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Male | 19

Will post-appendectomy adhesions cause future problems?

I am 19 years old boy. I had appendicitis. last year in July month my surgery was happend. but I face some problem like if I pick up heavy load so in my surgery area the pain is started. and my main problem is that In my surgery area that skin is stick with internal organ it was stick after surgery but it still stick it haven't separate with oragan. so in that case will i face some problems in future. it problem can fix. what i can do in it

Answered on 8th July '24

When the skin sticks to an internal organ, this is called adhesions. Adhesions can occur following an operation and may cause pain or discomfort when lifting heavy objects. If these adhesions are causing problems, it may be necessary to consult a doctor regarding possible solutions. 

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Questions & Answers on "General Surgery" (105)

Need nhi aa rhi h 3 days se

Female | 39

You've had trouble­ breathing for three days now. This issue­ arises from colds, allergies, or lung infe­ctions. Stay hydrated by drinking water. Get e­nough rest. Avoid smoke and strong smells. If bre­athing troubles persist, see­ a doctor imme­diately. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

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I m 22 year old female having a problem of disfigured buttock with excess bulging out . Does it have any solution as its inherited

Female | 22

u can see a plastic surgeon,they will help u out

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello doc, I'm suffering pain on the left side of my stomach for the past few days. It reduces and increases at regular intervals. Sometimes it is like my full stomach is paining. Please advise. I am taking tabs for the LASIK surgery which I took recently.

Female | 35

You can get alternative therapy done and get the meridians balanced. i.e acupuncture acupressure

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm 29 years old. I have spleen cyst, 2 years ago the size of spelenic cyst was 4cm.Is spelenic cyst surgery possible in odisha? Please reply me

Male | 29

Spleen cysts mostly imply a benign status and usually do not cause any symptoms at all. There are different factors that may be the cause of them such as infections or trauma. A 4 cm sized cyst can be watched by imaging tests like ultrasounds and incidental findings are going to be removed surgically, it is an option for the patient. In some places in Odisha, medical centers and hospitals are able to do this type of surgery. I suggest that you talk to a healthcare professional who can give you the right advice and ensure your good health. 

Answered on 10th Dec '24

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Sir my wife is suffering umbilical Harniya, want to ask question that after harniya opration she can be mother?

Female | 32

Definitely YES

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir I have to done surgery of fistula.before 8days.but white discharge.

Male | 27

Slight white discharge following fistula surgery is a common phenomenon. This may be due to the healing of the wound. Keep the area clean and dry. Change your dressing regularly as advised by your doctor. It is wise to inform your doctor at once if the discharge develops a foul smell or green color, or if you have a fever. 

Answered on 18th Sept '24

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How long do ovaries work after hysterectomy?

Female | 35

If the uterus is removed, as in a hysterectomy with preservation of ovaries, they usually work normally until natural menopause. But this may differ from person to person and the surgical approach. You should talk to your gynecologist and with the surgeon that did your surgery for details about you case. They will inform patients about post-surgery ovarian function recovery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mera laparaotomy karwane ke liye doctor ne bola hai per mujhe ye bho bola jaa raha hai ki is operation me mere pait ko beech se poora khola jayega. kya ye sach hai?

Male | 37

Laparotomy is a type of surgery where the doctor makes a large incision in your abdomen to see inside and fix any issues. It is done for serious problems such as a blocked intestine, organ health issues, or tumors. During the operation, the doctor opens your abdomen and carefully checks and treats the problem. Following your doctor's advice is the best way to achieve the health results.

Answered on 29th July '24

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I will be undergoing a surgery tomorrow, does it effect anything?

Female | 35

What surgery

Answered on 12th July '24

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I feel numbness near the treated area; is this temporary or should I be concerned?

Female | 65

Numbness in the treated area is normal after surgery. This may be because the medicine used in the process has some temporary effect on the nerves. Apart from this, you may have a tingling or pins and needles sensation. Usually, this numbness heals by itself as your body recovers. If the numbness symptom lasts for a long time or increases, you should notify your doctor.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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I want to know the operation coast

Male | 63

Which operation ..?

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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Advised for pet scan need to know the cost of it

Female | 68


Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a cut injury please help what should I do in this injury

Female | 28

You may observe red and swollen areas, pain, and bleeding. First off, wash the cut with soap and water in a careful way. Next, press a clean piece of cloth against the cut to stop the bleeding. Ultimately, cover it with a bandage for protection. Watch for signs of infection, which are usually redness, heat, or pus, and report them. However, if it looks infected, get treatment right away. Take care and be well!

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

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Household chores after hysterectomy?

Female | 41

To start with light household chores after a hysterectomy and avoid the strenuous activities. For the first weeks, do not lift anything more than 10 pounds to avoid putting stress on this area of surgery. Reintroduce activities such as cooking or light cleaning gradually, but never bend, stretch or lift heavy weight. If you feel uncomfortable or tired, listen to your body and rest. Generally, 6 to 8 weeks after the doctor’s recommendations a gradual return to normal activities is prescribed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had a gallbladder removal surgery and my scrotum is swollen and filled with fluid after that. Is it normal or I need to take some treatment ?

Male | 33

It’s common to feel concerned if your scrotum enlarges after gallbladder surgery. This condition, known as a hydrocele, occurs when fluid accumulates around the testicle. It happens because your body needs time to absorb the fluids used during the surgery. Fortunately, most hydroceles resolve on their own within a few weeks. However, if the condition persists or causes discomfort, consult your doctor. They can recommend treatments such as draining the fluid or surgery if necessary and will guide you to the best option.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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