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Female | 21

What does Beta HCG 522.49 mIU/ML Signify?

So I just need to ask something related to blood test reports what does beta HCG 522.49 mIU/ML indicates

Answered on 30th Dec '24

A pregnancy test reading of 522.49 mIU/ML may be normal for the early stages of pregnancy or be an indicator of an abnormal pregnancy if it is not accompanied by other symptoms. The pituitary gland, controlled by the increased level of the hormone involved, is responsible for promoting testosterone synthesis and release. Implantation bleeding is the light and short bleeding that may be experienced between the 6th and 12th day after conception. This hormone is secreted during the early phase of human pregnancy. The levels of bHCG are constantly changing in the first trimester. It is important to note that other symptoms such as the absence of menstruation, a feeling of sickness, or fatigue may appear. If you are presented with any uncommon signals, the first thing to do is to see a doctor for appropriate medical procedures. Therefore, an appointment with a healthcare provider will clarify the significance of this result to your health and also provide you with the next steps. 

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Questions & Answers on "Dignostic Tests" (74)

Just want a opinion over the sonography report

Female | 1 month

This imaging test often helps diagnose various conditions by visualizing internal structures. Symptoms can vary greatly depending on the area examined, and potential causes might include inflammation, cysts, or other abnormalities. It’s essential to interpret these results in conjunction with your clinical history. I recommend discussing your report with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized insight and potential next steps based on your specific situation. Your health is important, and a doctor can guide you toward the best possible care and treatment options.

Answered on 18th Jan '25

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Male | 34

It looks like there is a possibility that your message was misunderstood. In case you suffer from weird symptoms such as tiredness, pain, or discomfort that seems not normal, it may be due to stress, an unbalanced diet, or even infections. It's crucial to follow your body's signals and notice any changes. Therapy through lifestyle changes such as drinking enough water, eating a balanced diet, and doing some relaxation exercises can help you, rather easily. Nonetheless, if the symptoms persist or are worrying, I advise you to make a doctor's appointment and get a complete check-up.

Answered on 14th Dec '24

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Hi I'm female 49 yrs, who missed w tt shot fir a second grade burn with hot water in right thigh, antibiotics taken for7 days, and application of betadine helped 80percent of wound, want to know about missed tt shot risk, whether I want to be alert to check out for tetanus symptoms,how many days it will take to show the symptoms, now I hàve passed 14 days after injury.please reply

Female | 49

Since you missed tetanus vaccination after second-degree burns, you are at risk for tetanus infection. The symptoms may be visible within 3 to 21 days, usually at 7 to 10 days. Tightness of muscles, spasms in the jaw, and difficulty in swallowing are some of the symptoms that one may experience. If you notice these signs, you should seek medical attention at once. The tetanus vaccine can, however, be administered after an injury to avoid infection. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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Answered on 4th Sept '24

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It’s getting bloodwork for herpes after 12 days too soon

Male | 30

Getting blood work for he­rpes can be tricky. It might take some­ time for the virus to show in your blood test re­sults. That is why you should wait a few weeks be­fore testing for herpe­s. Painful sores, itching, and flu-like symptoms can be signs of he­rpes. But it is best to be patie­nt and allow your body time to develop antibodie­s. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I would like some medical reports checked. How can it be attached here?

Male | 72

Getting medical reports tested in person is the best, hence it is good to discuss them with your health care provider. That said, if you wish to share more information, you can detail any symptoms you may be going through. For example, if you are tired, dizzy, or suffering from stomach pains such as appendicitis or sigmoid colon they've been and infection, austere or stiff deficiencies, or other conditions could be the reasons. 

Answered on 12th Dec '24

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Can a covid test that has expired in January still give a correct result to positive

Female | 44

An expired COVID-19 test might not give accurate results, as its chemicals may no longer be effective. It's best to get a fresh test from a reliable source. For accurate diagnosis and advice, please consult a doctor or an infectious disease specialist.

Answered on 19th July '24

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I need some information about DNA testing in Life. Can you please give me some information?

Male | 30

DNA testing can provide valuable insights into your genetic makeup, helping to assess risks for certain health conditions or inherited disorders. It involves analyzing your DNA to identify specific genetic markers. Common reasons for testing include understanding family health histories or addressing unexplained medical symptoms. If you notice unusual patterns in your health, it may be beneficial to discuss these with your healthcare provider, who can recommend appropriate testing options. Remember, working closely with a medical professional ensures the best guidance tailored to your individual needs.

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

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How many times albendazole and lvermicin can I take in a year

Male | 50

Using albendazole­ or ivermectin improperly can harm your he­alth. A doctor prescribes albendazole­ one or two times yearly to tre­at intestinal worms. Meanwhile, ive­rmectin treats stubborn parasites like­ scabies or strongyloidiasis once annually. These­ medicines eliminate­ parasites causing stomach discomfort, itching, and tiredness. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir I m 25 years old boy .Sir someone implanted a RFID chip in my body . please can u help me find out how can I detect the chip in my body .which type of process is required for full body scan to find out it.

Male | 26

You cannot feel an RFID chip just by touching it. A full body scan like an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan may he­lp see the chip. You may fe­el pain, swelling, or odd fee­lings near the chip spot. If you think you have an RFID chip, go se­e a doctor to check and do what nee­ds done.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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I need opinion on my lab test report

Female | 26

Please provide more details on what you have been tested for and or atleast give some indications so i can provide the right advice.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to check out my ultrasound report

Female | 20

Understanding these findings is essential for your health. Common symptoms people might experience include pain, swelling, or unusual changes in their body. Various factors can cause these symptoms, such as infections or structural issues. The next step is to discuss your report with your healthcare provider, who can explain the findings clearly and recommend any necessary treatment or follow-up. Always prioritize professional medical advice for personalized care. 

Answered on 29th Jan '25

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CRP/CBP/WIDAL. I had the test done. I want to know what's in the report

Male | 22

CRP stands for C-Reactive­ Protein. It is a test that checks for signs of inflammation in the­ body. If your CRP level is high, it means the­re is inflammation somewhere­. CBP is a Complete Blood Picture. This te­st looks at the different type­s of blood cells to see if the­y are in the normal range. Widal is a te­st for typhoid fever. If the Widal te­st is positive, it could mean you have typhoid fe­ver. Your doctor will want to treat the cause­ of any high or abnormal test results. They may give­ your medicine or other tre­atment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is a hiv 4th gen test conclusive after 9 months regardless of initial viral load from a potential hiv exposure?

Male | 24

Even if the initial viral load was high, a 4th generation HIV test gives a very reliable result at 9 months post-exposure. This test is quite efficient because it checks for both antibodies and antigens. This is the way to be highly accurate at that point. In the case of a potential HIV exposure and the test is negative after 9 months, then you can be quite sure that you're doing great. Thus, there is no reason to fear. 

Answered on 1st Nov '24

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