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Male | 19

How to Speed Up Mole Removal?

How to remove a mole faster

1 Answer

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Getting mole­s removed should always happen with a doctor's he­lp. Sometimes, moles ne­ed to be removed if problematic or for looks. Ne­ver try removing a mole yourse­lf - infection and scarring risks exist. Doctors use shaving, cutting, or lase­rs to remove moles, base­d on size and spot. If a bothersome mole­ exists, see a de­rmatologist about safe removal options.

76 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2607)

Hello, I am 25 year old... And I have black spots all over my face which is hereditary. And the spots are increasing day by day. Can you please suggest me thae treatment as well as it's price??

Female | 25

There are a few treatment options available for black spots on the face. The most common and effective treatments are chemical peels, laser treatments, and topical creams. Depending on the severity of the spots and the desired results, the cost can vary widely. It's best to consult a dermatologist to determine which treatment is best for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Im a 19old girl I have ringworm issue in my face and neck area I'm facing this issue from many year recently I'm having redness and ringworm on my forehead

Female | 19

You are likely facing a skin infection called ringworm. Ringworm may invade the skin and cause the area to become red and itching. Ringworm is a fungal infection that is caused by a fungus. This fungus develops in warm and moist areas of the body. To clear up the ringworm, use antifungal creams or ointments recommended by a pharmacist. The best way to say dry is through keeping the affected areas clean and dry.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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I had severe coughing in the month of December. And lately there is some pain in my lower left breast area. I think its some muscle or vein. The pain is only there when i cough or sneeze or while lying down or if I try to move while lying down. Else there is no pain at all. Im 27 years old and not married. I have never had any kind of pain before. Any suggestions would be helpful..

Female | 27

It sounds like you might be experiencing muscle strain or irritation in the chest area, possibly due to severe coughing. When we cough frequently, it can put strain on the muscles around the ribs. This might explain the pain when you cough, sneeze, or shift positions. I recommend resting and avoiding activities that exacerbate the discomfort. Applying a warm compress may also provide relief. However, since you’re experiencing persistent pain, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any other underlying issues. They can offer a more tailored assessment and treatment plan. 

Answered on 25th Jan '25

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i have dead skin constantly pealling off my toes and a couple of cuts at the bottom of each toe and in-between the toes too

Male | 43

You probably deve­loped athlete's foot. This fungal infe­ction grows between toe­s, warm and moist spots. Peeling skin signifies it. Cuts are­ another symptom. To heal it, kee­p your feet dry, use cle­an socks daily, and apply antifungal cream. Clearing it take­s time. Be patient. Stick with the­ treatment regime­n.

Answered on 27th Sept '24

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Why do i have dry skin under my eye

This could be due to Seborrheic dermatitis, due to usage of strong face washes, frequent rubbing of your eyes , make up or due to usage of Retinol

Answered on 30th Nov '24

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Hi I have some acne scars and dark circles under my eye. I want to know which therapy is best suited for me.. I also want to know is there any visiting charged at kaya

Female | 34

Micronedlding with RF and Co2 laser treatment are best for acne scars . For dark circles chemical peel can be done. But Under eye dermal fillers is best for dark Circle. At La Derma - Best Skin clinic in Kolkata visiting fee is 600 only .

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hey, I'm 21 I have a wound and it feels bad. It's infected maybe. What can I do?

Male | 21

You may have a cut that has bacteria in it. Some things that can show if your cut is infected are if it is red, hot, painful, or has pus. Be sure to wash the wound softly with soap and water, put some antibiotic cream on it, and cover it with a bandage. Keep an eye on it and go to a doctor if it gets worse.

Answered on 10th June '24

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is using the spoon already used by stranger cause any skin problems like shape change?

Male | 24

Using a stranger's spoon won't instantly cause unusual patterns to appear on your skin. However, it is possible to develop skin issues like infections or rashes. Your skin may show irritation through symptoms such as redness, itching, or swelling. To prevent this, it's best to always use your own spoon and sanitize it properly. If irritation does occur, applying a soothing skincare lotion can help calm the skin.

Answered on 5th Nov '24

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I have breast pain and arm pit pain from 2 years

Female | 23

Having breast and armpit ache­s for a long time is unusual. It's crucial to get examine­d. These pains could stem from hormonal shifts, infe­ctions, or breast tissue issues. De­termining the cause re­quires medical consultation. A doctor can suggest appropriate tre­atment after diagnosis. 

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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