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Male | 28

Is my FibroScan result of kpa 8.8 dangerous?

Hi I got a fibroscan done and the kpa was 8.8 and the cap was 325 I was wondering how dangerous it is and can it be reversed

1 Answer
Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Surgical Gastroenterology

Answered on 11th Aug '24

A fibroscan result with a kPa of 8.8 and a cap of 325 points towards liver issues. This can happen due to fatty liver, infections, or excessive drinking. Symptoms include tiredness, swelling in the belly, and yellow skin. To reverse it, focus on a healthy diet, exercise, and avoiding alcohol. Regular visits to a liver specialist will ensure that progress is monitored.

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Hepatology" (150)

I have liver infection from two years

Female | 30

A liver dise­ase might've troubled you for a while­. Hepatitis viruses or alcohol exce­ss can infect the liver. You may fe­el exhausted, have­ yellow skin, and dark urine. Treatme­nt involves medicines, re­st, and nutritious food. Carefully follow your doctor's instructions to manage your liver infe­ction properly.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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Assalam o alailum doctor i m 2 years old girl i found my hepatitis positive there is no body for help me what should i do

Female | 21

follow these herbal combination for complete cure :- sootshekhar ras 35 mg twice a day, pittari avleh 2 gms twice a day, send her report initially

Answered on 10th July '24

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Sir i am 34 yr female...i am recently diagnosed with HBs +ve.I have one child 5.6 yr,maritel life 7 yr ,i also vaccinated Hbs in 2017 what should I do?Is any treatment available

Female | 34

follow these herbal combination for complete cure :- sootshekhar ras 125 mg twice a day, pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day, vyadhi har rasayan 125 mg twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water, send your reports initially

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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She suffering fever from last 6 months and liver assessment

Female | 67

question is missing proper details

Answered on 10th July '24

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Sar main ek kidney transplant patient hun mere liver mein ggt bada hua hai और लिवर फैटी भी है फर्स्ट स्टेज

Male | 38

You have a transplante­d kidney, and your liver has higher GGT. This is an e­nzyme that indicates liver issue­s. Additionally, you have early-stage fatty live­r, where exce­ss fat accumulates in liver cells. Fatigue­, abdominal discomfort, and jaundice are possible symptoms. Maintaining a nutritious die­t and regular exercise­ can be beneficial. Howe­ver, consulting your healthcare te­am is crucial

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from chronic liver disease and had ascites last month but now better after treatment. At Jan month My albumin 2.3, AST 102 & ALT 92 level is reduced albumin 2.7, AST 88 IU/L & ALT 52 IU/L. My USG report taken during ascites shows DCLD & liver reduced in size, measures 10.4cm & coarse parenchymal echo texture with surface irregularity noted.portal vein indistinct. Following a healthy diet. Kindly advise if my liver had chances to regenerate or symtoms goes worse. Any treatment to cure.

Female | 68

It is possible for the liver to regenerate, especially if the damage to the liver is not too severe. However, this is not always the case, and the extent to which the liver can regenerate may depend on the underlying cause of the liver damage. 

There are several treatments that may be helpful in managing chronic liver disease. These may include medications to control symptoms and complications, such as ascites, and lifestyle changes, such as following a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol. In some cases, a liver transplant may be necessary if the liver damage is severe and not reversible. 

You must follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment and to continue to monitor your liver function tests and other symptoms closely. It is also important to avoid activities that could further damage your liver, such as drinking alcohol and taking certain medications that may be harmful to the liver.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is treatment available for liver

Male | 65

send your reports initially

Answered on 10th July '24

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Hepatitaise b reoprt postive or not I am sandeep saxena from Mathura

Female | 32

You must know what possible symptoms to look for ‘fatigue, jaundice, and abdominal discomfort’ in order not to be misled by wrong conclusions. This is a disease primarily caused by a virus that affects the liver which is usually through contact with bodily fluids that are infected. One of the ways to handle this includes frequently checking your body function along with well-balanced food and using the right medicines for a long time. It is my strong belief that you should start off discussing your case with a healthcare provider for a thorough examination as well as a personalized prescription. 

Answered on 27th Dec '24

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My father suffering from nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

Male | 53

This is a state where the liver gets fat-rich and thus there is inflammation. Symptoms can be tiredness, pain in your abdomen, and jaundice when the skin and eyes go yellow. To help, he will likely have to eat healthy food, exercise, and avoid alcohol. These changes can help his liver to be intact.

Answered on 4th Nov '24

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I have symptom of jaundice last 8 years

Male | 22

send your abdomen ultrasound report and follow these herbal combination initially, sootshekhar ras 125 mg twice a day, pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water

Answered on 9th July '24

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I am 58year old female I am having liver cirrhosis and suffering from too much swelling in legs what should I do please advise

Female | 58

follow these herbal combination for complete cure, sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day, pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day, vyadhi har rasayan 125 mg twice a day, send your reports initially

Answered on 11th Aug '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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