Male | 18
What is the normal s.g.p.t value for the liver?
What amount of s.g.p.t value to normal liver

Surgical Gastroenterology
Answered on 2nd Aug '24
When we assess S.L.T. the S.G.P.T level is being analyzed. A normal S.G.P.T level for a healthy liver is below 40 units per liter. Higher levels of the liver could indicate that it is not healthy. Signs like weakness, jaundice, or the yellowing of the skin, are some of the symptoms. Drinking too much alcohol or having a fatty liver are among the causes. To get better, drink less of alcohol and eat a diet full of vegetables.
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Questions & Answers on "Hepatology" (149)
I am dhananjay chaturvedi I am having pain from last 2 months and lever is increased in size I am 28 years old.i want to know which treatment is good for lever
Male | 28
Answered on 9th July '24
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Hi I got a fibroscan done and the kpa was 8.8 and the cap was 325 I was wondering how dangerous it is and can it be reversed
Male | 28
A fibroscan result with a kPa of 8.8 and a cap of 325 points towards liver issues. This can happen due to fatty liver, infections, or excessive drinking. Symptoms include tiredness, swelling in the belly, and yellow skin. To reverse it, focus on a healthy diet, exercise, and avoiding alcohol. Regular visits to a liver specialist will ensure that progress is monitored.
Answered on 11th Aug '24
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Liver me sujana hona kaise thik kya ja sakta 6 month baby ke
Female | 6 month
A 6-month-old baby who is suffering from liver swelling may have a problem due to several causes like infection, blockage, or metabolic disorder. This swelling may lead to signs like a full belly, loss of appetite, and jaundice (yellowish skin). It is very important to consult a pediatrician for proper treatment and advice
Answered on 2nd Dec '24
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I have symptom of jaundice for last 7 years
Male | 22
Having jaundice for 7 years is not usual. Jaundice is when your eyes and skin turn yellow. This occurs when your liver does not work well. Infections, liver problems, or blocked bile ducts can cause it. Tests will be required to know what is causing it. After knowing the cause, treatment will be given to make your liver work better and reduce jaundice.
Answered on 27th May '24
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Sir liver me sujan and ant me infection hai
Male | 21
The liver is swollen due to an infection in the intestine, a severe condition. Symptoms include stomach pain, tiredness, yellow skin (jaundice), and fever. The causes are viruses and bacteria. To help, the doctor prescribed medications for the infections and suggested a special diet to support the liver. Following a doctor's advice carefully is crucial for proper treatment.
Answered on 20th July '24
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I have some reports of my father. As per doctor suggested it is a liver cancer. So, I want to more suggestions on its. Like what is the reason behind it? Treatment?. Best hospital for this treatment?
Male | 62
Answered on 2nd July '24
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My sgpt level is 296 and sgot level is 113 and ratio is 0.38 and I am facing no symptoms on my body . Is it curable or not and if curable how to cure
Male | 19
Elevated liver enzymes like SGPT and SGOT can indicate liver stress or damage, often due to factors such as fatty liver disease, alcohol consumption, or medication use. Since you’re currently experiencing no symptoms, it's encouraging. Many causes are manageable, and lifestyle changes, such as adopting a balanced diet, reducing alcohol intake, and maintaining a healthy weight, can be beneficial. It’s important to monitor your liver function over time and consult a gastroenterologist for personalized advice and potential further evaluation. They can offer tailored recommendations based on your specific situation, ensuring you take the best steps for your health.
Answered on 6th Mar '25
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I am suffering from chronic liver disease from may 2017. I was fine but now my serum bilirubin in 3.8 and early 10 days 5.01 without any symptom
Male | 55
• Cirrhosis is a late stage of liver scarring (fibrosis) induced by a variety of liver disorders and conditions, including hepatitis and persistent drinking. When your liver is damaged, whether through illness, excessive alcohol intake, or another cause, it attempts to restore itself. Scar tissue arises as a result of the procedure.
• It causes scar tissue to grow, making it harder for the liver to function (decompensated cirrhosis) and is considered to be potentially fatal by nature. The liver damage is often irreversible. However, if detected early and the underlying cause is addressed, additional damage can be reduced and, in rare cases, reversed.
• It often has no signs or symptoms until liver damage is extensive.
• On damage the following signs/symptoms can be seen - Fatigue , easy bleeding/bruising , Loss of appetite, Nausea, pedal/ankle odema, Weight loss, Itchy skin, Yellow coloured eyes and skin, ascites(fluid accumulation in abdomen), spiderlike blood vessels, redness of palms, absence/loss of periods (not related to menopause), libido and gynecomastia(breast growth in males)/testicular atrophy, Confusion, sleepiness, and slurred speech (hepatic encephalopathy)
• Usually, the total bilirubin test shows 1.2 mg/dL for adults and 1 mg/dL for children under the age of 18. The normal value for direct bilirubin is 0.3 mg/dL.
• Normal findings may differ somewhat between men and women, and results may be influenced by particular diets, drugs, or severe activity. Bilirubin levels that are lower than normal are typically not a cause for worry. Elevated levels might be a sign of liver injury or illness.
• Higher-than-normal amounts of direct bilirubin in your blood may suggest that your liver isn't adequately removing bilirubin. Elevated indirect bilirubin levels may signal other issues.
• Gilbert's syndrome, a lack in an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of bilirubin, is a frequent and innocuous cause of high bilirubin. Further tests may be ordered by your doctor to explore your situation. Bilirubin test results can also be used to track the evolution of specific illnesses like jaundice.
• Further laboratory investigations such as AST(aspartate aminotransferase), ALT(alanine transaminase), ALP(alkaline phosphatase) and GGT(gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase); Total Albumin, Lactic Dehydrogenase, Alpha protein, 5’nucleotide, mitochondrial antibody and PTT levels need to be determined and procedures such as CT scan, MRI (for liver tissue damage) and biopsy (in case of chance of any cancerous growth) need to be performed.
You can also visit hepatologist for detailed treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir liver me sujan and ant me infection hai
Male | 21
Answered on 23rd July '24
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Gross Description: Specimen received in formalin with proper lab no. consists of one tan brown linear piece of tissue. It measures 1.2x0.2cm. Submitted as such. Microscopic Examination: Sections show linear core of liver tissue. The liver tissue shows mild distortion of the lobular architecture. NAS score: Steatosis: 2 (about 52% of hepatocytes) Lobular inflammation: 1 (2 foci/200x) Hepatocytes ballooning: 2 (Many hepatocytes) Total NAS score: 5/8 Fibrosis: Ic (Periportal) Diagnosis: NAS score: 5/8 Fibrosis: le Is that report is Normal. Pls explain?
Male | 28
Your liver has some issues according to the report. It's inflamed and swollen with fat deposits. Obesity, cholesterol problems, or alcohol could cause these changes. To improve liver health, focus on eating right, exercising regularly, and giving up alcohol. Taking care of your liver is crucial for overall well-being.
Answered on 23rd July '24
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Ast alt and globulin mild high
Male | 39
Liver and muscle problems sometimes cause higher AST, ALT, and globulin levels. You may not have symptoms. But fatty liver, infections, and certain medications could be reasons. Eating healthy foods, exercise, and avoiding alcohol helps. Still, see your hepatologist to check and get advice.
Answered on 16th Oct '24
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In my liver test SGPT is 42 and GAMMA GT is 57 more than normal range
Female | 35
Since your SGPT and Gamma GT levels showed higher values, your liver test result is fine, but slightly elevated. It may be a sign of the disease process that is manifesting itself in the form of liver damage or inflammation. Consult with a hepatologist is important. They can propose the right therapeutic methods which suits your situation best.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Respected Doctor Sir, Myself a 63 years old Non-alcoholic, retired man from a Pharmaceutical MNC Abbott, got diagnosed with Chronic Liver problem I e. Liver Cirrosis about three years back. Since, I am in Delhi, arranged best possible treatments from Max Hospital, ILBS & Apollo hospital. But all doctors clearly told me.... only option left is Liver Transplantation. I tried best for healthy & maching Liver but couldn't succeeded so far. Apart from Allopathic, I approached Professor & Head of the department Homeo- pathy and very renowned Ayurvedic doctor. All the doctors tried their best for recovery & I noticed the remarkable change in Fibroscan reports. ( Attaching both reports). But some problems remained as it is like.... Whole body itching, Loss of Stamina/vigour. My Whole body PLATELETS not improving. My Protine difficencies & Albumin lebel not satisfactory. For avoiding loss of Albumin, doctor recommends use of Hunan Albumin Interavenus Injections after intervalbof 15 days. Heavy weaknesses & Constipation. I spent my all retirement funds for treatments on Continuous doctor's consultations, repeated tests, Fibroscans, Ultrasounds, Costly Medicines, Admissions etc & having lot of financial crises. Even though life was going ok with some little problems. Suddenly on 27th December -23, when I was being injected Albumin, suddenly Some drops of Blood noticed on my tongue and I stopped using Albumin & informed Apollo Hospital Doctor, He suggested, I should get an emergency admission in nearby Hospital. So I got admitted in Max hospital, where my new problems were started during treatments. As per Max Doctors, my heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Pancreas were not functioning normal & I started feeling Memory loss. The doctors were telling that no chances of survival now & advised family to allow to put me on ventilator but my son hesitated & in same condition, he got me Apollo Hospital in mid night. I think Max hospital only seen their monotary benefits & recovered around 14.00 lacs for treatment through Insurance co. Then slowly slowly, I got recovery & after a weak, I got recovery . Sir, I am having no pain in and around Abdomen area, no swelling anywhere. For checking Ascites, doctors asked me to take half tablets of Lessilactone. Only feeling heavy Weekness, loss of stamina. I approached one of my doctor relative & he said as per MELD SCORE of 16, no immediate Transplant is advisable. Please see my attached reports & put your comments, whether, I may survive 5-6 years with this problem without Transplantation. I shall take video consultation with you but before that, I informed my few details to you for your better assessments & reply. WITH MY FOLDED HAND, I HUMBLY REQUEST YOURGOODSELF TO PLEASE SEE MY DETAILS THROUGHLY AND GIVE YOUR BEST POSSIBLE ADVISES. Best regards, Chaitanya Prakash Delhi Mobile. 9891740622
Male | 63
Liver cirrhosis can bring itching, low energy, fewer platelets, and protein troubles. Those issues happen when damaged livers can't do their jobs right across your body. It's key to treat those symptoms closely and regularly check your condition. A good lifestyle, proper diet, and listening to your hepatologist can boost your overall wellness.
Answered on 14th Aug '24
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Want a laboratory report analysis and advice. Urinalysis result shows proteinuria (++), trace leucocytes, mild pyuria and bacteriuria. Urine m/c/s and SEUCr are recommended to rule out UTI and nephropathy respectively. AST (SGOT) 85 ALT (SGPT) 84 GGT 209
Female | 33
Your lab report looks like it has some abnormal levels of liver enzymes (AST, ALT, GGT) which may suggest a liver ailment. Tiredness, nausea, and yellowish skin are possible symptoms. The causes can be related to the abuse of alcohol, fatty liver, or the intake of some medications. To tackle this, consulting a hepatologist is key for them to conduct further tests and advise on the most suitable treatment.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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My total bilirubin is 2.9 mgs/Dil, Direct bilirubin is 1.4 mgs/dil
Male | 31
When blood total bilirubin levels are high, the chances are that the liver or gallbladder is not functioning properly. However, direct bilirubin may tell that it is a liver problem in processing bile. This may arise from infections, liver diseases, or blockages in the bile ducts. It is vital to consult with a hepatologist about these results to find the most agreeable treatment for you.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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My mother is suffering from liver cirrhosis. Key symptoms are - drop in HB every 10 days, GI bleeding through varices, ammonia increase in body from time to time which has been treated with duphalac enema. APC has been done twice. But bleeding and HB drop has continued.
Female | 73
Managing the variceal bleeding and elevated ammonia levels may involve procedures like APC, band ligation, or TIPS, and medications like lactulose. Regular monitoring of liver cirrhosis function and supportive care, including nutrition, are also crucial. Consult your doctor or a hepatologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello Doctor, I am 36 year old male had fatty liver grade 2 since July 2019, having Udilive 300 mg morning and evening till August 2020. fatty liver convert in grade 1 .till last Dec.2020 continued Udilive300 mg with Vitamin E 400., left the medicine for 3/4 months in from the January 2021.again repeat the same medicine for two the mid of 2021 I left medicine to intake permanently .in 2022 For Routine health check up I go through LFT and Whole Abdomen ultrasound .the report are shocking .The corsean echo texture are found in ultrasound and LFT is abnormal.the General physician whom I treated is MBBS, MD, DTM& H. He raised his hand and advised me to leave all things on All mighty God.He also suggest me to Refer High advance Liver disease Hospitals. Kindly suggest me . 9304241768
Male | 36
kindly do not take or discontinue medicines without the doctor's advice. Please consult a gastroenterologist or hepatologist for your problems.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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liver syorisis for one years
Female | 56
Liver cirrhosis is where scar tissue builds up in the liver. Longstanding issues like heavy drinking or viral hepatitis cause this. Some signs are tiredness, swollen legs, and yellow skin. Doctors treat cirrhosis by controlling underlying problems. They may prevent alcohol use and prescribe drugs for symptoms. Eating well and exercising also help manage cirrhosis.
Answered on 2nd Aug '24
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My fiancé was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B last year. Though she has been treated. Now I’m scared to have sex with her. Please is it safe?
Female | 31
Hepatitis B is a virus that mainly affects the liver. Tiredness, jaundice (yellow skin), and stomach pain are some possible causes. Your fiancée has been treated and it is generally safe to have sex, but it is important to use protection such as condoms to minimize the risk of spreading the virus.
Answered on 20th Aug '24
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Doctor, i am 45 years old, and i have chronic pain in my abdomen due to my liver disease, doctors said only possibility is to remove the liver. I dont want to do that, could I get my stem cell treatment done for liver from mumbai, could you please suggest a clinic and a specific doctor who can help me through this.
Answered on 29th Nov '24
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