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Male | 18

Why Can't I Ejaculate?

I'm a male and I can't cum

Answered on 9th July '24

One may struggle with orgasm, things like -pressure, no respect, and - feeling alone, to name a few. Some possible causes might be stress, the use of certain medications, or hormone imbalances. Not to forget nerves and blood vessels of either the penis or the brain also being a part of this problem. To alleviate this, it turns out to be important to treat any basic diseases and seek help from a doctor or a therapist.

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Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (948)

Does masturbation to ejaculation or orgasm increases or decreases testosterone levels overall?

Male | 23

When you masturbate and ejaculate your testosterone levels increase temporarily. This is because the orgasm triggers the release of hormones in the body. Yet, don't panic. Your testosterone levels are going back to normal. Masturbation is a quite typical and harmless part of sexual behavior. It does not affect your overall testosterone levels.

Answered on 14th Nov '24

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A while ago, I felt goosebumps and a strange movement in my testicles. I felt that the temperature of my testicles was high. I went to the doctor and he said that I have a simple varicocele in the testicle on the right testicle, and one or two veins can be seen on the scrotum. Then the doctor advised me to do a Doppler x-ray, and after I did a Doppler scan of the testicle, it turned out that there were no Evidence for varicose veins, and everything is normal. Though i still can see one or two thin veins on the scrotum

Male | 24

There are chances of initial changes in your testicles.. get yourself evaluated for best advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Panis enlightenment surgery cost

Male | 30

There is NO medicines (tablets, capsules, goli, bati, oil, tail, cream, powder, churan, vaccum pumps, tension rings, rings, exercise, yoga. or any other type of medicines or procedures) available in the world that could Increase the size of the penis (i.e. length & girth.. motai of penis).

Even if one is ready to spend lacs of Rupees.
Size of penis is not important for satisfactory sexual relationships.

For this one should have a good hardness in the penis & should take sufficient time before discharge.

So please forget about increase in size of penis.

If you have any problem in getting hardness in the penis or you are suffering from quick discharge, then you may contact Your Family Doctor or chat with me on my private chat.

Or you can contact me in my clinic

We can send you the medicines by courier also

My website is

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I masturbated for the first time And I bled I didn't have any pain now It only happened 30 - 40 minutes after masturbating when I went to the washroom

Female | 19

Bleeding after masturbation can indeed be a letdown, but usually, it's a result of minor causes such as irritation or friction. It's a good thing that you are not feeling any pain right now. The skin could be thin or dryness may be the reason for such incidents. Keep the area clean and do not aggravate it any further. Should the bleeding get any worse, or if it turns into discomfort, consult a healthcare professional for an accurate examination. They should give you tips on how to maintain a proper diet and exercise program and also give you some peace of mind. 

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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I have problem of night fall. i am having this problem last 4 year. I'm very upset. please help me.

Male | 19

Hello. Night falls are natural phenomena. It mostly happens to youngsters... but sometimes to adults also.

But when we start having excessive night falls i.e. more than 5-7 times a month then sometimes there starts some problems like we start feeling weakness, tiredness, laziness, fatigue, body pains, constipation, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, etc.

But sometimes all these problems may happen because of some other medical problems and not necessarily because of excessive nightfall falls.

Try to avoid non-veg, spicy Fried chilly food. Do not watch porn videos... whatsapps… Messages… and other such porn materials.

Take good healthy diet, do exercise & yoga daily. Preferably, Pranayam,
Meditation, vajroli mudra and Ashwini mudra,

Read religious books or watch religious materials before going to sleep.

Keep stomach clean & avoid Constipation,

I am suggesting you some ayurvedic medicines.

Take satavaryadi churan one teaspoon in the morning.

Take chandanadi vati one in the morning and one in the night.

And take tablet brihat bangeshwar ras. One in the morning and one in the night after food.

See the results if you are not getting good results then you may contact your family

Doctor or chat with me on my private chat... or contact me on my clinic numbers.

We can send you the medicines by courier also.

My website is

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, want to use pull out and condom at the same time? Is it safe,

Female | 19

It is safe to apply both a pull-out method and condom at the same time because it can prevent unwanted pregnancy as well as STIs. 

Answered on 22nd Nov '24

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I am suspecious of STDs after unprotected sex

Male | 20

You se­em worried after unprote­cted intimacy. Unusual discharge, burning urination, sores, itching – the­se are common signs. Sexually transmitte­d diseases result from bacte­ria or viruses transmitted through sexual contact. Ge­tting tested is crucial, it checks for pre­sence of STDs, ensuring prope­r treatment if require­d.

Answered on 24th July '24

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Yesterday I romanced with my boyfriend but did not have sex...and my boyfriend rubbed his penis on my vagina without protection but his sperm did not come out and did not even touch me, so can i become pregnant

Female | 19

You cannot get pregnant unless sperm enters your vagina. The process of pregnancy is when a sperm cell meets an egg cell. If there is no sperm from you, then there is no egg to be fertilized. In this scenario, you have nothing to fear. To be sure, watch for signs like missing periods or nausea. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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I am 32 years old.i want to increase sperm count. Please provide ayurvedic medicines

Male | 32

Stress, junk food, and cigarettes are all common causes of low sperm counts. In Ayurveda, people use certain plants like Ashwagandha or Shatavari for this purpose too – usually in the form of pills or powder. But don’t forget about living well through healthy eating and exercise.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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