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Female | 30

هل يمكنني الاسترخاء بشأن التهاب الكبد B بعد وخز الإبرة؟

وخز بإبرة بعد المريض. تم اختبارها بحثًا عن أجسام مضادة لالتهاب الكبد C، كما تم اختبارها عن طريق الخطأ بحثًا عن أجسام مضادة للمستضد السطحي لفيروس التهاب الكبد B بعد 4 أشهر (النتيجة 2.38، بمعدل 10 وحدة دولية/ مل من الدم).1. هل يمكنني أن أهدأ قليلاً بشأن التهاب الكبد B؟ 2. هل يمكنني إجراء اختبار سريع لالتهاب الكبد؟ 3. إذا وصل الدم إلى الجلد مباشرة، فهل هذا يمثل خطرًا للإصابة بالعدوى؟

الدكتور غوراف غوبتا

أمراض الجهاز الهضمي الجراحية

Answered on 26th Aug '24

نتيجة المستضد السطحي لفيروس التهاب الكبد B هي 2.38، وهو أقل من العتبة الطبيعية البالغة 10 وحدة دولية/مل، مما يشير إلى أنك غير مصاب على الأرجح. لذلك، لا داعي للقلق كثيرًا بشأن التهاب الكبد B. إذا كنت تريد المزيد من الطمأنينة، يمكنك إجراء اختبار سريع سريع للحصول على نتائج سريعة. يعتمد خطر الإصابة بالدم على جلدك على عوامل مثل كمية الدم، وأي جروح موجودة، ومدى سرعة تنظيفها. عادة، لا يشكل الاتصال القصير بالدم الموجود على الجلد خطرًا كبيرًا للإصابة بعدوى التهاب الكبد B. بشكل عام، مستوياتك طبيعية، لذا يمكنك الاسترخاء. ولكن إذا كنت لا تزال تشعر بالقلق، فإن الاختبار السريع يمكن أن يوفر لك راحة البال.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Hepatologyy" (123)

i am 86 year old, i have liver disease which is casing my leg and stomach to swollen and itching of the body, please which drugs should i buy

Male | 86

You are exhibiting the symptoms of liver disease. Swollen legs and stomach, along with body itching, are the symptoms of people with the said condition. The entire process of removing toxins from the body and the liver's poor functioning that leads to the development of these symptoms must be considered. At the pharmacy, you can purchase medications for your liver that can help you reduce the swelling caused by your liver, for instance, diuretics and antihistamines. But I insist you seek medical help before getting any treatment.

Answered on 14th June '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Sir liver me sujan and ant me infection hai

Male | 21

send your abdomen ultrasound report initially

Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

My brother has liver cirrhosis. Can ge be cured if he undergo stem cell therapy?

Male | 54

There's no definitive cure for liver cirrhosis. It is a condition where healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, and this damage is irreversible. Stem cell therapy is still under research and clinical trials, but it is not yet considered a standard treatment for liver cirrhosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

My father has jaundice for 1 month. Bilirubin level 14. Few days ago father was given 5 blood.. But now hemoglobin levels is 6. Why the hemoglobin decreasing? What is the risk?

Male | 73

The decrease in hemoglobin could be due to continued blood loss, reduced red blood cell production, or hemolysis. Low hemoglobin levels can lead to fatigue, weakness, and other health risks. So consult his doctor soon for proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

My father got liver disease from last 6 months after we removed galbladder 8 month before due to stone. That time doctor told having liver disease ,now they are asking to do liver transplant can you suggest is it necessary to do or any other option with medication can cure.

Male | 62

If your father has been diagnosed with liver disease following gallbladder removal, and the doctors are recommending a liver transplant, it suggests that his liver function has significantly declined. A liver transplant is considered the definitive treatment for end stage liver disease when other options may not be sufficient. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

I have some reports of my father. As per doctor suggested it is a liver cancer. So, I want to more suggestions on its. Like what is the reason behind it? Treatment?. Best hospital for this treatment?

Male | 62

follow these herbal combination :- Sootshekhar ras 125 mg twice a day, Pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water , send his reports initially

Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

My grandpas liver is 75 percent damaged how can it be cured

Male | 75

Consult with a professional specializing in liver disorders. Treatment options will depend on the underlying cause and severity of the damage. Lifestyle changes, medications, or even a liver transplant may be considered. Prompt medical attention and following professional guidance are crucial in managing the condition effectively.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

What amount of s.g.p.t value to normal liver

Male | 18

When we assess S.L.T. the S.G.P.T level is being analyzed. A normal S.G.P.T level for a healthy liver is below 40 units per liter. Higher levels of the liver could indicate that it is not healthy. Signs like weakness, jaundice, or the yellowing of the skin, are some of the symptoms. Drinking too much alcohol or having a fatty liver are among the causes. To get better, drink less of alcohol and eat a diet full of vegetables.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

I have taken 20 500 msg of paracetamol and I have yellow in the whites of my eyes and I don’t know what to do

Male | 20

You could be reacting to an overdose of paracetamol. Yellow in the whites of your eyes can be a sign of liver problems. This can be if you take paracetamol in excess. It is crucial to get medical assistance immediately. The doctor can examine your liver and give treatment if necessary. 

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Kya 50% liver kharab hone ke bad liver theek ho sakta hai

Male | 35

The liver can partially recover even if it's 50% damaged, depending on the cause and overall health. Reversible conditions like viral infections or certain medication-related damage may allow for better recovery. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

How much is laparoscopic liver resection recovery time?

Male | 47

It could be 2-4 weeks.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

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