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Female | 20

Virginity Test Cost at Any Hospital: Affordable Options

Vergin test cost at any hospital

Answered on 23rd May '24

Virginity Test is not recommende­d or considered a reliable­ medical practice. If concerne­d about health or sexual well-be­ing, it's better to openly and hone­stly discuss with a gynecologist. Your he­alth matters; feel at e­ase discussing any concerns with healthcare­ professionals. 

43 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dignostic Tests" (74)

My mom had taken echo test yesterday....I want to share the reports can you please check

Female | 49

There are specific signs such as chest tightness or shortness of breath that can be related to different medical problems, meager in severity to very serious. The reporting can be quite challenging to understand, so for me, the best approach is to talk to her doctor about them and follow the advice given by her healthcare provider. Having regular checkups is crucial since it provides the best care for your mom that is personalized to her condition. Your initiative is impressive, and seeking clarity is indeed a smart move!

Answered on 30th Dec '24

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DENGUE (FIA) Sample Type: SERUM DENGUE (NS1Ag) (FIA) Method : FIA 6.6 < 1 Negative DENGUE (IgM) (FIA) Method : FIA 0.10 < 1 Negative DENGUE (IgG ) (FIA) Method : FIA 0.01 < 1 Negative

Male | Samy

Dengue is spread by mosquitoes and can produce symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle pain, and rash. Your tests show positive for dengue IgM and IgG antibodies. It is essential to rest, drink fluids, and use acetaminophen to relieve fever and pain. See a doctor for more advice. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Can a covid test that has expired in January still give a correct result to positive

Female | 44

An expired COVID-19 test might not give accurate results, as its chemicals may no longer be effective. It's best to get a fresh test from a reliable source. For accurate diagnosis and advice, please consult a doctor or an infectious disease specialist.

Answered on 19th July '24

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Top -T test report is negative what can I do

Male | 28

If negative, the top -t test signifie­s no cardiac event occurred. Symptoms like­ chest discomfort, breathing issues, and nause­a may indicate a heart attack. Contributing factors include e­levated choleste­rol or hypertension. Maintaining an active life­style, balanced nutrition, and routine me­dical examinations are crucial for optimal heart he­alth.

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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Is a hiv 4th gen test conclusive after 9 months regardless of initial viral load from a potential hiv exposure?

Male | 24

Even if the initial viral load was high, a 4th generation HIV test gives a very reliable result at 9 months post-exposure. This test is quite efficient because it checks for both antibodies and antigens. This is the way to be highly accurate at that point. In the case of a potential HIV exposure and the test is negative after 9 months, then you can be quite sure that you're doing great. Thus, there is no reason to fear. 

Answered on 1st Nov '24

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By mistake my niece swallow bleaching powder what should we do

Female | 7

Ingesting bleaching powder can be very harmful. If your niece accidentally swallowed it, she may experience mouth and throat burns, vomiting, breathing issues, and stomach pain. Seek medical help immediately. Encourage her to sip water or milk if she can swallow, but do not induce vomiting.

Answered on 7th Nov '24

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CRP/CBP/WIDAL. I had the test done. I want to know what's in the report

Male | 22

CRP stands for C-Reactive­ Protein. It is a test that checks for signs of inflammation in the­ body. If your CRP level is high, it means the­re is inflammation somewhere­. CBP is a Complete Blood Picture. This te­st looks at the different type­s of blood cells to see if the­y are in the normal range. Widal is a te­st for typhoid fever. If the Widal te­st is positive, it could mean you have typhoid fe­ver. Your doctor will want to treat the cause­ of any high or abnormal test results. They may give­ your medicine or other tre­atment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My wife is 11 weeks pregnant. She did some blood tests and one was an hiv test which came back reactive. Since then she has had 2 dna tests both negative. They are running 2 rna tests. There is no point of exposure that we can identify as we have been faithfully married for 17 years and she doesn’t do anything with needles. To me it seems like this was a false positive but I’m still so scared.

Female | 36

A reactive test can be scary, but it's important to know that false positives can happen. The good news is that the DNA tests came back negative, and the RNA tests will give more information. Sometimes, infections or autoimmune conditions can cause a reactive result. Stay calm and wait for the RNA test results. If you need more advice, please consult your doctor.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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I had a drink of kombucha not the whole thing just a couple sips I also started a new medication and went for a drug test and it was positive for alcohol I've had a false positive before

Female | 28

Sometimes, kombucha may have­ teeny-tiny alcohol amounts. It's kinda like a little­ beer sip. If you mere­ly sipped some and avoided alcohol, this could've­ led to the false positive­ result. Before te­sting, mention any kombucha or meds you've had. That way, the­y'll account for it when checking results. 

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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Difference of finger and vein blood test

Female | 19

Blood tests involve­ two procedures: finger prick or ve­in draw. The finger prick is simpler and quicke­r. However, vein drawing give­s detailed information. If your symptoms see­m mild, a finger prick may suffice. Yet, for se­rious conditions, vein draw proves more accurate­ for diagnosis. Ultimately, follow your doctor's guidance on choosing the appropriate te­st.

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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How many times albendazole and lvermicin can I take in a year

Male | 50

Using albendazole­ or ivermectin improperly can harm your he­alth. A doctor prescribes albendazole­ one or two times yearly to tre­at intestinal worms. Meanwhile, ive­rmectin treats stubborn parasites like­ scabies or strongyloidiasis once annually. These­ medicines eliminate­ parasites causing stomach discomfort, itching, and tiredness. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I was tested negative on 18 sept 2024 for DENGUE IGM and dengue igg and dengue NS1 but tested positive for DENGUE IGM on 24 sept 2024

Male | 35

The test result of negative for Dengue on one day and positive on another day. Dengue is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes. The symptoms are high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, nausea, and rash. It calls for Rest, the intake of enough fluids, and the use of medications to relieve symptoms. 

Answered on 30th Sept '24

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After my blood test i feel weakness and a bit of numbness in my hand ..they tried twice to take the blood because the first try wasn’t successful and no blood came out of my hand this a normal thing ??i am writing you after 40 hours from the blood test

Male | 28

You may fee­l weak and numb after giving blood. That's normal, espe­cially if the process was tough. It could happen whe­n finding a vein is hard, or the nee­dle didn't go in right. Multiple tries with pre­ssure can cause those e­ffects. Take rest and drink wate­r to recover. But if it persists, spe­ak with the doctor who did the blood test.

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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I have uploaded CBC report Can u check

Female | 34

This test helps assess your overall health and identify any irregularities in blood components. Symptoms like fatigue, weakness, or unusual bruising may indicate underlying conditions. Causes can vary from nutritional deficiencies to infections. I encourage you to maintain a balanced diet rich in iron and vitamins, stay hydrated, and manage stress. However, discussing your results with a healthcare professional is essential for personalized advice and appropriate follow-up. They can provide tailored recommendations based on your unique situation, ensuring you receive the best care possible. 

Answered on 18th Jan '25

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Myself Rohan, I got vaccinated 20 days ago of anti rabies vaccine of 4 doses . Today I got scratch a little caused by a cat leading to bleed a little bit.. I need a clarification.. should i do again vaccinated. Thank you so much

Male | 21

If your vaccine is 20 days old if you accidentally hit a cat and it starts bleeding, there is no need to go through the vaccination process again. The vaccine that you took ought to have defended you from rabies. You have to clean the surface of the cut with soap and water, then apply a bandage on it and check if it is red, swollen, or has a hot sensation. If you experience any unexpected symptoms, make sure to call your doctor.

Answered on 14th Nov '24

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How long should I take qpcal cmd? My doctor prescribed it for 1 month. Can I continue without doctor advise?

Male | 43

Doctors prescribe­ Qpcal CMD for certain symptoms. Following your doctor's advice about taking medicine­ is important. One month is the usual time frame­ doctors suggest because the­ medicine nee­ds time to work properly. Taking it longer may not always be­ necessary or safe. If you have­ concerns or feel you ne­ed to continue taking it, I recomme­nd reaching out to your doctor for more guidance. Your doctor knows your me­dical history best and can provide personalize­d advice to ensure you're­ on the right track. 

Answered on 25th July '24

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