Male | 47
Boşalmadan sonra neden pelvik ağrı yaşıyorum?
İyi akşamlar, erkek, 47 yaşında. Yaklaşık 30 yıldır, boşalmadan SADECE birkaç saat sonra ortaya çıkan pelvik ağrıdan şikayetçiyim. Ağrı tam olarak skrotumun tabanından kaynaklanır ve saatler boyunca skrotumun tamamına ve bazen de penisin şaftına kadar uzanır. Önce bir kaşıntı, sonra bir tutam olarak ortaya çıkar ve daha sonra skrotumda belirgin bir gevşemenin eşlik ettiği güçlü bir ısı hissi ile ağrıyan bir hale gelinceye kadar şiddetlenir. Buz ve (bazen) sırtüstü pozisyon geçici rahatlama sağlayan tek şeydir. Uzun süreli cinsel perhizin bende her zaman rahatsızlık hissi yarattığını ve orgazmla birlikte ortadan kaybolan idrar sıkışması hissine yol açtığını da eklemeliyim. İki yıl öncesine kadar gece uykuyla birlikte ağrılarım kayboluyordu, dolayısıyla sadece uyumadan önce düzenli cinsel aktivitede bulunuyordum ve bu sayede normal bir cinsel hayatım ve çocuklarım vardı. Daha sonra ERTESİ GÜN bile öğlen saatlerinde başlayıp akşama doğru artmaya başladı ve (genellikle) ertesi sabah ortadan kayboldu. Yıllar boyunca birçok üroloğa danıştım. 2001'de ilk transrektal ultrason (hepsi negatif). Son zamanlarda semptomların kötüleşmesi (yani ertesi gün bile devam etmesi) beni, bana yardım edemeyen diğer ürologlarla yüzleşmeye yöneltti. Reçeteli spermiyokültür ve Stamey testi (tümü negatif), prostat ekosu normal (bazı kalsifikasyon). Son iki yıldır prostat takviyeleri, antienflamatuvarlar, kas gevşeticiler, PEA vb. kullanıyorum ve başarılı olamadım. Akupunkturu, ozon terapisini, kraniosakral osteopatiyi, TENS'i, pelvik taban fizyoterapisini (sözleşmeli "tetikleyicileri" tanımlayıp tedavi ettim) denedim ama başarılı olamadım. Bir nörolog kas nedenlerinin tempomandibular dislokasyonla ilişkili olabileceği hipotezini öne sürdü (bu hipotez çene-yüz cerrahı tarafından reddedildi) ve bana üç ay boyunca günde 2 kez Mutabon Mite 2 cpp reçete etti ama başarılı olamadım. Kronik ağrı konusunda uzmanlaşmış bir psikolog, nosiplastik (psikojenik) ağrıyı önerdi ve bu sorunun bende yarattığı sıkıntıyla baş etmemde bana yardımcı oluyor, ancak ne yazık ki bunu umduğum gibi azaltamıyor. Ancak onun sayesinde ağrının kökenini ve seyrini doğru bir şekilde takip edebildim ("bedensel izleme" olarak da bilinir). Pratisyen hekimin tavsiyesi üzerine Şubat ayında Niguarda Hastanesi Ağrı Tedavisi'ne gittim, burada pudental nöropati hipotezi nedeniyle bana pelvik MRI (sonucunda adduktor entezopatiler), lumbosakral MRI (sonuçta disk dehidrasyonu, asemptomatik), pelvik EMG (anormallik yok) reçete edildi. , fizik muayene (anormallik yok). Eylül ayında sinir bloğunu değerlendirmek için kontrole gideceğim ama negatif EMG'ye bakınca ne diyeceklerini bilmiyorum. Bu arada bana Pregabalin 25+25 ve ardından 50+50 reçete edildi, bu da çok iyi uyumamı sağlıyor ama rahatsızlığa hiçbir etkisi yok, bu yüzden biraz daha ısrar edeceğim ve sonra bırakmayı düşünüyorum. Çok hayal kırıklığına uğradım, beni okuyan herhangi birinin tedavi hakkında olmasa da en azından bana hiç verilmeyen bir teşhis hakkında bir fikri olup olmadığını soruyorum. Teşekkür ederim.
Answered on 16th July '24
Boşalma sonrasında penisinizde ve skrotumda hissettiğiniz ağrı anlaşılır bir şekilde rahatsız edicidir. Birçok doktora danıştınız ve çeşitli tedaviler denediniz, ancak ağrınızın nedeni hala belirsizliğini koruyor. Yardım arama ve farklı tedavileri deneme konusundaki proaktif yaklaşımınız övgüye değer. Doktorlar pudendal nöropati gibi olasılıkları düşünürken henüz net bir teşhis konmuş değil. Ne yazık ki şu anda kesin bir teşhis veya çözüm sunamıyorum ancak takiplerinizi sürdürmelisiniz.ürologlar.
28 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Urology" (998)
Sexually transmitted disease
Male | 23
The treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) depends on the specific infection and its severity. Different STDs are treated with medications such as antibiotics for bacterial infections (e.g., chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis) or antiviral drugs for viral infections (e.g., herpes, HIV). Some STDs, like HPV, may not have a cure, but treatments are available to manage symptoms and prevent complications.
I would recommend seeking advice personally from a professional preferably a gynecologist or urologist in your location.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hello i ma student and due to excess masturbate i lose self confidence and somehow i also can't control urine and due to i can't go out to attend my classes
Male | 19
Its common to experience negative effects on self-esteem and confidence due to excessive masturbation. Although, masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual activity and it's unlikely to cause physical problems like urinary incontinence. If you're experiencing urinary incontinence then consult a urologist for evaluation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Pain while urinating and dark yellow urine
Male | 20
It seems you have some pain during urination and your pee is dark yellow. These things may indicate that you are dehydrated, meaning you need more water in your body. Not taking in enough fluids can make the urine concentrated hence causing irritation to the bladder. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to ease the stinging when passing urine and make it healthier in color.
Answered on 10th June '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I feel pain in my panis. Then i have checked under my foreskin and i found a small pimple like which is red near frenulum(left side).and also found some redness on frenulum. And this small Pimple is hurt pin like( mild pain) when i touched it. What to do i m scared. And what is this can be? My age is 24 years.
Male | 24
It could be because of irritation, infection, or a sexually transmitted infection. Consult a urologist or a dermatologist, who can evaluate your symptoms and provide an accurate diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I have an infection because I can feel something running inside my penis and it doesn't make me feel good with it it begins to scratch me
Male | 28
It may be an infection or another medical issue. It's crucial to consult a professional, such as a urologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I'm having itchy penis. It started on Saturday.
Male | 32
If you are going through an itchy penis, you should refer a urologist or a dermatologist with a specialization in genital conditions. They will be able to diagnose you properly and suggest the best treatment for you. It is advised to consult a physician instead of self-diagnosing and applying home remedies.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I'm a male 27 years old For more than a month and half i had unsafe sex without penetration and the next day i went to a dr. To prevent stds he gives me a dose of certifaxone and zithromax (azithromycin) A month later i felt uncomfortable because i stopped masturbating, I thought if i masturbated i will feel normal, i made a kind of force masturbating without full erection then my penis got swelling from below part, the day after this symptom left and i started to feel pain in the right testicles. I went to the urologist and i made urine analysis the pus rate was high from 10-15 and RBCs were 70-80 he gave me (qunistarmax - levloxacine) and cystinol, celebrex, Avodart,rowatinex and after 10 days after finishing i made another urine analysis and all rates were good but i still have mild pain in right testicle sometimes and in pubic area from the right side and having a symptom of dropping pee after finishing all pee then i made ultrasound on prostate and was 21gram and testicles with normal epididymis and recently then i reached another urologist and he give me what i am taking now Prostanorm and ciprofloxacin then vibramycin After having half of ciprofloxacin and prostanorm andi found a sign in my underwear like cum or pre cum with no excitement Do I have resistant std bacteria or prostate problem ?
Male | 27
It appears you might have symptoms that are more consistent with a problem in your prostate than an unresponsive sexually transmitted bacteria. Symptoms such as pain in the testicle and pubic area together with difficulty passing urine may well point towards a prostatic origin. Ciprofloxacin and Prostanorm belong to the drugs given to you by your urologist. You need to take them for their full course as instructed since they are meant to address issues related to this gland.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I’m not sure if it’s. A symptom of sti but I get like a sharp pressure pain and very light stinging when I wee and when holding in a wee. but in the mornings or when I have a full hydrated bladder it doesn’t hurt at all
Male | 25
The symptoms you're describing may indicate UTI or STI.... It's important to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Drink plenty of WATER and avoid holding in your urine.... Practice safe sex to prevent STIs. ....
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
What make something that looks like sperm to come out from my penis
Male | 24
The chance that the fluid you mentioned is semen is high which is the normal product of the male reproductive system. Nevertheless, if the pain or unusual appearance has any appearance, immediate consultation with your urologist is required for definite diagnostic and treatment purposes.
Answered on 16th Sept '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
While my penis is eracted that time fore skin will not go back . During the normal time skin will move freely
Male | 22
Phimosis describes a condition of the penis that resides when the skin does not retract but instead moves freely on the other parts of the penis when it is erect. Symptoms are the ability to pull the foreskin back during the erection. This can be a result of either tightness or scarring. Try gentle stretching exercises or you can see a urologist for advice. In the worst-case scenario, surgery may be necessary.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Good evening, male, 47 y/o. For about 30 years I have been suffering from pelvic pain that arises ONLY a few hours after ejaculation. The pain originates precisely at the base of the scrotum and extends over hours to the entire scrotum and sometimes to the shaft of the penis. It arises as an itch, then a pinch, then grows in intensity until it becomes aching with a strong sense of heat accompanied by pronounced relaxation of the scrotum. Ice and (sometimes) supine position are the only things that provide temporary relief. I should add that prolonged abstinence has always given me discomfort and sensation of urinary urgency, which disappears with orgasm. Until two years ago the pain disappeared with sleep at night, so I only had regular sexual activity before going to sleep, and in this way I had a normal sex life and children. Then it began to occur EVEN THE NEXT DAY starting around noon and escalating into the evening, then (usually) disappearing the next morning. Over the years I have consulted several urologists. In 2001 the first transrectal ultrasound (all negative). Recent worsening of symptoms (i.e., their persistence even the next day) prompted me to confront other urologists, who were unable to help me. Prescribed spermioculture and Stamey test (all negative), prostate echo normal (some calcification). For the past two years I have been taking prostate supplements, anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, PEA etc without success. I tried acupuncture, ozone therapy, craniosacral osteopathy, TENS, pelvic floor physiotherapy (identified and treated contracted "triggers"), without success. A neurologist hypothesized muscular causes possibly related to a tempomandibular dislocation (hypothesis ruled out by maxillofacial surgeon) and prescribed Mutabon Mite 2 cpp/day which I took for three months, without success. A psychologist specializing in chronic pain has suggested nociplastic (psychogenic) pain and is helping me to manage the distress this problem causes me, but unfortunately not to reduce it as I had hoped. Thanks to her, however, I was able to accurately track the point of origin and course of the pain (so-called "somatic tracking"). On the advice of the GP I went in February to the Niguarda Hospital Pain Therapy where, with hypothesis pudendal neuropathy, I was prescribed pelvic MRI (resulted adductor enthesopathies), lumbosacral MRI (resulted disc dehydration, asymptomatic), pelvic EMG (no abnormalities), physiatric examination (no abnormalities). I have follow-up visit in September to evaluate nerve block, but in light of the negative EMG I don't know what they will say. In the meantime I have been prescribed Pregabalin 25+25 and then 50+50, which makes me sleep very well but has no effect on the disorder, so I will insist a little longer and then I think I will discontinue. I am very frustrated, I am asking if anyone reading me has any idea, if not of a treatment, at least of a diagnosis that I've never been given. Thank you.
Male | 47
The pain you experience in your penis and scrotum after ejaculation is understandably uncomfortable. You've consulted many doctors and tried various treatments, but the cause of your pain remains elusive. Your proactive approach to seeking help and trying different therapies is commendable. While doctors are considering possibilities such as pudendal neuropathy, a clear diagnosis has yet to be made. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a definite diagnosis or solution at this moment, but you must continue to follow up with your urologists.
Answered on 16th July '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Prostate congestion due to frequent masturbation, which caused me to feel discomfort and pain in the testicles and a frequent desire to urinate.
Male | 25
You might have prostatitis. This is the case if your prostate becomes swollen and irritated due to some activities such as masturbation. Besides, your testicles might get a dull ache, and you might feel a weird urge to pee frequently. You can stop doing the frequent masturbation which is the main cause, drink more water, and see a urologist.
Answered on 6th Sept '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi, I am facing penis foreskin retracting issue. Not able to retract it. Also it is generating while substance under forskin. Can I use betnovat-n cream on forehead of penis
Male | 25
I advise you not to use the Betwonat-N cream on the foreskin of the penis. Foreskin retracting problem affects many males and therefore, you need to consult with a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. The white substance underneath the foreskin might be smegma, but this can be treated with good personal hygiene practices. Hence, you should see a urologist for a follow-up evaluation and develop a detailed treatment strategy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
pulled testicle down while washing Now it’s hanging wont go up
Male | 23
You might have encountered testicular torsion, a condition of the testicle that twists and cuts off blood supply. This is an acute medical case and you should immediately see a urologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Can some sticky thing inside my private part Also my skin is joined.
Male | 40
If you notice a sticky substance inside your private parts and your skin appears to be joined, it is important to consult a healthcare professional. This could be a sign of an infection or a skin condition. Please visit a urologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 12th June '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
My son is suffering from VUR on right side frequently trapped by UTI Got his pyeloplasty done a month ago on left side Augmentin DDS is antibiotic I am giving him on profalxis
Male | 1.5 years
VUR, which means that urine flows back up towards the kidney, can cause frequent UTIs. Symptoms can include pain while urinating, fever, and abdominal discomfort. On the left side, pyeloplasty helps with drainage. Augmentin DDS is an antibiotic that can help prevent UTIs. Be sure to administer this antibiotic to your son regularly as per the urologist's instructions to stop further infections.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
sex problems I have a cyst on my pee
Male | 39
A cyst on your urinary system is a liquid-filled bump that might cause discomfort. It may lead to pain when peeing, frequent urges, or blood in urine. Various reasons, like infections or blockages, can cause cysts. Some go away alone, but a urologist should check for the exact cause and the best treatment. Options include medication or removing the cyst if needed.
Answered on 4th Sept '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I went for a routine STD checkup today. I was asked to give my oral swab , anal swab , urine sample and blood sample. For the first three ones I was in the bathroom. The thing is I forgot to disinfect my hands after touching the bathroom door knob after closing and locking it. When I proceeded to take my oral swab with a long stick, my fingers somewhat touched the inside of my mouth. Not too inside but somewhat. After that I also touched my penis with the same hands while giving the urine sample. Am I at risk of contracting stds because of the fact that I forgot to disinfect my hand after closing the bathroom door before taking the swabs?
Male | 26
Do not worry. You have touched your own body, if infection is in side your body, then it's already inside. Hospital bathrooms are generally sanitized regularly. if you are still want to confirm bout the infection then you can visit urologist for physical consultation
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Sumanta Mishra
Hi, I am worried about erectile dysfunction. I'm going through puberty but don't seem to get random erections anymore and only ones caused by stimulation. Is there something wrong?
Male | 14
During puberty it's normal for the frequency and spontaneity of erections to change. Hormonal shifts affect sexual development differently for everyone. While early puberty often involves more frequent and spontaneous erections, this can change as puberty progresses. There's nothing wrong it's natural.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Have spot or wart on my penis
Male | 43
it is advised that you see a urologist for a complete assessment and diagnosis. Human papillomavirus (HPV) strains may be responsible for the development of warts on the male genitals and the treatment options include medical assistance.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
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