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Female | 21

لماذا معدتي منتفخة وأشعر بالشبع؟

لقد ظلت معدتي منتفخة طوال الأيام الأربعة الماضية. شعرت بالرفرفة مثل الركلات لمدة 3 ثوانٍ تقريبًا الليلة الماضية أثناء الاستلقاء على السرير. شعرت بالشبع، أجريت اختبار الحمل وظهر على العصا مكتوب "لست حامل" لكنني أجريت الاختبار مرة واحدة فقط. من المفترض أن تأتي دورتي الشهرية ولكن دورتي الشهرية كانت دائمًا غير منتظمة. على الرغم من أن بعض الأشهر كانت في الوقت المحدد، إلا أن معظمها لم يفعل ذلك. لقد جاءت الدورة الشهرية مبكرًا جدًا في بداية شهر يوليو. آخر يوم للدورة قبل ذلك على سبيل المثال كان يوم 28 يونيو ثم عدت لمدة 3 أيام ابتداءً من 12 يوليو. لم أعاني حقًا من ألم شديد أو انزعاج، فقط بشكل طفيف ولكني لم أشعر أبدًا بعدم الراحة/الألم عندما يكون من المفترض أن أكون دائمًا طفيفًا جدًا.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

قد تظهر عليك أعراض الانتفاخ وعدم انتظام الدورة الشهرية. هناك العديد من الأسباب للانتفاخ، بما في ذلك، من بين أمور أخرى، الغازات والإمساك. بالنسبة لبعض الناس، يمكن أن تكون الدورة الشهرية غير المنتظمة جزءًا من القاعدة. قد يكون الرفرفة التي شعرت بها بسبب تقلصات العضلات. تحدث مع أطبيب نسائيإذا استمرت الأعراض أو تفاقمت لمزيد من التوصيات.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3803)

Ive been having dried up blood spotting for 3 days and i only had cramps for the first day i know im not pregnant since im 15 and i never had sex theres also some brown spotting when i wipe after i pee (kinda like when period is done)

Female | 15

Dried up blood spotting, cramps, and brown spotting can have various causes, even if you're not sexually active. It's possible that this could be related to hormonal changes, irregular periods, or other factors. Irregular are common, especially during the early years of menstruation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

6 yrs of marriage having 2 kids both are normal delivery 2nd child is about 3 yrs Yesterday after intercourse I started bleeding at present now bleeding while urinating only any worry My last period date is 26 april

Female | 32

Bleeding can be caused by a small vaginal area tear or an itching sensation. There could be various reasons such as bacterial infections or hormonal changes. People need to remain quiet, get hydrated, and relax. Moreover, sex should be completely avoided until it is diagnosed. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

my period came on Friday or Thursday. on saturday night it hurt quite a bit on the left side under my belly, kind of a sharp pain then on Monday i think i noticed that my period stopped. I've never had sex, nor been to a gynecologist before, so I can't really give you many details, but I am pretty confused

Female | 25

While some discomfort during menstruation is normal, severe pain or other symptoms such as sudden hemorrhage requires a doctor’s attention. It necessary to visit a gynecologist for better evaluation

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Hi i had sex with my bf on 19 when my ovulation was on 18 and after that 5 days ago i had my periods but it wasnt like a period i would have . They lasted 2 days and on the second day it became pinkish and brownish and after that no more blood for the further days too and i had transparent discharge and now i feel nausea

Female | 18

Irregular or abnormal menstrual bleeding can occur due to many reason like hormonal imbalances, stress, changes in contraceptive methods, etc. It doesn't always mean that its about pregnancy. If you are concerned about the possibility of pregnancy, it's advisable to take a pregnancy test to get a clearer understanding of your situation. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I am a 22 year old female, and my breasts have become more pale and sensitive as of late, and am unsure the reasoning

Female | 22

Go for a consultation with a gynecologist or breast specialist to get a proper diagnosis. The color palette of sensitive breasts could indicate various conditions, primarily hormonal imbalances or breast infections. You must get medical help to confirm that there are no vital underlying issues.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I m not getting periods

Female | 31

Missing periods can be caused by a variety of factors such as stress, changes in weight, or hormonal imbalances. Consult your gynecologist who can diagnose and treat the underlying condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

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