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Female | 24

هل يجب علي إعادة فحص العقد الليمفاوية العنقية المتحركة بعد نتائج FNAC؟

مرحبا يا دكتور، في عام 2022 تم تشخيص إصابتي بالتيفود في شهر مارس. وكانت دورة العلاج لمدة 15 يوما. لقد تعافيت تمامًا خلال شهر واحد. ثم، في شهر يوليو، وجدت عقدتين ليمفاويتين في رقبتي (المستوى الأول والرابع)، كل منهما أقل من 1 سم. لقد كانوا منقولين. وكانت نتيجة FNAC هي تورم صغير في عنق الرحم، وتضخم الغدد الليمفاوية التفاعلي. تقلصت العقدة السفلية قليلاً مع الأدوية، لكنني لاحظت اليوم أن كلا العقدتين لا تزالان موجودتين ومتحركتين، تمامًا كما كانتا قبل عامين. هل أحتاج إلى فحصه مرة أخرى أم أن الأمر طبيعي؟

Answered on 11th Sept '24

العقد الليمفاوية عبارة عن مدافعين صغيرين في جسمك يساعدون في مكافحة العدوى. وفي بعض الأحيان، تظل منتفخة قليلًا حتى بعد زوال العدوى. في حالتك، تكون العقد صغيرة ومتحركة، وهذا مؤشر إيجابي. وبما أنها لم تتغير في الحجم خلال العامين الماضيين ولا تسبب أي مشاكل، فمن المحتمل أنها مجرد طريقة جسمك لإدارة العدوى السابقة. ومع ذلك، من الجيد أن تراقبهم. إذا نمت أو أصبحت مؤلمة أو ظهرت أعراض جديدة، فمن الأفضل فحصها مرة أخرى من أجل راحة البال. 

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (235)

Having some things inside the throat

Female | 20

Feeling like something is stuck in your throat can happen for several reasons. You might have eaten too quickly or didn’t chew your food well enough. Acid reflux or stress can also cause this sensation. To help relieve it, try drinking plenty of water, eating slowly, and not rushing your bites. Managing stress can also help reduce this feeling. Following these tips may provide some relief.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

About three weeks ago I went to the doctor with a soar throat, I struggled to swallol, my lymp nodes were swollen. She said that I had an infection and that there were ehite spots in my throat and it was swollen. She gave me antibiotics to drink for 5 days. I felt better. After a week I started tk have a sore throat again. Now my right side of my mount is droopy. What vould be wrong ?

Female | 21

Sounds like the previous infection has not cleared completely or there is a second viral infection that has come on. We also need to see why the frequency is so high despite medications. Kindly visit an ENT surgeon.

Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Rakshita Kamath

Dr. Rakshita Kamath

I am 38 years old women.I am having soar throat initially.So I took Azithromyxin tab 500mg.That only 2 days I took.Now I am having cough and cold,fever also early morning from 2days.I am taking Augmentin 625tab,Sinerast tab,Rantac from 2days.Today I have taken Cefodixime 200mg tab along with these medicines.Whenever I had early morning fever I used to take sinarest tab.I had started periods also.I not feeling well.

Female | 38

You can take acupuncture for your current problem. pl avoid cold n sour foods,  try ayurveda  

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

I am a 17 male who is visiting France from the US. I just got to France yesterday, but was in UK for 9 days before that. Yesterday, my dad started experiencing symptoms, and today, my mom, my sister, and I are all experiencing symptoms as well. My main symptom is sore throat and difficulty swallowing. As a tourist, our options are limited. I have started taking OTC Humex Rhume to help with symptoms.

Male | 17

You and your family may have caught a cold virus, which is highly contagious when people are in close contact. Some symptoms that come along with having a cold include a sore throat and trouble swallowing. Taking over-the-counter Humex Rhume can relieve these symptoms. Make sure to drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest.

Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am suffering from throat pain and ear pain from last 10 days.I had one course of Azithromycin and Amoxicillin. Still no change

Female | 33

Throat with ear pain persistent despite antibiotics can mean a few things. Non responsiveness to antibiotics could mean resistance, you could have a different issue than an infection that's causing pain. Please visit your local ENT for detailed evaluation and diagnosis.

Answered on 19th July '24

Dr. Rakshita Kamath

Dr. Rakshita Kamath

If I have ulcers inside my throat, what should I do and which medicine should I take?

Male | 18

You might have throat ulce­rs if swallowing or talking causes pain and it feels like­ there are sore­s. These ulcers can occur due­ to infections, acid reflux, or certain me­dications. Avoiding spicy, acidic foods and drinks is crucial for healing. Gargling with warm salt water can provide re­lief. Staying hydrated and consuming soft, easy-to-swallow foods aids re­covery. However, if the­ discomfort persists, over-the-counte­r pain medication may be nece­ssary.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have stuffy and runny nose since 3 weeks, have been using decongestants that provided some relief, but since last 3 days it is worse, continues runny nose all day, at the same time the nose is stuffy and heavy. Mucus from runny nose is mostly clear. In the morning I might cough out some yellow mucus.

Female | 37

You may have sinusitis or a sinus infection. Stuffy and runny nose with clear mucus are common symptoms of sinusitis. The yellow mucus that you cough up in the morning is a sign that it may be bacterial. To relieve congestion, try applying a warm compress across your face and seek medical attention for further assessment.

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'm suffering 15 days vertigo's become now very painful and nausea also not going after having verten 8 tablet .From 2 days ear also start buzzing.Throat infection also started.

Female | 42

You need immediate medical attention by an ENT. Your ear examination and audiological assessment is of extreme importance for prompt treatment. 
Tab Vertin aggravates acid reflux, adding an antacid will help with the nausea.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Atul Mittal

Dr. Atul Mittal

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Atul Mittal

Dr. Atul Mittal

Do ent specialist are available today?

Female | 39


Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Rakshita Kamath

Dr. Rakshita Kamath

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