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Male | 45

Severe Groin Pain after Arousal: Causes and Treatment

What would cause severe pain in the groin and lower abdomen after being aroused and lasting for hours afterwards. Even worse pain and testicular swelling after ejaculation.

1 Answer

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Epididymitis could be the­ issue you're facing. It's when the­ tube close to your testicle­ gets inflamed. When arouse­d or ejaculating, you may feel groin and lowe­r abdomen pain and swelling. You might also have fe­ver, urination discomfort. Staying hydrated, resting, antibiotics can he­lp. But seeing a urologist for proper diagnosis and tre­atment is crucial.

94 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1172)

Mere ling ki upar Sujan hai ho kaise kaam ho

Male | 25

This might be an indication of inflammation of the penis, similarly named as balanitis. The patient must consult a urologist for an accurate evaluation and treatment. Balanitis occurs for numerous reasons, including poor hygiene, fungal infections, or sexually transmitted infections. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello! My name is Val, I am a 23-year-old male from Romania and recently I’ve been experiencing concerning developments of my symptoms in my private area. After recently being sexually active, my male organ has developed a lump under my first layers of skin in an uneven form, distributing itself horizontally. Recently, it started to itch at times and it has now turned into a dark blue / black color with a slight crust on the top layer of skin. After personal research, I’m inclined to believe these are symptoms of penile cancer, however I’m very unsure. Please help me.

Male | 23

 What you talk about may not be penile cancer at all. Other conditions can also be the reason for lumps or discoloration in the area. It might be an infection or a penile injury. However, you should see a doctor for the right diagnosis and treatment. Seek medical help ASAP for peace of mind and proper care. Don't delay.

Answered on 30th Aug '24

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Madam, I am having a tight foreskin. During erection, foreskin can be retracted to some extent but it feels as if it will get stuck & skin will get torn. . One online doctor has advised TENOVATE GM but using it I m having slightly burning sensation .Pls help by suggesting a suitable ointment for this and kindly tell any effective measures.

Male | 22

It seems like you might have phimosis, which is a condition where the foreskin is too tight and hard to pull back. This can make erections uncomfortable and even painful. Tenovate GM might not be the best solution for this issue because it can cause burning. I suggest using a gentle moisturizer like Vaseline or a mild steroid cream like hydrocortisone. These will help to soften the skin and reduce inflammation. Make sure you apply the ointment after cleaning the area with warm water. 

Answered on 7th June '24

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Latrine patli aur fati type me aana

Male | 19

Consult your urologist, they can check with some urines tests and examination.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Read answer father is 80yrs old. He has a enlarged prostate issue. He don't have control on urine. He is having swelling at foot . Their local Dr. told to get operated for the same but he has various health issues like BP, Diabetes. etc..pls suggest what action should we take further. Thanks

Male | 80

Your father see­ms to be struggling with prostate issues. He­ might have trouble pee­ing and swollen feet. Enlarge­d prostates are common as men ge­t older. But his other health proble­ms make surgery risky right now. Ask his doctor about medications or non-surgical tre­atments instead. They could he­lp him feel bette­r and manage his symptoms without major procedures.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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