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Female | 30

Why do I experience gas, joint pain, and dizziness?

I am breastfeeding baby is 9 month old now. I have hypothyroidism from past 6 months. I am using thyroid tablet. From past one month I am facing gas problems because of gas breathing also sometimes fast. I am having left hand pain sometimes from past one month. because of my baby is asking lift her every time. I am facing back joint pain and it is coming  to front also near below the chest and some time facing head and full body spinning also. Because of that I am getting fear what will happen to me like that.

Answered on 22nd Oct '24

The gas and breathing problems, the left-hand pain, the back joint pain, and the spinning sensations can be connected to your thyroid condition. Hypothyroidism can be the reason for these symptoms. It is good to discuss this with your physician. They might optimize your thyroid medication or suggest other treatments to make you feel better. 

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Questions & Answers on "Endocrinology" (374)

I am 29 year old male and recently tested my testosterone level. It is 2.03 ng/ml. So i want to this is normal?

Male | 29

]At 29, 2.03 ng/ml testosterone level is lower than the normal range. Lower levels of this hormone can cause tiredness, reduced sexual desire, and mood swings. Possible causes include being overweight, stress, or certain diseases. To deal with it, you should consult with a healthcare professional so that they may carry out more tests on you among other things if necessary, and propose suitable remedies if needed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Flexseeds pumpkinseeds beans white sesame seeds wo women use kr sakti jo estrogen dominance ya testosterone ka level zyda ho

Female | 24

Estrogen dominance and high testosterone levels can lead to symptoms like mood swings, weight gain, and irregular periods. These imbalances may arise from factors such as stress, diet, and hormonal changes. Incorporating flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, beans, and sesame seeds into your diet can be beneficial as they provide essential nutrients and may help support hormonal balance. However, it’s important to listen to your body and consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. 

Answered on 11th Jan '25

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I m 45 yrs old.and I have thyroid. My TSH level is 7.110. my dosage of throxine 75 please tell me about the dosage.

Female | Shalini Bal

A TSH level of 7.110 indicates that your thyroid hormone is not functioning properly even though you are taking 75 micrograms of thyroxine. The fact that you have a high level of TSH indicates that your thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormones. Signs of this include a feeling of drowsiness, excess weight, and getting cold. An increased dose of thyroxine could be considered to stabilize your thyroid and, in turn, your TSH level back to the normal range. Substantive discussions with your doctor should be conducted to examine the findings and to agree on the appropriate path to follow.

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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I was wondering if having sugar levels at 109 is high or low

Female | 17

Having sugar levels at 109 is neither too high nor too low. This is normal. You may not have any symptoms at this level. 109 is a healthy range, but it’s good to keep an eye on it. Eating healthy foods and doing exercise regularly can help you to maintain this level. If your sugar levels go too high or too low, you might feel tired, thirsty, or shaky.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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Which sugar level suitable in 56

Male | 56

Normal blood sugar leve­ls are betwee­n 70 and 140 mg/dL. If the levels drop, symptoms like shakine­ss and dizziness occur. Higher leve­ls lead to thirst and fatigue. Balancing meals and e­xercise maintains stable sugar re­adings. Consult a doctor for concerns regarding your sugar leve­ls. 

Answered on 24th July '24

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Kya blood test karaanae sae harmone imbalance kai baare mai pata chal jayegi??

Female | 21

Blood tests can help detect hormone imbalances. Hormones are used by our body to communicate, and when they are out of balance, problems can occur. Common signs of a hormone imbalance include feeling tired, weight changes, and mood swings. Causes of imbalance can be stress, poor sleep, or health conditions. Treatment depends on which hormone is affected and may include lifestyle changes, medications, or hormone therapy.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

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Am unmarried girl i phase night fall three times ya two times every month So is this due to hormonal changes? And this will not have any effect on my married life and is not dangerous. ???

Female | 22

It's common for some girls not married to have nightfall (also called wet dreams) a couple of times a month. This is generally the result of hormonal fluctuations in your body. It is not a problem, and it will not have any effect on your married life or health. You can talk to a doctor for more reassurance if you are feeling worried. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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I have been diagnosed hypothyroidism yesterday with 6.407mul last month it was 3 and i even have pcos

Female | 24

Hypothyroidism is low thyroid gland hormone le­vels. Symptoms: Fatigue, weight gain, fe­eling chilly. PCOS involves hormone imbalance­, irregular periods, and fertility struggle­s. Hypothyroidism treatment: Thyroid hormone me­dication. PCOS management: Lifestyle­ changes, medications prescribe­d. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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Betahcg level 24.8 in non pregnant women

Female | 30

A non-pregnant woman's be­ta hCG level of 24.8 could mean diffe­rent things. Ovulation or ovarian issues sometime­s cause low levels like­ this. It's wise to visit your healthcare provide­r for an explanation of this result. Your symptoms will vary depe­nding on the reason. Treatme­nt relies on the unde­rlying issue, so discussing it with a healthcare profe­ssional is best.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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having bleeding since 12 days having thyroid ,Bp .

Female | 44

You have thyroid and blood pre­ssure problems. The ble­eding for 12 days is worrying. Hormones out of balance, or me­dication side effects may cause­ this. See your doctor right away. They can che­ck what's wrong. Run tests to find the reason, give­ treatment to stop blee­ding, and help manage thyroid and blood pressure­ issues properly.

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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I am looking for information on what kind of hormon medication I need to take to feel like a lady and how to that medication?

Male | 38

Common symptoms of hormonal imbalance include mood swings, fatigue, and changes in body shape. Treatment typically involves estrogen and progesterone, which can promote physical and emotional well-being. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional who can assess your specific situation and recommend a tailored approach. They will guide you through safe options, dosage, and any necessary monitoring. Prioritizing expert advice ensures you receive the right support on your journey.

Answered on 29th Jan '25

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Androgens and Testosterone Hormones Are the Same ?? In women If androgen is high then it means testosterone will also be high ??? If androgens are controlled then testosterone will also be controlled. ??? In girls ? Mera 25 % zyda ha testosterone

Female | 23

Androgens, including testosterone, are indeed related hormones, but they are not identical. Elevated androgen levels can indicate higher testosterone levels, but not always. In women, high testosterone might lead to symptoms like irregular periods, acne, or excessive hair growth. Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can cause this imbalance. Managing androgen levels through lifestyle changes or medical treatment can help regulate testosterone. It's advisable to consult a healthcare professional to assess your situation, get an accurate diagnosis, and explore appropriate treatment options tailored for you. 

Answered on 22nd Jan '25

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Need to increase testosterone level

Male | 19

This could be because of age, some medical conditions, or even some lifestyle choices. Eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise sleeping more being less stressed out, and maintaining a healthy weight will all assist in increasing testosterone levels. If you are worried, talk to a doctor.

Answered on 7th June '24

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Hi I'm Gopinath. I'm diagnosed with low vitamin d (14 ng/ml). I feel really exhausted and leg below knee hurt so much. I'm currently taking D rise 2k, Evion LC and Methylcobalamin 500 mcg. How long it will take to cure and I feel normal

Male | 24

Having low vitamin D can make you fe­el very tired. It can also cause­ pain in your legs. The medicine­s you are taking are good. But it takes time­ to feel bette­r. It usually takes a few wee­ks or months for your vitamin D levels to go up. And it takes time­ to feel normal again. Kee­p taking your medicines eve­ry day. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Read answer daughter is 13 yrs old n 165 cms tall..she had her first period 2.4 years back.father height 5.8 inch n mother height 5.1 inch..can she get few more inches.or she has got adult height...pls suggest

Female | 13

A 13-year-old may still have some growing to do. The growth spurt during puberty is different for everyone. Most girls stop growing taller between 14 and 16 years old. However, it is true that a few factors that can affect a person's height are genetics and nutrition. Environmental factors (nutrition) and genetic endowments are the ways to ensure her growth. If you want her to grow, make sure she's getting a sufficient diet and moving a lot. 

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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Today his blood test come and his fasting blood sugar came 171 plz tell me what to do now

Male | 45

The fasting le­vel of 171 is too high for normal blood sugar. It can point to diabe­tes. Feeling supe­r thirsty, needing to pee­ a lot, blurry eyesight, exhaustion - those­ are hints of too much sugar in your system. You must eat the right food, e­xercise routinely, and take­ medications as directed to cut sugar le­vels. See­ your doctor for further advice about managing your condition properly.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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