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Female | 36

Why does my boyfriend get penile sores after oral?

sometimes my boyfriend gets a sore on his penis after oral. i have been checked for any std and everything has came back negative.

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your boyfriend may have a reaction on the oral sex or in case of skin irritation. But this should definitely be evaluated by a urologist to rule out any possible medical complications. I advise visiting a urologist immediately.

35 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1172)

After having a sex my tesuu is painful a lot

Male | 32

question is not with proper details

Answered on 10th July '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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i am a 25 year old male living in Ghana, Africa.i have problems with my sexual health. what should i do?

Male | 25

We suggest you to consult a urologist if you have any sexual health issues. They specifically treat diseases like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, among others. It is necessary to get medical assistance and not to be ashamed to talk about your worries with a specialist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why my penis is moved to back from one month, one month bullet kick back incident happened to me injury to right leg feet, knee, and right groin area and pain at penis , now all problems cleared except penis is moved to back sometimes no pain what is it please explain

పురుషుడు | 37

Your description sounds like penile deviation may be present. If trauma occurs nearer to the groin that can change how your penis sits. When you mentioned the bullet kick back episode with injury on the right hand side, it could have caused things not aligning down there anymore. Because everything down there is still in the process of healing, your penis might have moved into a different position by itself. If there’s no pain occurring at this time, that’s good news. Wait for a while longer and observe if things get back on track naturally. In case they don’t or start feeling worse or any other symptoms develop, then it’s best to have them looked at closely by medical personnel.

Answered on 27th May '24

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Scrotal pain last 6 months

Male | 24

Various things can cause scrotal pain such as injuries, infections, or even hernias. Sometimes it may also be caused by conditions like varicocele or epididymitis. You must see a urologist who will be able to examine you and find out what is causing this. Treatment might involve taking drugs, physiotherapy sessions, or in some cases surgical operation.

Answered on 30th May '24

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I have undescended testicle at age 27 . Semen analysis is nil sperm count . Please suggest treatment

Male | 27

You likely have­ an undescended te­sticle. This means it didn't desce­nd into the scrotum before birth. An unde­scended testicle­ often leads to zero spe­rm count. You may have no semen, indicating the­ condition. Fixing this might require surgery. Moving the­ testicle properly some­times helps boost sperm production. Howe­ver, not every case­ responds favorably to this procedure.

Answered on 5th July '24

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Good day I have a frequent urination problem with episodes of not feeling when to go and sometimes urgency. I saw a urologist end last year. He didnt say much after doing ultrasound he said residual urine is fine. He prescribed Betmiga 50mg I havent started it yet because I'm scared it's going to cause urinary retention. He also found a trace of blood in my urine and said I must schedule a cystoscope in this year which I've done for May. Sometimes I have trace blood and sometimes not. My bladder doesnt feel and look right it seems very enlarged to me however the urologist didnt mention anything about enlargement. Alot of symptoms over the years was or is also psychological Ive been told by doctors and psychiatrist many years back. Should I go for the scope Im scared it's going to make things worst. The blood in urine over years has always been a trace and it is not constant however the last two urine culture tests they found trace of blood.. I am 35 years old male, height 1.63 metres, weight around 80kg. There's no sign of prostrate problems also I had the PSA test done last year.When it feels like I keep my pee in too long even like 10 minutes longer there is a pressure between my legs between my anus and my penis retracts Im really worried. My stools also alternate and put pressure on my bladder and affects the urination. I have been diagnosed as having IBS by a gastroenterologist.

Male | 35

Frequent urination, urge­ncy, blood in urine - these could signal bladde­r trouble. Your urologist's cystoscopy will give insights into what's happening inside­ your bladder, ruling out potential problems. It's unde­rstandable feeling anxious about the­ procedure, but don't fret too much ove­r the scope worsening things - it's a routine­, safe way to get a clear look. !

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, need to overcome from ED, does p shot, recommended. If yes plz let me know how to start

Male | 30

If you're seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction, consider consulting a urologist or a specialist in sexual health. They can assess your specific situation and discuss various treatment options

Answered on 23rd May '24

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hello! I am CAH patient, I am taking hydrocortisone fludrocortisone and dexamethasone from when I was 11 year olds . in last year my doctor stop me to taking hydrocortisone. and told me I need only fludrocortisone and dexamethasone. but in these time duration I am feeling the pain in my pelvic and itching can you tell me what's the problem is it?

Female | 24

The pelvic discomfort and/or itching that you are having can be controlled or worsened either by your hormonal conditions or possibly be an entirely different issue. Making the effort to undergo a detailed medical exam right away will characterize the root of your symptoms and help you get your symptoms treated.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My penis size very small than not treatment

Male | 29

Many guys stress about pe­nis size, but various lengths exist - that's fine­. Small penises rarely cause­ health issues. Reme­mber, size doesn't impact we­llness or sexual satisfaction. While conce­rning, usually no medical treatments incre­ase size. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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