Female | 55
నేను కెమోథెరపీ లేదా ఆన్కోటైప్ DX పరీక్షను ప్రారంభించాలా?
హలో, నా సోదరి తనకు రొమ్ము క్యాన్సర్ ఉందని మార్చి 24న కనుగొంది, మార్చి 28న ఆమెకు లంపెక్టమీ విజయవంతమైంది, పాథాలజీ నివేదిక ప్రకారం కణితి 22 x 23 x 18 మిమీ, 5 ప్రమేయం ఉన్న లింఫ్ నోడ్స్, ER స్ట్రాంగ్ పాజిటివ్ (స్కోరు 8) , PR నెగటివ్, HER2 నెగెటివ్... ఆ తర్వాత ఆమె మేలో పెంపుడు/CT స్కాన్ చేసింది మరియు నివేదికలో వ్రాసిన రేడియాలజిస్ట్ అభిప్రాయం ప్రకారం "శస్త్రచికిత్స తర్వాత కుడి రొమ్ము క్యాన్సర్తో బాధపడుతున్న రోగి, లోకో-రీజనల్కు ప్రత్యేకమైన హైపర్మెటబాలిక్ లెసియన్కు ఎటువంటి ఆధారం లేదు. మెటాస్టాటిక్ వ్యాధి యొక్క పునఃస్థితి/పునరావృతం కూడా ఇప్పుడు ఆమెకు కీమోథెరపీని ప్రారంభించమని లేదా ఆంకోటైప్ dx పరీక్షను చేయమని సిఫార్సు చేస్తున్నాను మరియు ఆమె 25 సెషన్ల రేడియోథెరపీని కలిగి ఉంది. మార్చిలో (జూన్) మేము రేడియోథెరపీని కలిగి ఉన్నాము మరియు ఆమెకు ER పాజిటివ్, HER2 నెగెటివ్ ఉన్నందున మేము మొదట ఈ పరీక్షను చేయవలసి ఉందని మాకు తెలియదు మరియు ఆమెకు ఇప్పుడు 55 సంవత్సరాలు అభిప్రాయం, మాకు మీ సలహా మరియు సిఫార్సులు. మరియు ఆమె పరీక్ష చేసి, ఫలితం చట్టం మరియు కీమోథెరపీని ఆమెకు సిఫార్సు చేసినట్లయితే, ఆమె కనీసం తక్కువ ఇంటెన్సివ్ కెమోథెరపీ నియమావళిని తీసుకోవచ్చు.

Answered on 9th Sept '24
మీరు పంచుకోగలిగిన సమాచారం ప్రకారం, మీ సోదరి రొమ్ము క్యాన్సర్కు అవసరమైన చికిత్స విజయవంతంగా చేసినట్లు అనిపిస్తుంది. ఆమె ERpositive మరియు HER2 ప్రతికూలంగా ఉన్నందున, Oncotype DX పరీక్ష ఆమెకు కీమోథెరపీ అవసరమా కాదా అని నిర్ధారించడానికి ఉపయోగించవచ్చు. పరీక్ష తక్కువ ప్రమాదాన్ని సూచిస్తే, ఆమె ఇంటెన్సివ్ కెమోథెరపీ చేయించుకోవలసిన అవసరం లేదు. ఈ తనిఖీ క్యాన్సర్ కణాలలో ఉన్న జన్యువుల అధ్యయనంపై ఆధారపడి ఉంటుంది మరియు చికిత్స పద్ధతులను గుర్తించడంలో సహాయపడుతుంది. ఆమెతో ఈ ఎంపికల గురించి మాట్లాడటం ముఖ్యంక్యాన్సర్ వైద్యుడుతద్వారా ఆమె కేసుకు ఉత్తమ పరిష్కారం దొరుకుతుంది.
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Questions & Answers on "Breast Cancer" (50)
What should I do if my triple-negative breast cancer is not responding to chemo?
Female | 42
Consult with your oncologist if you can try immunotherapy or radiation therapy.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
Patient is having pain in left brest also feel something is moving inside
Female | 31
If you are experiencing pain in your left breast and feel something moving inside, it is important to consult a doctor. These symptoms may be due to various reasons, and it is best to visit a breast specialist or a general surgeon for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can guide you with the appropriate care and tests needed.
Answered on 19th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I am 32 years old. I have a 2-year-old daughter. My mother has breast cancer and is undergoing treatment. I noticed a mass in my breast 3 weeks ago. There are no signs of cancer. It is fixed, does not move. And I do not feel pain the size of a lentil. I was last evaluated in the Bırads 3 category 7 years ago. I have not been examined since. Are fibrocysts or fibroadenomas mobile cysts or masses?
Dişi | 32
Fibrocysts and fibroadenomas are typically non-cancerous. Usually, fibrocysts are bigger and can shift, like a grape, and they are associated with hormonal changes. Usually solid, can be movable, are fibroadenomas which are common in younger women. The outward signs may manifest as a lump in the breast. For sure, it is advisable to go to an oncologist.
Answered on 30th Aug '24

Dr. Donald Babu
I am a girl and my age is 22. I have pain in my left nipple.
Female | 22
A throbbing or stabbing sensation in the chest can be triggered at the age of 22 by a variety of issues, such as hormonal transformations, trauma, disease, or particular drugs. Hormonal shifts around the menstrual cycle can cause one or both nipples to hurt. If you are experiencing pain along with other symptoms like redness, swelling, or discharge, see a healthcare professional immediately.
Answered on 4th June '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hello, my sister discovered she had a breast cancer in March 24, she had a successful lumpectomy in March 28, the pathology report said that tumor was 22 x 23 x 18 mm, has 5 involved lymph nodes, ER strong positive ( score 8 ), PR negative, HER2 negative... after that she did a pet/CT scan in May and the opinion of the radiologist written in the report was " patient with right breast cancer after surgery showing no evidence of hypermetabolic lesion distinctive for loco-regional resudal/recurrence of metastatic disease. I also attached the detailed results of the pet/ct itself. Now does it recommend for her to start chemotherapy or to do oncotype dx test first and btw she had 25 sessions of radiotherapy, so after the surgery ( in March) we had the radiotherapy in ( June) and now we don't know we have to start chemotherapy or do this test first since she has ER positive, HER2 negative and she's postmenopausal. She is 55 yrs old. Now I now your opinion, your advice and recommendations for us. And if she did the test and the result is law and chemotherapy is still recommended for her can she take at least a less intensive chemotherapy regimen.
Female | 55
From the information that you were able to share, it sounds like your sister had the necessary treatment done successfully for her breast cancer. Given that she is ERpositive and HER2 negative, the Oncotype DX test can be used to determine whether she requires chemotherapy. If the test indicates low risk, she might not have to undergo intensive chemotherapy. This check is based on the study of the genes present in cancer cells and helps to determine treatment methods. It is important to talk about these options with her oncologist so that the best solution can be found for her case.
Answered on 9th Sept '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
I have breast cancer, but there are no mutations in the genetic test in 70 genes, what could cause cancer?
Female | 28
Breast cancer can have various causes, and not all cases are linked to genetic mutations. Factors like age, family history, hormones, reproductive history, etc. can also contribute to breast cancer risk. It's a complex disease and personalized treatment plans are required. Consult with an oncologist for accurate guidance.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I want to know about Triple-negative breast cancer as our doctor hinted that my aunt has signs of this specific type of breast cancer.
Female | 57
The term triple-negative breast cancer means that the cancer cells do not have estrogen or progesterone receptors and does not make too much of the protein called HER2. ( therefore the cells test "negative" on all 3 tests.)
Triple-negative breast cancer has less treatment options available than other types of invasive breast cancer. The reason being the cancer cells do not have enough estrogen or progesterone receptors or HER2 protein for hormone therapy or targeted drugs to work.
Treatment options are chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery mainly. But consulting clinician on time and starting the treatment is important. Regular follow up with doctor with lifestyle modifications and counselling will help. Consult an oncologist.
Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
As per sonography report is sates -. Both breast shows---- E/o Small coarse cakcification noted in left breast upper outer quadrant of size approx.. 2.6 mm...?due to old infective etiology or chronic inflammatory So we did mammogram as per report Findings: Both breasts consist of mixed scatured fitroglandular and fatty tissue. (ACR type II) No obvious focal spiculated mass lesion, retraction of tissues or cluster of microcalcifications is seen in either breast to suggest the presence of malignancy. No axillary lymph nodes are noted. Sonomamography screening: Both breast consist of mixed fibroglandular and fatty tissue. No SOL is noted. No duct ecatia is noted. IMPRESSION: No significant abnormality in both breasts. (BIRADS 1). Suggest-Follow up after 1 year for routine check up. Is there any case of worry
Female | 52
According to the tests, there’s no evidence of any major problem such as cancer in either breast, which is fantastic news. The tiny calcification found in the left breast could have resulted from an old infection or inflammation. Currently, there’s no cause for alarm but it’s essential to have another checkup next year to be safe. In case you observe any unusual changes in your breasts before then, please let your doctor know.
Answered on 20th July '24

Dr. Donald Babu
I have something thick in my breast for 2 weeks and have been taking relief tablets what can I do now?
Male | 14
During two weeks, you've noticed a lump in your breast and taken medicine. This needs examination by an oncologist. Lumps may happen due to hormones, cysts, or severe problems. I suggest scheduling an appointment soon to get checked properly and learn the next steps.
Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
I had 2 lumps ( fiberdenoma ) on my left breast and it's easily movable ...and I found the lump on November 2023 now also it has not gone ...now I was feeling a lump on my right breast also ...and it also easily movable...not having any health issues anything like that
Female | 22
Fibroadenomas are the predominant cause of these lumps. They are caused by hormonal changes and they are not cancer. They can be discovered on their own due to fluctuating hormones when a woman's period cycles. They are painless, moveable, and without any problem. To be perfectly sure, one should go to the hospital and get it examined thoroughly. Even if it is frequent the hospital may demand additional tests. Keep in mind not to freak out but you'll require a professional check for any changes in your breasts that are unaccountable by logic.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sridhar Susheela
Hi, I have stage 2 Breast cancer. Which is the best hospital for treatment? Please suggest a name of doctor also.
Female | 34
Answered on 19th June '24

Dr. Akash Dhuru.
Please tell me how Mastectomy works. Are breasts conserved in this treatment or are they removed in this procedure?
Mastectomy is removal of breast. But further details are needed which are not mentioned by you, to answer your concern. Still consult general surgeons who will examine and evaluate you and then guide you regarding the procedure. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I feel hard in my right side breast and pain in my breasts..
Female | 18
You are feeling some tightness and soreness in your right side breast. The symptoms could be due to issues like hormonal changes, trauma, or an infection. Wearing a well-fitted bra, applying warm compresses, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers may help with the discomfort. Get a professional evaluation and treatment from an oncologist.
Answered on 26th Aug '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
FNAC report- Site- Left breast lump Aspirate- Milky fluid Microscopical examination- Smears are hypocellular showing few aggregates of epithelial cells with vacuolated cytoplasm in a lipid rich foamy background. Bare isolated nuclei are also present in the background along with foamy macrophages. The nuclei of the cells have uniform chromatin, regular nuclear margins with abundant cytoplasm. Impression- Galactocele of left breast Note- Kindly correlate clinically
Female | 27
It looks like the problem is the galactocele located in your left breast. This is a lump that occurs naturally when the breast milk forms a lump. It can be after childbirth or while nursing and is not harmful. The symptoms are a painless lump and milky fluid when squeezed. Usually, treatment isn't needed, but if big, it can be removed. Keep an eye on it and let an oncologist know.
Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
I am 18 years old female and I've been feeling a lump in my right breast for as long as I can remember and it's not paining, I am afraid if I've breast cancer what should I do?
Female | 18
You are nervous because of a swelling in the right breast. It is encouraging that you are so keen on your body. Not all breast lumps mean cancer. Some lumps might be hormone-related or cysts. Cancer may cause the growth of rather stiff and painless lumps. If your lump has been there for a long time and doesn't hurt, you should let an oncologist check it.
Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Donald Babu
Bone scan results-does INDICATION: C50.212 C77.3 Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of left female breast/Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm mean actual diagnosis?
Female | 44
The bone scan revealed cancer in the left breast that has spread to other areas. This can cause bone pain, weakness, and fractures. It's important to consult an oncologist, who can recommend treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery to manage the cancer and its symptoms.
Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Donald Babu
can breast cancer develop in 6 months
Female | 25
Yes, it's possible for breast cancer to show up quite quickly, in as little as 6 months. Being alert to any changes and consulting your doctor if something seems unusual is critical for early detection and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Donald Babu
I am a 25 years old male, So doctor i laying down i last week and as i was laying down i was rubbing my chest and felt something so let me describe properly, I have an inverted nipple my left one and it has been since birth ( just want to add that before describing what i felt) So i felt this tiny rubbry ball like thing in that left inverted nipple, it's very small, The crazy thing is that I'm 1000% sure it has been there for years i just never paid attention to it, It went to a pharmacy to ask about it and the asked, if i was feeling any pain or noticed anything unusual around that area or armpit, i said no and the said I'm perfectly alright, And yes feel no pain, no swelling, no colour change, nothing, Also i have small breast cause I'm a bit chubby, please what's your analysis
Male | 25
What you are sensing in your left inverted nipple is possibly a harmless cyst or a benign lump. Because you've had it for years without any changes or symptoms like pain, swelling, or color changes, it seems to be nothing serious. Yet, it always is a good idea to have it checked out by an oncologist to make sure you are okay.
Answered on 4th Oct '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan
I was diagnosed with breast cancer her positive not hormone dependent. I completed 16 cycles of chemo went for surgery and all my results came back negative of cancer cell and no residual carcinoma. My question is how long should be the radiation based on the results post chemo and surgery?
Female | 40
Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Akash Dhuru.
Well defined hypoechoic lesions measuring 12x6mm at 3,0 clock position of left breast and measuring 5x6mm at 9,0 clock position of right breast. No obvious lymphadenopathy seen. No obvious architectural distortion seen. No ductal dilatation is seen.
Female | 21
You have well-defined hypoechoic lesions in the breast at certain positions. These areas are small and appear differently on ultrasound. Different factors can influence their appearance, for example, cysts or fibroadenomas. As there are no other issues to worry about, it's indeed good to keep track of them through regular ultrasounds. Have a detailed discussion with your oncologist about the results.
Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Donald Babu
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