Male | 35
كيفية علاج الشبم بشكل فعال في المنزل؟
يمكن علاج الشبم كيف يتم ذلك
طبيب مسالك بولية
Answered on 23rd May '24
الشبم هو حالة تكون فيها القلفة مشدودة ولا يمكن سحبها للخلف فوق رأس القضيب. يمكن أن يسبب هذا ألمًا أثناء التبول أو تورمًا أو صعوبة في التنظيف. عادةً ما يكون ذلك نتيجة للعدوى أو الالتهاب. تمارين التمدد اللطيفة، أو كريمات الستيرويد أو الجراحة إذا كانت شديدة بما فيه الكفاية هي العلاجات الممكنة. أطبيب مسالك بوليةيجب استشارة الطبيب لإجراء التشخيص المناسب.
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Questions & Answers on "Urology" (998)
I am having an urge to urinate more often. Also I have a slight pain on the left side of my abdomen. Can u help me with might be the possible reason for this
Female | 25
Talk to a urologist for frequent urination and abdominal pain. It could be a UTI, kidney stones, or other conditions. Need physical checkup to give proper diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Erection problems and testicle pain
Male | 33
ERECTION PROBLEMS AND TESTICLE PAIN MAY OCCUR SIMULTANEOUSLY.. Potential causes include infections, nerve damage, or trauma.. Other possible causes include medication side effects or hormonal imbalances.. If you experience these symptoms, see a doctor.... A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL can help identify the underlying cause.. Treatment options may include medication, stem cell therapy, surgery, or lifestyle changes. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to long-term complications.. Discuss any concerns with your doctor…. REMEMBER TO always take care of your HEALTH.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I am 21 year old boy having small bumps in my penis foreskin from last 1 day so how to cure it
Male | 21
These small clusters of pimples could be due to balanitis, a common condition often caused by poor hygiene, fungal infections, or bacterial infections. To alleviate these painful clusters, it is essential to maintain excellent hygiene in the affected area. Over-the-counter antifungal creams can be effective if the cause is fungal. If the symptoms persist, are painful, or if there is discharge, it is important to consult a urologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Sexual health erection problem
Male | 33
ERECTION PROBLEMS ARE COMMON AND CAN BE CAUSED BY STRESS OR ANXIETY.. Medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease can also cause erectile dysfunction... Prescription medications or substance abuse can contribute to the problem. A healthy lifestyle including exercise , A BALANCED DIET , and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol intake can help. Seeing a doctor is advised to rule out underlying medical conditions. erectile dysfunction Treatment options include medication , stem cell therapy or surgery....
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Why I am having blood in urine today? (Only once , 2-3 three drops of blood after urination)
Male | 24
Blood in your pee is alarming, but stay calm and learn why. It may be caused by a bladder infection, kidney stones, or intense workouts. Drink plenty of fluids and avoid spicy foods temporarily. If it keeps occurring, consult a urologist.
Answered on 31st July '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
2 lumps on each side of scrotum above testicles. Sore to the touch and achy. Is this normal week and a half after a vasectomy
Male | 42
Two lumps appearing over your testicles post vasectomy are normal. They may initially cause soreness and achiness—usually sperm build-up, swelling, or fluid cause these lumps. Wear supportive underwear and use ice packs to ease discomfort. Seek advice from a urologist if the pain intensifies, redness or fever develops. Rest and allow your body adequate time for healing.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Sir, I have overdosed on Viagra 100. Which has caused urinary problem. There is burning and pain. Drops of urine all the time and sometimes a little blood. I have done kidney ultrasound which is also clear. Blood test and urine test are also clear. But the pain and irritation are not going away.
Male | 39
Overdose of Viagra can result in serious urinary complication. Even if the reports are good, it can be some other underlying cause. Talk to a urologist they may recommend some other tests
Answered on 20th Sept '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
My name is Abidemi Micheal, I'm 44yrs, I'm having difficulty in urination for like 3yrs now. I've done several test and I'm on some medication for postrate enlargement but with little or no different
Male | 44
According to your symptoms and history, it is likely that you have a problem called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This is a prevalent case found in men over 40 and features a swollen prostate gland that blocks the urine outflow. Please continue to deal with a relevant urologist, who is a specialist in this illness.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Uti is comfirmed using medicine since 10days still mucus in urine what is the reason
Female | 23
It's great you're curious about mucus in your urine. Even after taking antibiotics for ten days, ongoing inflammation could cause that mucus. Your body might still be battling an infection. Stay hydrated. Complete your medication. If mucus remains, notify your urologist.
Answered on 26th July '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I am an 18 year old student and lately Ive been noticing blood or a blood like substance coming out of the area on the edge of the butt crack, its been a thing for a long time but I didnt pay it any mind until recently, should I be worried and are there any at home treatments
Male | 18
In this case you must consult your doctor.. a gastroenterologist can help to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Bleeding mostly happens because of anal fissure (a small tear in the lining of the anus), hemorrhoids, or infections.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I’m 16 and my penis is slightly curved to the left. Should I be worried?
Male | 16
This is normal. It’s often insignificant. In rare cases a bent penis is caused by Peyronie’s disease which bends it during erection. However, if it bothers you or hurts, talk to a urologist. They can give you more specific advice based on what they know about your situation.
Answered on 29th May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
How to remove a chastity cage without a key?
Male | 40
As a medical expert, I would highly discourage you from taking down a chastity cage without the key. This can result in serious harm and could necessitate medical treatment. It is better to consult a urologist or an expert in sexual health for safe chastity cage removal. Please do not try to remove it yourself.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Im not able to pull my foreskin back, I never noticed this issue until now that I am growing older, and I wanted to know is this normal?
Male | 19
Loss of ability to pull back the foreskin is a typical, but curable, condition named phimosis. It might be result of a medical condition that led to birth defect. The best option is to see the urologist who can do the full body test and recommend the most suitable drugs for the specific case.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi I felt a lump on penis after a wild intercourse maybe it folded in between process lump is in mid of the part no visual felt just tangible lump
Male | 29
You shouldn't worry too much about the lump on your penis after intercourse. It might just be swelling caused by friction during sex. Or maybe it's a cyst or blocked oil gland, which isn't serious. But if it doesn't go away soon or hurts, you should get it checked out by a urologist.
Answered on 23rd July '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi, I am worried about erectile dysfunction. I'm going through puberty but don't seem to get random erections anymore and only ones caused by stimulation. Is there something wrong?
Male | 14
During puberty it's normal for the frequency and spontaneity of erections to change. Hormonal shifts affect sexual development differently for everyone. While early puberty often involves more frequent and spontaneous erections, this can change as puberty progresses. There's nothing wrong it's natural.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I have hydrocele, can I go to gym please tell me.
Male | 19
A hydrocele causes swelling in the scrotum, fluid building up around the testicle. It's often painless. At the gym, take it easy: avoid activities putting pressure on that area. Stick to light workouts until consulting a urologist for specific advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I can't satisfy a lady I always finish in 2 min B4 her.. where I can't erect again
Male | 30
Most men experience challenges with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. In that case its importanr to communicate with your partner, try different techniques, do pelvic floor exercises, get therapy or counseling. Consult a urologist or sex therapist for a more personalised advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Please, I'm having premature ejaculation and at the Same time. The quantity of semen coming out is very small.. This was what I've been experiencing since day 1of my sex experience
Male | 25
These issues can have various causes, including psychological factors and lifestyle choices. To address premature ejaculation, behavioral techniques, counseling, or medications may help. Low semen volume could be related to dehydration, lifestyle factors, or medical conditions, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important. Pls consult a urologist from a good reputed hospital.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I have premature ejaculation and didn't get hard erection
Male | 25
Sexual health difficulties like premature ejaculation and erectile disorder can influence people's lives negatively. It's necessary to consult a recommended urologist or sexologist for individualized treatment plans that consider your medical history and current symptoms.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Had an ongoing problem with occurred a few months back with some medication it went away. It came back again after i felt sharp pain in my kidney which the doc said was cuz of me not drinking enough water after a few months and then i was given ciprofloxacin and some other meds that included cranberry extract sachets and it went away now few days ago i noticed that my urine was pink and the Urge to urinate and frequent urination was back and then the Doc prescribed me ciprofloxacin again but it didn't do much. I took a urine DR test. It was normal besides few blood cells, few bacteria and mucus present in it. Now i am feeling frequent urination and stings a little when i urinate what should i do?
Male | 24
The urinary tract is the part of the body where the bacteria have entered and UTIs are the result. The main symptoms may include frequent urination, pain or a burning sensation while urinating, and urine that appears cloudier or even blood-colored. You need to take sufficient water regularly and the prescribed antibiotics till the end as instructed by the doctor. If the symptoms stay on then a different antibiotic might be necessary for your treatment or a further examination can be performed.
Answered on 19th June '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
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