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Male | 24

هل يجب أن أطلب المساعدة الطبية للحمى والسعال؟

أعاني من الحمى والسعال لمدة 30 ساعة تقريبًا، وأتناول الباراسيتامول، وأشعر بالارتياح لمدة 4-5 ساعات، ثم أستيقظ على هذا النحو وأشعر بالسعال أيضًا.

Answered on 18th Sept '24

من الممكن أن تكون عدوى في الجهاز التنفسي تسبب لك الحمى والسعال. يمكن أن تكون مثل هذه العدوى بسبب الفيروسات والبكتيريا. يمكن أن يقلل الباراسيتامول من الحمى بشكل مفيد، في حين أن السعال هو طريقة مجاري الهواء في محاولة تنظيف نفسها. شجع جسمك على أن يكون بصحة جيدة عن طريق شرب الكثير من السوائل والحصول على قسط كاف من النوم. إذا لم تكن الأيام القليلة الماضية هي الأفضل بالنسبة لك وشعرت أنك أسوأ من ذي قبل، فقد حان الوقت لاستشارة أحدطبيب الرئة.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pulmonologyy" (313)

I have a lot of cough and shortness of breath, what medicine can I take?

Male | 19

ALOT of cough and shortness OF BREATH may indicate BRONCHITIS.. Medicine like ALBUTEROL may help.. Consult your DOCTOR before taking any medication..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

can asthma inhalers cause cancer?

Male | 46

No, asthma inhalers are not known to cause cancer. In fact, asthma inhalers are a vital part of managing asthma symptoms and reducing the risk of asthma attacks. However, excessive use of certain types of inhalers may cause some side effects, such as oral thrush or hoarseness. It is important to use inhalers as prescribed by a doctor and to discuss any concerns with them.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

I am 18 years old and my question is can I share room TB patien like my uncle

Male | 18

Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious infection that mainly affects the lungs. Symptoms include coughing, chest pain, weight loss, and fatigue. TB is a contagious disease that spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Your uncle should stay in his room until he finishes his treatment, as TB can spread to others. To prevent this, certain measures should be followed. It's important to follow your doctor’s advice to protect both yourself and your uncle.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

I was diagnosed with copd last year. I am 35, don't smoke. I am always tired and I can;t clean the house anymore

Female | 35

Dealing with COPD can be challenging, even if you're a non-smoker. Feeling constantly tired and struggling with tasks like house cleaning can happen without much notice. COPD can be caused by air pollution, second-hand smoke, or genetic factors. To manage the condition, follow your doctor's prescribed medications, do breathing exercises, and avoid triggers that worsen your symptoms. Getting enough rest and eating a healthy diet are key to boosting your energy levels.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

i am a 16 year old female. i suffer from breathing difficulties that only occur at night. it has been happening the past couple of nights. i vape. i possibly have anxiety.

Female | 16

In case you vape and feel nervous, this might be the thing that is exacerbating your distress. Vaping injures the lungs and causes breathing problems. Anxiety may also bring about a rare situation where one finds it hard to breathe. As an alternative try to keep away from as often as possible and have deep breath exercises to calm anxiety or chat with someone. If it keeps up make sure you obtain help from a healthcare professional.

Answered on 21st June '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

"My name is Varun Mishra My age is 37 yrs Mere ko swas lene me problem hota hai pls give solution"

Male | 37

send your chest x-ray report initially

Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

My daughter was suffering from pneumonia

Female | 4

You should seek immediate medical care for your daughter. Pneumonia is a severe illness that can easily cause difficulty in the respiratory system, among other serious diseases. Immediately, you are asked to visit a pulmonologist or pediatrician who specializes in the field of respiratory diseases for purposes of diagnosis and treatment. Early intervention can help prevent the complications and aid in fast recovery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

QFT gold test is possitive and i have no issue in health issue and also chest xray is ok ..SO waht is the cause and treatment

Male | 32

so why u have done qft gold test..if u had no health issues?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ashwin Yadav

Dr. Ashwin Yadav

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should you not do before a pulmonary test?

Can you eat or drink before a pulmonary function test?

How will I feel after a pulmonary function test?

What do you wear to a lung function test?

How long does a full lung function test take?

Why can't you have caffeine before a pulmonary function test?

What should I not do before the lung function test?

Is it normal to be tired after a pulmonary function test?


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