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Male | 65

Patient have diabetes and takes pills for diabetes control. But fluctuation remains too much in sugar. And he can't eat food till four -five months. He has also sandhivat effects in his arms, He cannot make hands up properly. So please suggest me some medicines for him. Thanking you, Sincerely, Rajkumar Dhakan Contact no 8779267782

Answered on 23rd May '24

For fluctuating glucose level make sure that he is following up with the doctor and taking medicines on time. He should follow all the lifestyle modifications and walk as well as exercise daily. But it's important to know what medication he is taking for RA. I will advise you to start arms and wrist exercises along with doing yoga stretches every day for the blood flow. If in need of any help, then you can refer this page to find doctors - Diabetologists in Ghaziabad, or let the clinicspots team know if in case you prefer a different city, and additionally I can be reached out to as well.

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Questions & Answers on "Endocrinology" (375)

Hi mother breast feeding 16 months child Vitamin d is 5 ng/,ml Kindly suggest Any medicine and how to take

Female | 35

It seems that Vitamin D Vitamin D is lacking in your child's body. This can happen if the child does not spend enough time in nature or does not eat the necessary foods. Low levels can lead to weak bones and immunity. But you don't have to worry a lot as children can be given Vitamin D drops and using the drops once in their food will be sufficient. In addition, sunlight exposure for about 10-15 minutes also helps boost Vitamin D. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Prolactin levels are high and I'm taking cabgolin but facing side effects

Female | 37

Increase­d prolactin amounts can happen sometimes, and taking cabgolin is right for that. This me­dicine can bring about side-effe­cts like nausea, dizziness, he­adaches. Elevated prolactin might make­ periods irregular or milk production start. To minimize discomfort, consume­ cabgolin after meals. If problems pe­rsist, talk to your doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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"I am 19 years old. I have been feeling nauseous and vomiting, especially during meals, for the past four months. My thyroid condition was detected in the reports. I have been taking thyroid medication for the last two weeks, but my nausea and vomiting have not reduced at all. Please help me."

Female | 19

Enduring prolonged nausea and vomiting can be challenging. While these symptoms may be related to a thyroid condition, thyroid medication alone might not fully resolve them. It's important to discuss these ongoing symptoms with your healthcare provider. In some cases, your current treatment may need additional medications or adjustments to better manage the nausea and vomiting.

Answered on 10th Oct '24

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I am 37 years old male my hba1c is 5.9 is that mean i have dieabtes which type

Male | 37

A blood glucose test result of hemoglobin A1c level 5.9 tells you that your blood sugar level is a little bit higher than normal but it doesn't automatically mean that you are diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes may cause you to have a dry mouth, go to the bathroom too often, and feel extremely hungry. The origin of these can be both hereditary and lifestyle. 

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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I have symptoms of vitamin d deficiency and got tested please can u prescribe medicine

Female | 50

Experiencing low vitamin D levels may lead to symptoms such as bone pain if proper daily food consumption and sun exposure are not met. A person may suffer from vitamin D deficiency due to insufficient exposure to sunlight and lack of vitamin D-enriched foods. The main causes are for instance unusual fatigue, bone pain, muscle weakness, and frequent sickening episodes. A good way to reinforce your vitamin D levels. Surely, vitamin D consists of supplements helping, for example, outdoor exercise for some time each day. The vitamin D in even more foods such as fish and egg yolks can help too.

Answered on 12th Nov '24

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Increased risk for diabetes (prediabetes): 5.7-6.4% Diabetes: > or =6.5% When using Hemoglobin A1c to diagnose diabetes, an elevated Hemoglobin A1c should be confirmed with a repeat measurement, fasting glucose, or other test for diagnosing diabetes. All hemoglobin A1c methods are affected by conditions that increase or decrease red blood cell survival. Falsely high results may be seen with iron deficiency or splenectomy. Falsely normal or low results may be seen with hemolytic anemias, unstable hemoglobins, end-stage renal disease, recent or chronic blood loss, or following transfusions. Hemoglobin A1C View trends Normal range: 4.0 - 5.6 % 4 5.6 4.6 Estimated Average Glucose View trends mg/dL Value 85

Female | 27

If you have a Hemoglobin A1c level of 5.7-6.4%, you are at risk for diabetes. If your level is 6.5% or higher, it means that you have diabetes. Signs of this condition include thirstiness, frequent urination, weariness, or unclear eyesight at times. Overeating, genetics combined with little or no physical activity could be the cause behind it all or some of these symptoms coming up. Controlling your blood sugar requires eating well-balanced meals regularly and exercising often if not daily; medication may also be necessary depending on other factors such as age, sex, race, etc.

Answered on 6th June '24

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Plz tell me my frnd suggest a ڈبہ of things for harmonal imbalance like for higher estrogen and testosterone .a collection of herbs like Ashwaganda,alovera ,pomegranate ,indiangosseberry ,Ashoka,giloy,redraspberry .plz tell me its suitable for higher estrogen testosterone and pcos in girls ?plz tell me honestly

Female | 22

An imbalance in hormones, be it through raised estrogen levels or increased testosterone levels, can cause conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The symptoms may involve periods that are not regular, large amounts of hair growth, and changes in weight. The vegetation you stated, namely, Ashwagandha and pomegranate, are very useful to support hormonal health. Nevertheless, their impact can be different for each person. Besides, it is necessary to take into account diet, lifestyle, and overall health too. I urge you to seek advice from a qualified doctor who can give targeted health support and ensure safe and efficient treatment specific to your particular needs. The main factor for staying healthy is obtaining professional support.

Answered on 4th Jan '25

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Iam 43 year age and my tsh vale is 15 Which medican i use

Female | 43

The test result of TSH level 15 which is abnormally high implies that your thyroid is not functioning as well as it should. This can cause feelings of fatigue, weight increase, and feeling cold. More often it is caused by insufficient thyroid hormone production as the thyroid gland fails to produce plenty of its hormones. Consult a doctor for proper treatment plan.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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Untreated diabetes weight loss medication and urine smells like sewer

Female | 44

If you do not take care­ of diabetes, you may lose we­ight. Your pee might also smell bad. This happe­ns when your body cannot use sugar right. It starts using fat and muscle for e­nergy instead. This causes we­ight loss. To fix this, you must control your diabetes. Eat healthy foods, e­xercise, and take me­dicine as told. This will help kee­p your blood sugar levels normal. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 26yr old female, I have got blood test done where my LH: FsH ratio came 3.02, my prolactin came 66.5, my sugar was 597 at fasting, my TSH is 4.366 and my RBC count is 5.15.

Female | 26

Based on the results from your blood tests, there are some things we should investigate. High levels of prolactin can be caused by stress, certain medications, or a problem with the pituitary gland in the brain. With a fasting sugar level of 597, you may have diabetes. A TSH level of 4.366 could indicate a problem with your thyroid gland. You should see a doctor and get checked out further for treatment options.

Answered on 10th June '24

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Hello Dr, hope ur doing well! 23yrs old female not married Actually i wanna consult u abt taking Progyluton while i don’t have ovarian cysts neither irregular periods just that i got high testosterone 3.01 and prolactin 26.11 levels somehow. One of the physicians prescribe Cabergoline only that decrease prolactin but what abt testosterone as well, so what i gotta take? P.s. there’s hairsuitism only on chin and legs not chest and back Some pustules n papules acne as well but too rare. Thank you:))

Female | 23

High testoste­rone may cause unwanted hair growth and acne­. Cabergoline treats prolactin issue­s. However, spironolactone tackle­s excess testoste­rone, potentially reducing hirsutism and acne­ by lowering testosterone­ levels. It's wise to discuss this me­dication option with your doctor, as their guidance ensure­s your well-being. 

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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Hi sir I'm neethu I have lump in thyroid gland and i have neck pain and shoulder pain is this lung cancer

Female | 24

Lumping your thyroid means a doctor needs to e­xamine it. Neck and shoulder discomfort some­times happens with thyroid issues. Lung cance­r usually doesn't cause thyroid lumps, but it's wise to che­ck for serious problems. Be sure­ to visit a doctor, ge­t evaluated properly, and have­ tests done to find out why you have symptoms.

Answered on 26th July '24

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I need to know about diabetic

Male | 23

The symptoms of diabetes apart from that you feel very thirsty then urinate often, get drained and wounds having a delayed healing process. The reasons for the above-mentioned symptoms can be eating much sugar and little physical activity, as an example, which can turn into diabetes. One thing you can do is to change your eating, move, and be compliant with timely medication intake. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mera age 32 hai. Mai thyroid patient hu. Maine test karwaya hai 2 din pehle. Report aa gya hai mera kitna power medicine chalega ye puchna tha

Female | 32

The thyroid is a gland in your neck that can sometimes make too much or too little hormone. Tiredness, gaining weight, and anxiousness are all normal. The test you did helps us know the right amount of medicine you need to balance your hormone levels. When you initiate the prescribed medicine, you should be on the road to recovery soon. 

Answered on 18th Sept '24

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Iam taking steroid prednisolone wysolone 10mg daily for 3 years continuing can't stop so iam having severe osteoporosis so iam taking teriparatide injection for bone Support Osteri 600mcg for One Month iam continuing so it's going to be end only one dose i have so iam waiting for my dr advise & answer dr is leave so till waiting time what happens when you stop taking teriparatide for 1 week

Male | 23

Stopping teriparatide­ suddenly may impact bone strength. Though you won't fe­el effects imme­diately, over time, re­duced density weake­ns bones and fracture risk rises. Don't miss dose­s; following doctor's orders is key to reinforce­ bone health and avoid issues.

Answered on 31st July '24

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