Male | 52
Почему я не могу облегчить жжение при мочеиспускании?
Здравствуйте, Доктор, У меня сильная жгучая боль во время мочеиспускания. Я принял таблетки цефуроксима аксетила, но безрезультатно. Я попробовал сироп Алкасол, но жгучая боль все равно осталась. Посоветуйте, пожалуйста, какие-нибудь средства.
Answered on 4th Sept '24
Вы страдаете от инфекции мочевыводящих путей. Эта ситуация возникает, когда бактерии попадают в мочевой пузырь и вызывают проблемы. Из-за этого мочеиспускание вызывает боль. Наиболее эффективным средством лечения этого заболевания являются антибиотики, назначенные врачом.уролог. Кроме того, употребление достаточного количества воды поможет смыть бактерии.
3 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Urology" (990)
I am having UTI can i take flygly 400mg
Female | 26
As a medical expert, I would urge to get a doctor advice before start taking Flygly 400mg. UTI is a bacterial infection that requires a combination of antibiotics used depending on the nature, severity of the infection. I would advise a visit to a urologist or a gynecologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I had burning while urination and I took the antibiotics prescribed to me about 6 months ago by a doctor for UTI. even though the antibiotic course is complete I still feel an uneasy feeling while urination, basically in the beginning and I have been feeling very weak and drowsy. This burning sensation started 2 days after I had sex with my partner using protection. None of us have any STI or other infections. What should I do now?
Female | 23
Feeling a burning sensation when peeing after antibiotics might signify an infection. Your symptoms started post-intimacy, suggesting it relates. It's important to see a urologist soon to address any underlying issues. Meanwhile, drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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Urinary stent removal is a painful week I remove my stent panic
Male | 30
Stent removal leads to brief sharp pain or pulling sensation. This happens because the stent gets gently pulled through the urethra, where urine flows from the bladder. Though strange or uncomfortable, the procedure is quick. Any pain should go away fast once the stent is removed completely. Discuss concerns with your urologist if needed.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 18 years old student. Months ago let's say a year or more I started having pain in my testicles it does come and come
Male | 18
Looks like you’ve been experiencing testicular pain that has persisted over an extended period. Testicles hurt for various reasons, including infections, trauma, and a condition known as testicular torsion. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a urologist who will help identify what is causing the pain and propose an appropriate treatment plan for you.
Answered on 9th July '24
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I have middle back pain and feeling to want to urinate more than usual its been like 16 hours and the back pain is less now
Male | 29
In case you suffer from middle back pain with the urge to urinate at a higher rate than usual, taking a UTI or kidney infection can’t be ruled out. Either a urologist or a nephrologist should be approached to establish a precise diagnosis and the most suitable treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Premature ejaculation ki bimari hai, or ling me tanav na aata hai.
Male | 43
Treating premature ejaculation can include medications, psychological counseling, and sexual therapy. Psychological counseling and behavior therapy can help address underlying psychological issues that may be causing or contributing to the problem. Sexual therapy can help couples address relationship issues that may be contributing to the problem.
PS- Medications and treatments can be prescribed only after a proper diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have a pain on my shaft
Male | 40
Make sure to consult a doctor if you have any pain in your glans. This may be a skin cancer symptom that needs urologist diagnosis and therapy
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello I had tried to retract my foreskin and it was successful without any problem but then I was not able to get it back to it's normal position and I had to see the local surgeon after three days. They punctured the skin area where I got swelling and I am now ok but they also suggested for circumcision. Is it really necessary because I don't want to get circumcised I found out that it decreases the sexual pleasure(is it true? ). Is there any way that i am able to retract and put the foreskin back to it's normal position having any problems like paraphimosis again. I am 17 year old but I am worried about circumcision and I still want it not to happen. Please give me some other ways to counter both problems 1. Not getting circumcised 2. Not getting paraphimosis again
Male | 17
You need to see a urologist who can refer you for appropriate treatment. Circumcision can be recommended in some cases of recurrent paraphimosis, but not always. There are other treatments like topical medicines and stretching exercises that can be used as preventive measures to occurrence of paraphimosis. Circumcision does not lower sexual gratification and everyone's experience can be different. Consulting a urologist with expertise in foreskin issues will give you more details and proper prescriptions.
Answered on 19th Aug '24
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I’m male, 25 years old, have frequent urination many months already, on std bacteria test l was positive on “gardnerella vaginalis” but l drink medicine for that already, yesterday l do urine and blood test and l have some bacteria in urine, doctor don’t know which one but he give me to drink 7 days medicine(LeFloxin 500mg) he said if that doesn’t help then you can drink another medicine 7 days(spasmex 30mg) l have itching inside urethra, sometimes hard for urine to flow, today for example l need to pee every single minute, can you tell me what should l do
Male | 25
You may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs typically present with symptoms such as frequent urination, itching in the urethra, and difficulty urinating. These bacteria require treatment through antibiotics like LeFloxin. Complete the full course of antibiotics to clear the infection. Your doctor might prescribe another medicine if the symptoms persist after the first round of treatment.
Answered on 12th June '24
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I have got erectile dysfunction and i need to have it gone it’s causing me mental problems now and i feel awful about myself
Male | 15
Consult urologist or a sexual health specialist. They can evaluate your condition, determine the causes, and recommend appropriate treatment options. Seek support from a therapist and take care of your mental health
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am experiencing discomfort and pain in my left testicle for the past four weeks. The pain is mild and is mainly felt when I stand up from a lying position or remain stationary for an extended period. I visited a doctor initially, and he prescribed medication, which helped reduce the pain, but I still have lingering discomfort. The pain is localized to the left testicle and is not severe enough to affect my daily activities significantly. However, I have noticed that my left testicle hangs lower than the right one, and there is a slight difference in size between the two. The pain is manageable and does not interfere with my ability to function, but I am concerned about the lingering discomfort and the asymmetry between the testicles. I have tried using ice packs and over-the-counter pain relief ointments, but the relief is temporary. I have also been practicing self-care measures such as wearing supportive underwear and avoiding activities that aggravate the pain. Despite these efforts, the discomfort persists. I am seeking guidance on how to manage this condition effectively and whether there are any additional steps I can take to alleviate the pain and promote healing. I would appreciate your expertise and advice on how to address this issue and restore normalcy to my testicular health.
Male | 20
You might have a condition known as varicocele where the veins in the scrotum enlarge. There is usually discomfort and a feeling of testicle heaviness. Varicoceles can cause differences in testicle size and position. It’s important to put on tight underwear and cold packs to relieve the pain. If the pain continues, further evaluation or treatment options may be advised by a urologist.
Answered on 12th June '24
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Hello sir my name is SRIKANTH REDDY My age : 28 Problem: kidney stones both sides Stone size : left side 5mm , right side 6mm. Left side testicle pain
Male | 28
Answered on 10th July '24
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pulled testicle down while washing Now it’s hanging wont go up
Male | 23
You might have encountered testicular torsion, a condition of the testicle that twists and cuts off blood supply. This is an acute medical case and you should immediately see a urologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Frequent urination since 4 days
Female | 22
Do you keep visiting the restroom frequently? That's called frequent urination. This could mean you're drinking excessive water or have a bladder infection or diabetes. Drink less before bedtime and avoid caffeine. If it persists, seek medical help. Nobody likes constantly needing to pee more than usual for several days, right? But these causes might explain that sudden urge. Stay hydrated but in moderation for relief until consulting a urologist becomes necessary.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
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Aslamikum Sir kch dino si urine ki Katri Aa rahy hy jab namaz ma khara hota ho tab be mahsos hoty hy
Male | 18
It could be UTI problem. Please consult an urologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment
Answered on 23rd May '24
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OBSERVATION: CINICAL DETAILS - known follow up case of right orchitis with multiple testicular abscess Right testis is grossly enlarge in size measuring~ 5x5.7x6.3 cm with multiple rounded focal areas of altered echogenecity showing areas of cystic degeneration, with surrounding vascularity noted. Few tiny echogenic foci likely calcifications also noted. Right testicular artery shows normal flow waveforms. Right epididymis appear mild bulky with areas of hypoechogenecity seen in tail region Left testis appear normal in shape size and echotexture, measuring~ 3.1x2.3x4.4 cm Left testicular artery shows normal flow waveforms. Left epididymis appear normal in shape size and echotexture. Color doppler reveals normal low resistance flow in both testicles. No abnormal fluid collection is seen in either of scrotal sac. No evidence of varicocele on either side.
Male | 25
The ultrasound report includes clear evidence of the right testis being markedly enlarged, with multiple cystic areas and calculi. Lt. testis shows a normal size, shape, and echotexture. I would suggest you visit a urologist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Both side pelvic pain reason?
Female | 33
Both side pelvic pain may occur as a result of many reasons which include imbalances in hormones, PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), endometriosis, ovarian cysts or UTIs. A gynecologist or urologist should be consulted for advice on the cause of an infection and its appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi. Im a 22 year old and had received unprotected oral sex from a woman on 18th of april this year. I have been diagnosed with epididmyl orchitis. I have received doxycycline and ceftriaxone( rocephin ) for 10 days in which my pain was gone but soon after completing medication my pain is back. My urine RE and CS reports are clear and show no bacterial growth. My urethral swab shows “ normal flora growth “ but i still have extreme pain in my scrotum. I went back to my doctor and he gave my levofloxacin for 7 days 500mg daily and anti-inflammatory medicine but that brought me no relief and i am confused on what to do.
Male | 22
This type of testicle pain normally can be from an infection or other problem. It is usually treated with antibiotics such as doxycycline or ceftriaxone but if these don’t work then further investigation is needed. More tests or different treatments might need to be done if you continue feeling unwell. However, the most important thing is to talk to a urologist constantly until they find out what will help most with this issue.
Answered on 30th May '24
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Hi doctor, I'm actually having trouble in passing urine as urine is not coming out of my body but blood is coming out, I get irritation and pain whenever blood comes out or whenever I tried to put pressure to get my urine out. I am also having headache and stomachache doctor... please help started today, afternoon and when i searched on YouTube it says to consult a doctor and I got you doctor. Hope this will not be hematuria ????..
Male | 16
It could be a sign that you have a urinary tract infection. For instance, such signs and symptoms may include but are not limited to difficulty in passing urine; blood may sometimes be seen in urine, itching sensation, feverish feeling accompanied by severe headache plus abdominal pains among others. Drink a lot of water and visit a urologist for a check-up and proper treatment.
Answered on 12th June '24
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i have often Sticky clear discharge from penis. 3-4 times a day. What should i do
Male | 21
You have a common ailment Urethritis, which could be a sticky clear discharge from the penis. This can happen because of chlamydia or gonorrhea. Other symptoms may be pain or burning during urination. To improve your health condition, you should see a urologist who will have a proper exam and give you the necessary treatment. They may prescribe you with the right antibiotics to fix the infection.
Answered on 5th July '24
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