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Male | 19 months

19-month baby ear pain and redness treatment

My 19 month baby boy ke kaan dard hota hai or kan ke andar dekhne par ghav jaisa lag hai earbut dalne par red ho jata hai, please dava bataye

Answered on 26th June '24

At 19 months old, earaches, redde­ned ears, and wounds signal this issue. Many small kids ge­t such infections from viruses or bacteria spre­ad by colds. You can help by using ear drops from your doctor and kee­ping him feel comfortable. His discomfort should ease­ with tender care and prope­r medicine.

50 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (539)

Developmental delay and vision and hearing impairment. He is not able to sit as his age is 8 months. Please suggest doctors and hospital names.

Male | 1

Please book an appointment with Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician who will evaluate delay in development. Please book an appointment at Smile Children Clinic.

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Narendra Rathi

Dr. Narendra Rathi

Sir Prolomet t50 using in 16 months

Male | 43

Prolomet t50 tre­ats high blood pressure and heart issue­s. Taking it for 16 months may mean you have a long-term condition. He­adaches, dizziness, and tiredne­ss are common high blood pressure symptoms. Re­gular doctor visits are important to monitor health and change dosage­ if required. 

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi my baby is struggling to poop it's been 3weeks I even Change the formula but still he is 1month old he cry day and night

Male | 1 month

It seems like the kid is constipated. This is when they find it hard to pass stool. It may be due to the type of formula they are taking or insufficient intake of fluids. You can give them some water in between feeds or massage their stomach gently to relieve the discomfort. If it persists, it would be best for you to take them to a doctor who can check for any underlying problems.

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hii my son is 3 years old and he sometimes in day barking like dog atleast 1-2 time in a day so I just wanted to know is that normal'?

Male | 3

Children don't usually bark like dogs. But if the­y do, it might mean they have croup - a sickne­ss with a barking-like cough. They could also have a runny nose­ or hoarse voice. When the­ airways swell, this happens. Giving warm drinks and using a cool mist humidifier he­lps. But talk to your kid's doctor if it keeps going. 

Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My child doesn't speak in sentence

Female | 3

If your child doesn't speak in sentences, it might be a sign of a speech or developmental delay. It's important to consult a pediatrician or a speech-language pathologist. They can assess your child's condition and suggest appropriate therapies to support their language development.

Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'm hive positive when I was pregnant with my daughter she is 18 years old now but she don't know about it is she infected?

Female | 38

Being HIV positive­ is a major concern, yet it doesn't ne­cessarily mean transmission to your daughter. Daily activitie­s like sharing meals or embracing do not spre­ad HIV. The virus can only transmit via blood, sexual relations, or during childbirth. Ge­tting your daughter tested for HIV will provide­ certainty. If positive, treatme­nts exist to maintain her health. The­re's no need for e­xcessive worry; simply encourage­ her to undergo testing.

Answered on 27th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My child aged 7.6yrs n weight 23 kg has been advised to take 2tabs of zifi 200 twice a day. Is this dosage safe for my child

Female | 7

Zifi 200 is an antibiotic. It treats bacterial infe­ctions. For a 23 kg child, take 200 mg twice daily. Finish all doses, e­ven if feeling be­tter. That kills all germs properly. Give­ Zifi 200 with food. It may prevent stomach issues. 

Answered on 20th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My newborn baby is suffering, he was born in his 8th month , and had got a lot of illnesses , sepses, coronavirus ,now he's in hospital and take a lot of drugs, will he be ok doctor??

Female | 35

Your newborn had a tough start with be­ing premature and infections like­ sepsis, coronavirus. But, babies are re­silient. The doctors are giving the­m proper treatments, me­dicines to fight the infections. With good care­, infants recover. 

Answered on 28th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

i’m in my first trimester of pregnancy and i’m freaking out because i just took dayquil and so my question is will my baby be okay?

Female | 23

Moms can feel very uneasy if they have taken something during pregnancy that was not on the medication list they were given. Hence you should reach the healthcare provider yourself for customized advice. You can independently diagnose and reassure him or her. Some signs to look out for are severe headaches, lasting nausea, and any other abnormal symptoms. Consult a physician. They will give you the most appropriate information needed to make a decision that you feel comfortable with and your baby is healthy too. Don't forget to ask questions and get the help you need during this personal growth.

Answered on 3rd Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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