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Female | 28

Could short-sightedness cause my temple and eye pain?

I’m a 28 years old female..I’m having right side temple pain and eye pain for about a month..not much severe..a dull ache..I get it everyday but not every time…I’m a shortsighted person also..could it be due to my sight problem??or any other serious condition??

1 Answer
Dr. Sumeet Agrawal

Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon

Answered on 14th June '24

If you are experiencing pain in the eyes and temples it might be related to your vision. On another note, nearsightedness can make your eyes work extra hard which causes discomforts such as these. However we should also consider more serious possibilities. Additionally, staring at screens or books too long without enough breaks; not sleeping well due to various reasons including stress could lead onto them pains too therefore among other things try adequate rest combined with good lighting for relief. Consult an eye specialist if they persist or get worse.

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Questions & Answers on "Eye" (195)

Kya cataract ki surgery karane se meri eyes sahi ho jaye gi ?? Bina operation ke eye thik nahi hosakti h kya??

Female | 21

The results of eye surgery can be helpful for your vision. Generally, when your eyes suffer from cataracts, you may tend to see things more or less, have problems with color, and even have trouble with night vision. Cataracts are the result of the lens of the eye becoming cloudy. The surgery involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with a clear artificial one. This stuff can make you see better.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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my father will lost both right and left eyes vision and doctrors will say nerve is weakness not possible to surgery vision chances after surgery less what can i do now please suggest other option..

Male | 65

If nerve damage is present and surgery isn't viable, exploring other treatments is essential. Consider seeking a consultation with an ophthalmologist specializing in low-vision rehabilitation, as they can provide strategies or devices to improve his quality of life. Regular visual assessments may help identify any changes or alternative therapies. Lifestyle adjustments such as a healthy diet rich in antioxidants and managing underlying conditions may also support overall eye health. 

Answered on 30th Jan '25

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My name Is Rikah I'm from Papua New Guinea age 25. I have been experiencing intense and severe both my two eyes for 1 year. I have been put on trail for TB medicine and it work, is it I'm a positive to Tuberculosis.

Male | 25

Yes, eye pain can be a sign of TB infection if your eyes are infected with it. TB can infect the eyes which in turn can lead to various health problems. Typical symptoms are the presence of eye pain, redness, and blurry vision. The medication for TB treatment should be followed strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Also, it is recommended to have regular check-ups to track your progress. 

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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I am a 46 year old female..from few months I had observed puffiness around my eyes.. especially around lower eye lid..but now from few months it's seen on the upper eyes lid of my right eyes. Could it be just age related or some other reason.

Female | 46

It is likely that the puffiness around your eyes can be age related.  But certain medial conditions can also cause puffiness such as thyroid problem, allergies etc. Please consult a doctor if the puffiness worsens or does not go away. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am traveling outside of the United States, and I have the following symptoms: low grade fever, sore throat, congestion, and partial blind spots & floaters in both eyes. I wanted to check in to see if I need to seek immediate medical attention. I should note that I have a history of migraines, and have been experiencing them on and off while traveling.

Female | 42

It might be a good idea to seek medical attention since you're experiencing low fever, sore throat, etc.. Given your history of migraines, these symptoms could have various causes. If your symptoms are severe, worsening, or causing significant distress, it's advisable to seek medical help promptly.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi this is in chennai srp tools.i havr a problem an tie and Regina please call back to me when you can available in this clinic

Female | 24

 It seems like you may be in some health problem, which is likely the result of several factors, including stress, muscle tension, or even some internal problems. The necessary initial step is to identify the root cause of your problem by a thorough evaluation so that the symptoms can be addressed effectively. I would suggest that you come to our center for a full medical check-up which will help us clarify what is causing the problems as well as provide you with the appropriate treatment options. 

Answered on 16th Dec '24

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i have mixed anisometropia. i am scared that one of my eyes is becoming lazy. what should i do?

Male | `25

Mixed anisometropia occurs when each eye has different refractive power, which can lead to issues like blurred vision or difficulty focusing. This condition can result in one eye not aligning properly with the other, potentially causing amblyopia, or "lazy eye." It’s crucial to visit an eye care professional for a comprehensive examination. They can provide prescription lenses, vision therapy, or other treatments tailored to your needs. Early intervention is key, so please don't hesitate to seek support. Your vision health matters, and many effective solutions are available to help you maintain comfort and clarity in your eyesight.

Answered on 24th Jan '25

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आदरणीय डॉ साहब नमस्कार मुझे आपके बारे में अभिमन्यु अंकल से बाद में मालूम हुआ मुझे पिछले तीस सालों से काला मोतिया है brimocom drop डाल रहा हूं पिछले चार महीने से right आंख में धुंधलापन बढ़ गया था मैने दिखाया तो डॉ ने बताया सफेद मोतिया भी हो गया है लेंस डलेगा उन्होंने 1 oct ko oprete करके लेंस डाल दिया अब परेशानी यह है कि 1* आंख के सामने सफेद कोहरा सा आता है 2* जब पढ़ता हूं तो काले धब्बे पहले के मुकाबले बढ़ गए हैं 3* सड़क पर चलता हूं तो ऊपर नीचे दिखाई देता है 4* रात को लाइट में पहले की तरह चारों तरफ फैली हुई दिखाई देती है। उनको बताया तो कहने चश्मा लगने के बाद ठीक हो जाएगा नंबर दे दिया चश्मा भी लगा लिया परंतु ठीक नहीं हैं वो कहते है लेंस बिल्कुल सही है धीरे धीरे ठीक होगा। सर आपसे ये पूछना है इन परेशानियों का कुछ हल है या ऐसे ही रहेगी । सर मुझे राइट साइड का paralysis है मुश्किल से चल पाता हूं अगर मेरी समस्या का कोई समाधान है तो मुझे बतलाइए। विपिन अग्रवाल अग्रवाल मंडी बागपत 9927851504

Male | 63 years

Hello Mr. Vipin Agarwal. I am really sorry to hear about your problem. It is a common practice to say, "You're getting better, slowly however, a key investigation may be required." Based on your symptoms, it is evident that there might have been some error. Problems like white clouds, black spots, up-down visibility, etc. are not normal. Probable reasons for this include surgical error or corneal deformity. Initially, conduct a blood test and an eye check to get the full picture. Then, suitable treatment can be carried out. See an eye specialist for consultations. Stay healthy.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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Hii Last week one drop of cleaning acid went into my eye when i was using it , i immediately flushed it with water and i was fine the eye had redness and spasms rarely now I'm starting to get eye irritation

Male | 20

In that case please get it checked thoroughly by a good physician to see if there are still any concerns due to acid.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been on sertraline for nearly 2 months now and my eyes have started hurting as well as my head. I also have a weird feeling in my eye.. not sure what to do

Female | 21

The symptoms you are experiencing, may or may not be linked to the dosage of sertraline. It is better to consult with a eye doctor for proper evaluation 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I wanna take murine 300 or Vitacover since it has omega 3 and lycopene which are good for heart and eyes. So can I take those capsules ? If yes then how many capsules per week ?

Male | 21

Omega-3 and lycopene are indeed good for them. Apart from that, you can get these benefits by taking Murine 300 or Vitacover. The proper dosage is to take 1 capsule of one of them per day. These capsules have a role in maintaining your heart's health & your eyes' good shape. 

Answered on 17th Oct '24

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