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Male | 26

What should I do if condom broke during sex?

I am 26 years old yesterday , in spa during sex condum broken, what to do

Answered on 17th Feb '25

If a condom breaks during sexual activity, it's important to stay calm. Symptoms of concern include any unusual bleeding, discharge, or pain. Factors like wear and tear can contribute to breakage, so using lubricants and checking for damage beforehand can help prevent this. As a precaution, consider emergency contraception if pregnancy is a concern; it's most effective when taken promptly. Monitoring your health in the following days is wise, and if anything feels off, consulting a gynecologist is recommended. They can provide personalized advice and ensure your well-being. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (953)

I'm Sexually addicted with my mom. It's normal . My mom age 41 & me 21 . May jab chota tha tab say unke upar mera ek weakness payda hua tha din jitna gujarte raha mer man unko pana chata hay may kiya karu avi . Mom ko approch karna kiya thik rahega .

Male | 21

It's vital to be aware of the fact that feelings of attraction may come up, but when they get too intense, they may indicate a root emotional problem. This might stem from the lack of needs being met to patterns of attachment. Recognition of these emotions is the most important thing. I would suggest you to consider turning to a mental health professional who will be able to help you and also provide a secure place for you to openly express your feelings. Through this process, they will aid you in the examination of these emotions, and assist you in developing more adaptive strategies for coping. However, just remember, when you seek for assistance and you share your problems, you actually take the first step toward knowing who you really are and the right way to deal with them. Your well-being is the priority, and professional counseling will help you navigate it.

Answered on 19th Dec '24

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I am 25 years old and I had a habit of masterbating from 8 years i am having problems like early discharge of sperm and low tightness in penis, premature ejaculation etc now I am stopped completely doing this habit and from now can I recover from this situation.

Male | 25

Masturbating for too long might be the reason that you are dealing with the problems that you have. Some of the common signs are early sperm release, low penis tightness, and quick ejaculation. Now that you've ceased the bad habit, there is a chance for improvement. With time your body may heal and these issues could get better. 

Answered on 19th Feb '25

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Hi, I think I have an STI. After having sex about last week I noticed red painless sores on my dick cap. And now I'm having itching on various parts of my body. I also have itchy rashes on my butt and under my left arm

Male | 23

Painful, red sore­s formed on your penis. Other parts of your body itche­d. Rashes appeared on your butt and unde­r one arm. These symptoms indicate­ a sexually transmitted infection (STI). To ide­ntify and properly treat the STI, se­e a doctor. They can test you and provide­ medication. Be safe during se­x to avoid future infections. 

Answered on 31st July '24

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Hello ma apny penis ke wajah sa preshan hon zyada mastrubation ke wajah sa us ke tightness khtm ho gye please us k kohe solution bata hn

Male | 30

Frequent se­lf-pleasure could be causing tightne­ss in your private area. This occurs when muscle­s get overworked. Te­lltale signs are pain or discomfort during ere­ctions. Cut back on activities for muscles to recove­r. Drink lots of water, and gently stretch too. 

Answered on 31st July '24

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I had unprotected sex with a girl in the morning, then I bought her the morning after pill and after 2 hours we had another unprotected sex that I also do not trust. So my question is should i buy another morning after pill for her to drink within 72 hours or the first pill will work for even the second unprotected sex?

Female | 19

Morning after pill e­ffectiveness is highe­st when taken within 72 hours of unsafe se­x. After that time period, it may not work. For the­ second instance of unsafe se­x, get another morning after pill. Don't re­ly on protection from the previous pill. Use­ protection every time­ to prevent pregnancy and stop se­xually transmitted infections.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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ನಮಸ್ತೆ. ನನಗೆ ಸೆಕ್ಸ್ ಮಾಡೋ ಮುಂಚೆ ವೀರ್ಯಾಣು ಬಂದು ಸೆಕ್ಸ್ ಮಾಡೋಕೆ ಆಗ್ತಿಲ್ಲ

Male | Sridhar

ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ! ನೀವು ವಿವರಿಸಿದ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಗೆ ಹಲವು ಕಾರಣಗಳು ಇರಬಹುದು, ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ ಮಾನಸಿಕ ಒತ್ತೆ, ಶಾರೀರಿಕ ಆರೋಗ್ಯ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಗಳು ಅಥವಾ ಹಾರ್ಮೋನ್ ಅಸಮತೊಲನ. ಇದು ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಸಂಭವಿಸುತ್ತದೆ, ಆದರೆ ಇದಕ್ಕೆ ನಿರ್ಧಾರಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳುವ ವಿಷಯವಾಗಿದೆ. ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕವಾಗಿ, ಉತ್ತಮ ಶ್ರೇಣಿಯ ಆರೋಗ್ಯಕರ ಜೀವನ ಶೈಲಿಯನ್ನು ಅನುಸರಿಸುವುದು, ಒತ್ತೆ management ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಬಹುದಾಗಿದೆ. ಕೊನೆಗೆ, ನೀವು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಸಹಾಯಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ವೈದ್ಯನನ್ನು ಭೇಟಿಯಾಗುವುದು ಉತ್ತಮ, ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಅವರಿಗೆ ನೀವು ಅನುಭವಿಸುತ್ತಿರುವ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಯ ಮೂಲವನ್ನು ಸಮರ್ಥವಾಗಿ ವಿಶ್ಲೇಷಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಆರೋಗ್ಯ ಪ್ರಾಧಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ, ಮತ್ತು ವೈದ್ಯಕೀಯ ನೆರವಿಗೆ ಹೊಂದಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಹೆಮ್ಮೆ ಪಡೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಿ.

Answered on 20th Feb '25

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i am 32 year old, i have sex releated problem, i was doing sex with my partner. i was out within one to two minits

Male | 32

You have premature ejaculation. It is the time you cum too fast while having sex. It can arise from stress, anxiety, or low experience. Try to be calm and act gradually. You may also want to change positions or discuss it with your partner. It is normal to have this problem and you can learn how to control it. 

Answered on 29th Oct '24

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Is there any problem if you have sex at the age of 18?

Male | 18

Being sexually active at the age of 18 is a common thing, but it is important to be prepared. Safe sex through protection, like condoms, can not only prevent pregnancy but diseases as well. Anxiety is a common feeling before sex. Sharing your fears with a partner is a good start. 

Answered on 12th Jan '25

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Past masturbate cause pelvic dysfunction ???

Female | 22

Masturbation is usually not a cause of pelvic dysfunction. However, the fact is that sometimes, excessive pressure in that area can lead you, in some cases, to discomfort. Signs such as pain, urinating difficulties, or painful intercourse might occur. To avoid this situation, try to take breaks regularly and don't apply too much pressure on that area.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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