able to get or keep an erection that is sufficient to have penetrative sex. This may be due to so many factors like High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Diabetes, excessive masturbation, excessive Porn watching, nerves weakness, Obesity, thyroid, heart problem, alcohol, Tobacco use, Sleep disorders. Low testosterone, tension, stress etc.,

This problem of erectile dysfunction is very much treatable.

I am suggesting you some ayurvedic medicines,
Take Aswagandhadi churan half teaspoon in the morning & in the night.

Take Capsule SHILAJIT One in the morning and one in the night.

Take tablet Brihat Bangeshwar ras one in the morning one and one in the night after food.

All three preferably with hot milk or with water

Also apply and message Shri Gopal tail on your penis three times a week for 2 to 4 minutes.

Avoid junk food, oily and more spicy food, alcohol, tobacco, tension and anxiety.

Start doing brisk walk or running or cardio exercises for at least 1 hour a day.

Start taking hot milk twice a day also two to three dates in the morning and in the night with milk.

Do all the above suggested treatment for 3 months and see the results.

If you don't get satisfactory results then please go to your family doctor or a good sexologist.

You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.

My website:

Answered on 23rd May '24

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