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Male | 22

medicine for premature ejection

Sir, I am 22 years old and I have the problem of premature ejaculation, which has been there for a long time, please sir, if there is any kind of medicine, please tell me if there is any kind of medicine.

Answered on 15th Dec '24

Hello, at your age of 22yrs the problem of premature ejaculation must have some reason.... More information is needed to help you with proper solution. Your problem of premature ejaculation is most common sexual problem in all ages of men. Fortunately it has high recovery rate through ayurvedic medications. 

I am explaining you briefly about premature ejaculation so that it will eliminate your fears. 
In premature ejaculation men come out very fast, Men gets discharged either before penetration or immediately after penetration, they hardly get some strokes. So the female partner remains unsatisfied. 

This may be due to so many factors like more heat in the body, excessive sex feelings, hyper sensitivity of the penis glands, thin semen, general nerves weakness, excessive masturbation, excessive Porn watching, and High cholesterol. High blood pressure, Diabetes, Obesity, thyroid, heart problem, alcohol, Tobacco use, Sleep disorders, tension, stress etc. 

This problem of premature ejaculation is very much treatable. 

I am suggesting you some ayurvedic medicines. 

Take shatavaradi churan half teaspoon in the morning and one in the night, 

Take tablet manmath Ras one in the morning and one in the night. 

Take tablet Pushp dhanva Ras one in the morning and one in the night, and take tablet Sidh makardhwaj Vati with gold, one in the morning and one in the night after food. 

All three preferably with hot milk or with water. 

Avoid junk food, oily, more spicy food, alcohol, tobacco, tension and anxiety. 

Start doing yoga. Pranayam, meditation, Vajroli mudra, Ashwini mudra, kegel exercise for at least 1 hour a day. 

Start taking hot milk twice a day also 2 to 3 dates in the morning and in the night with the milk. 

DO all this for 3 months and see the results. 

If you don't get satisfactory results then please go to your family doctor or to a good sexologist


41 people found this helpful

Answered on 23rd May '24

Medications for PE encompass SSRIs such as sertraline and topical anesthetics including contents like lidocaine or prilocaine. Daily antidepressant intake of SSRIs can help to prevent premature ejaculation. The penis is desensitised with topical anesthetics. First, it is necessary to consult with a urologist who will choose the most appropriate medication depending on individual cases. Further, behavioral techniques and counseling might be recommended as part of an integrated plan for controlling premature ejaculation.


57 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (948)

হ্যলো৷ ডাক্তার, আমার বয়স ১৯ বছর,আমি পড়াশোনা করি। কিছুদিন পর আমার পরীক্ষা, আমার মাথায় বিনা কারনে যৌন চিন্তা চলে আসে বারবার,যার কারনে সঠিক ভাবে পড়াশুনা করতে পারছিনা,রাতে ঘুমানোর সময়এইসব চিন্তা ঘোরাঘুরি করার কারনে নিজে থেকেই লিঙ্গ দিয়ে বীযপাত হয় যার ফলে মাঝে মাঝে সহ্য করতে না পেরে হস্তমৈথুন করে ফেলি।কোনভাবে নিজেকে হস্তমৈথুন থেকে আটকাতে পারি না..।আমি অনেকবার এটি ছাড়ার চেষ্টা করেছি। কিভাবে এই সমস্যা থেকে বের হবো?

Male | 19

Answered on 16th Feb '25

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Sorry doctor my name is sadamu Bovu from Tanzania.I'm a student of Tanzania public service college.sorry again doctor I have a partner but I fair to sex during the sexual intercourse

Male | 23

Good, write your problems in details, we will try our best to give you solution at your home.

Answered on 17th July '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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My penis head or glans(which is under my foreskin and I cant see it) is excessively sexually stimulated always .It becomes aroused easily even without any sexual excitement and it's become very difficult to control the discharge. Although it happens only in less amounts but constant loss makes me feel a loss of energy and less energitic always especially after urinating. Because even the slightest desire to urge makes it even more unbearable due to the amount of force it wants to come out with .I feel semen is indirectly being lost in urination. I feel itching and unbearable to urge to urinate when it comes.It has been happening for about 1 year now but I thought it would come down but it only became worse. So can you please tell me why this is happening and what is the best and fast treatment to cure and by the way I used to masturbate before this problem started (Did once for every 2 days for about 2 months or so) but later stopped doing it. So is it in any way related to it?

Male | 22

Answered on 26th Nov '24

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What dosage of sildenafil or dapoxetine should i take before sexual activity. I need to avoid erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Please suggest allopathy medicine

Male | 36

When it comes to preventing erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, sildenafil and dapoxetine are two of the most frequently used medicines that can help. When using sildenafil, the rate of usage will be around 50 mg, at least one hour before sexual intercourse. It has a positive effect on the blood that comes to the penis, which eventually makes it more functional and keeps the erection longer. For people who are prescribed dapoxetine, the proper dosage is usually 30 mg; this drug is taken for 1-3 hours before having sex. It is a remedy to early ejaculation that delays the time that it takes for an individual to cum. As a reminder, it is always recommended to talk to your doctor to decide on the appropriate dose that you would particularly need.

Answered on 16th June '24

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I am 16 years old . I am having some issues with my penis . It is not standing. It is not getting hard . It's skin is getting bad . I have been masturbating for the past few years. I really want to make my penis thick and increase size .

Male | 17

The pe­nis is a complex body part. Sometimes, it doe­sn't get firm during arousal. Skin issues around the pe­nis may occur too. These problems ofte­n arise from excessive­ self-pleasuring. Penis size­ and girth are largely prede­termined by gene­tics. They can't change significantly. Using a gentle­ lotion may help soothe irritated pe­nile skin. Masturbating less freque­ntly promotes stronger ere­ctions. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What can I take to stop having a dry Orgasm

Male | 45

At bed time take ashwagandha powder 6 gm with Luke warm milk for 3 months and apply alovera gel over penile part at bed time. Hope get wonderful results.

Answered on 17th July '24

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