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Male | 25

Brown Spots on Penis: Causes and Treatment

I have brown spots on the base of my penis

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

BROWN SPOTS on penis base could be: - Fordyce spots (harmless) - PPP (small bumps, harmless) - Genital warts (caused by HPV) - Melanoma (rare, but serious).. See a DOCTOR for proper diagnosis and treatment!

91 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1173)

Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation

Male | 24

Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation can often be treated effectively. For ED options include lifestyle changes, oral medications, vacuum devices, injections, implants, and counseling. For PE, techniques like behavioral methods, topical medications, oral drugs, counseling, and combination therapy can help. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My Nephew was being treated for high bilirubin during which Blood/urine test were done with +ve UTI. MCU suggested PUV which is not clearly visible in the X-Ray. One surgeon mentioned surgery, another Urologist mentioned nothing is required as it’s not clear and there are no symptoms of fever or UTI in the kid. Please advise.

Male | 0

Your nephew was watched for high bilirubin, which is good. It’s a puzzle with a positive UTI and maybe PUV. Symptoms include fever and UTIs. PUV can block urine flow. Surgery might be necessary but it’s not clear from the X-ray. If there is no fever or symptoms, don’t hurry now. Continue working with the doctors.

Answered on 28th May '24

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Hello, I'm 17 years old.I lost feeling in my bladder and clitoris.I don't know when the bladder is full.I don't feel any excitement and sex drive anymore.The clitoris is no longer sensitive to stimuli, to touch.A year ago I had a feeling. I had ultrasound and blood tests performed by a gynecologist and a urologist, the results of the tests show no abnormalities. At this age I shouldn't have any problems with it. It worries me that I won't get any pleasure from having sex. What could be the cause? Is there any chance and way to get back feeling in clitoris and bladder? Please help.

Female | 17

There can be a psychological factors associated with the problem.. better get yourself evaluated for best advice.. 

counseling therapy is needed.. 

You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.

My website:

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Bar bar urine aana or vegina me jalam

Female | 44

Frequent urination and a burning sensation in the vagina could be indicative of a urinary tract infection (UTI) or a vaginal infection. It's important to consult a healthcare professional/ urologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. It's often caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract, and vaginal infections can be caused by yeast or bacterial overgrowth. These conditions require medical attention to prevent complications and alleviate symptoms.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm 26 years old, I've left testicular atrophy from 12 years I didn't take a treatment from any doctor and didn't visit, now I wanna take consultation about my this problem. What should I do?

Male | 26

You should visit a urologist as soon as possible since this might lead to lower fertility and levels of hormones for you. They'll be able to give the necessary advice and treatment concerning your particular case.

Answered on 29th May '24

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Stinging uti with no infection

Male | 29

Sometime­s you may have an uncomfortable, stinging fee­ling when urinating. There may be­ no infection. This could be caused by irritation in your bladde­r or urethra. It could happen because­ certain foods or drinks irritate your system. Drinking more­ water and avoiding irritants like caffeine­ and spicy foods may help ease that stinging se­nsation.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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I’m male, 25 years old, have frequent urination many months already, on std bacteria test l was positive on “gardnerella vaginalis” but l drink medicine for that already, yesterday l do urine and blood test and l have some bacteria in urine, doctor don’t know which one but he give me to drink 7 days medicine(LeFloxin 500mg) he said if that doesn’t help then you can drink another medicine 7 days(spasmex 30mg) l have itching inside urethra, sometimes hard for urine to flow, today for example l need to pee every single minute, can you tell me what should l do

Male | 25

You may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs typically present with symptoms such as frequent urination, itching in the urethra, and difficulty urinating. These bacteria require treatment through antibiotics like LeFloxin. Complete the full course of antibiotics to clear the infection. Your doctor might prescribe another medicine if the symptoms persist after the first round of treatment. 

Answered on 12th June '24

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I got treated for Trichomoniasis and I finished my medication Two days ago that was prescribed (Metronidazole). And today I gave oral to the person who might have Trich, but we did not have sexual intercourse. Can I have trich again?

Female | 29

Yes, it's possible to get re-infected. Use protection always

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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My normal penis size is small but when it erectile it become large upto 11 to 12cm and my age is 20

Male | 20

It’s very normal for a penis to be smaller when it’s not hard, and then grow to about 11-12cm long when it is. This happens during puberty which is usually from around  when you are 10-14 years old. So you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

Answered on 11th June '24

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আমি কখনো দীর্ঘ সময় সেক্স করার জন্য কোনো ঔষধ খাইনি। একবার খেতে চাই। কোন ঔষধ টি খেলে দীর্ঘ সময় সেক্স করতে পারবো কোনো শারীরিক ক্ষতি ছাড়া?

Male | 29

Sex for long pe­riods may be harmful without medical help. Be­ careful taking medicines to improve­ sex performance. The­se can cause harmful effe­cts like rapid heartbeats, dizzine­ss, or even vision problems. Seek professional guidance­ if needed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My right testicle is hurting and is starting to swell

Male | 15

Testicular pain and swelling needs quick medical attention. THe main causes are testicular torsion, epididymitis, orchitis, inguinal hernia, trauma, or varicocele. Kindly consult a urologist near you for proper evalution and diagnosis of your problm.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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When mastrabating sometimes i’ll finger my anus and it feels great however I am not sure rather or not this is safe to do. Is it or should i stop?

Male | 15

Fingering your rectum while se­lf-pleasuring can bring delight, as numerous se­nsitive nerves re­side there. Howe­ver, caution is advised to preve­nt self-harm. Lubrication is crucial to avoid tearing delicate­ tissues, leading to discomfort, blee­ding, or infections. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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