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Male | 21

Can Varicocele Surgery Help Swollen, Grade 1/2 Testicles?

Sir i have bilateral varicocele of grade 1/2 . My testies is also swollen. Sir what should I do...can my testies get normal after I go for Varicocele surgery.

1 Answer

Answered on 18th June '24

Vericocele is a swollen vein in the testicle that may be seen or felt around the scrotum and the testicle itself. There may be a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, and swelling. Using surgery can fix this. The testes can return to their normal state after the surgery. It is wise to get guidance from a urologist on what to expect and how to take care of yourself after the surgery. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1157)

I m getting sperm with blood what should I do

Male | 25

It is worth noticing that blood in your sperm could show an indication of an infection, inflammation, or injury in your reproductive system. It is advised that you make an appointment with a urologist, who is an expert in the issue of diagnosing and treating conditions related to the male reproductive system. They can look into your problems and advice you the suitable treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Sex se deleted mera ling ek baar sex karne ke baad kada nahi hota hai kya kru

Male | 28

Experiencing difficulty getting an erection after having sex once could be due to various factors. This might include physical fatigue, psychological stress, medical conditions, or lifestyle factors. If it's an occasional issue, it might not be a major concern

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I had sex with a girl after that I got a rash over my penile region and a small hole, thereafter consulted with urologist he tests for std panel, urine culture and RBC tests which comes negative after a week. So now I'm bit worried that to whom should I consult a urologist or dermatologist. Please need help..

Male | 28

You should consult a good urologist once more and take proper opinion. Also maintain proper hygiene.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pranjal Ninave

Dr. Pranjal Ninave

Please I need help doctors I was normal in erection and libido till I failed in my first sexual experience in 3-11-2013 then I went to have penile doppler it was normal but I was have ed the doctor told me its a physiological issue and advice me to get married and I get married in 2015 but the ed do not gone away I went to have another penile doppler and it showing that I have fibrosis and microcalcifications in penile but erection was satisfied to me and sensation in penile was normal with weak morning erections and I did not take any treatment for fibrosis because I think that is to small fibrosis to make a problem and its a physiological issue but I noticed that my penile was shortening by time and I was not know what is peyronie disease and I was daily 27 january 2021 I was masturbating hardly and suddenly the penile make an hourglass shape in semi erect and my penile have a dark area in the shaft. But the erection do not effect or sensation and the penile have this hourglass shape in flaccid 1-6-2021 I was checking my penile with fingers but hardly to discover any lumps I suddenly lost of sensation in penile and testes and ass and the erection affected I went to urologist he described a p shot prp plasma injection in penile. I tooked 6 injections after that I shocked that the all sensation in penile and testes and ass gone away and erection too but daily some erection happening but weak because there is no sensation and this issue from june 2021 till now. If I have nerves damaged in penile can it regenerated and work again even I have fibrosis or peyronie? Will I get back normal? Dose rough and daily masturbating and prp injection causes damage to nerves? Was I have peyronie for years and was not know that and it damaged nerves? What can I do please help me I am in horror. please I want to know will I be ok. Will the body fix this problem. Please I want to reassuring. I do not have any sensation at all and no normal erection and the penile always have weird shapes its fat from the shaft under the head and thinner from middle and a waist band like always visible in middle of it and its shortening. Is it a late peyronie stage.

Male | 33

There can be many possibilities for the problem according to your query... Get yourself evaluated for best advice.. Yes rough handling while masturbation and excessive masturbation do have many harmful effects.. Avoid masturbation for some time.. I am explaining briefly about erectile dysfunction so that it takes fear out of you. 

In erectile dysfunction, men are not able to get or keep an erection that is sufficient to have penetrative sex. This may be due to so many factors like High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Diabetes, excessive masturbation, excessive Porn watching, nerves weakness, Obesity, thyroid, heart problem, alcohol, Tobacco use, Sleep disorders. Low testosterone, tension, stress etc., 

This problem of erectile dysfunction is very much treatable. 

I am suggesting you some ayurvedic medicines, 
Take Aswagandhadi churan half teaspoon in the morning & in the night. 

Take Capsule SHILAJIT One in the morning and one in the night. 

Take tablet Brihat Bangeshwar ras one in the morning one and one in the night after food. 

All three preferably with hot milk or with water 

Also apply and message Shri Gopal tail on your penis three times a week for 2 to 4 minutes. 

Avoid junk food, oily and more spicy food, alcohol, tobacco, tension and anxiety. 

Start doing brisk walk or running or cardio exercises for at least 1 hour a day. 

Start taking hot milk twice a day also two to three dates in the morning and in the night with milk. 

Do all the above suggested treatment for 3 months and see the results. 

If you don't get satisfactory results then please go to your family doctor or a good


Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar

Dr. Arun Kumar

My penis got something white out of it it’s not sticky just liquid and white

Male | 16

You might be having a genital inflammation or infection. It is crucial to see a urologist for a check-up and diagnosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

me arde la uretra y tengo molestias urinarias, no tengo infección porque no sale en el urocultivo, pero el ardor no se va . se desencadenó despues de un tratamiento con antibióticos para una bacteria estomacal

Femenino | 38

Es comprensible que estés preocupado por el ardor y las molestias al orinar. A veces, el uso de antibióticos puede alterar la flora bacteriana normal, lo que podría causar síntomas como los que mencionas. Es importante asegurarte de estar bien hidratado y considerar la posibilidad de tomar probióticos para ayudar a restaurar el equilibrio en tu sistema. Si los síntomas persisten o empeoran, te recomendaría consultar a un médico. Ellos podrán realizar un examen más exhaustivo y ofrecerte el tratamiento adecuado para aliviar tu malestar. Cuida de ti y busca ayuda profesional si lo necesitas.

Answered on 9th Mar '25

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Recently when i go for stool if i give i bit of pressure drops of sperm gets out of my penis and this happens every time i am feeling weak because of this Dr please suggest some cure

Male | 33

follow these herbal combination for complete cure :- vrihad vangeshwar ras 1 tablet twice a day, kamdev avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with milk or juice or water

Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

I have to undergo surgery 2 times, still I have to concentrate on passing urine, 1st time urethra plastic, 2nd time laparoscopy surgery, I still have to do dilatation twice.

Male | 33

This urination problem was due to a narrowing in the urethra which made it difficult for the urine to flow freely. Dilatation is a procedure to expand the urethra. It is essential to take your doctor's advice and go to all follow-up appointments to tackle this issue successfully.

Answered on 30th Aug '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I have a little blood come out when I Ejaculat but no pain or discomfort

Male | 17

The presence of blood in semen, known as hematospermia, can have various causes. While it's often benign, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation. Potential causes include infections, inflammation, or structural issues in the reproductive system. A medical examination and, if necessary, further tests can help determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment. Don't delay seeking professional medical advice for this issue.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

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