Female | 19
هل فشلت طريقة الانسحاب معي؟ فترة متأخرة.
لقد مارسنا الجنس (أيضًا طريقة الانسحاب) وجاءت الدورة الشهرية مبكرًا بعد 3 أيام من ممارسة الجنس ولم تأتي الدورة الثانية بعد 42 يومًا من آخر دورة شهرية. اختبار الحمل سلبي أيضًا ويتم إجراؤه في اليوم 32

طبيب نسائي
Answered on 27th May '24
يبدو أنك قلقة بشأن الدورة الشهرية وفرص الحمل. يجب أن تعلمي أن التعرض للتوتر أو حدوث تغيرات هرمونية يمكن أن يتسبب في قدوم الدورة الشهرية في وقت أبكر مما هو متوقع في بعض الأحيان. إذا حصلت على نتيجة سلبية من اختبار الحمل، فقد يعني هذا أنك لست حاملاً ولكن من الأفضل أن تنتظري لفترة من الوقت قبل إجراء اختبار آخر للتأكد. إذا كان هناك أي شيء لا تزال لا تفهمه جيدًا بما فيه الكفاية، فأعتقد أن التحدث مع أطبيب نسائيسيكون رائعا لمزيد من النصائح.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3837)
I am a 23 year old female. I had sexual intercourse with my boyfriend and took the morning after pill three times in one month. We had sexual intercourse twice in a span of two weeks and I took the morning after pill both times. Then I got my period so we stopped, when I came off we had sexual intercourse again and I took the morning after pill, then a few days later got heavy bleeding like a period for 6-7 days. Since then we haven’t had any sexual intercourse. This was last month. This month I haven’t gotten my period yet. It’s delayed. Is it because the morning after pills alters hormones? Or am I pregnant?
Female | 23
Since you took the morning after pill multiple times within a month may have altered your menstrual cycle and caused a delay in your period. But there is still a possibility of pregnancy even if you have taken the morning after pill. Because emergency contraception is not 100% effective in preventing pregnancy, and repeated use of the pill within a short period of time may decrease its effectiveness.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Actually I got pregnant a few weeks before...I consulted a gynaecologist because it was an unwanted pregnancy so she suggested me a kit of 5 pills...due to contractions the embryo got out and I bleeded... it's been 15 days now...my bleeding hasn't stopped...and the blood is also of brown colour... although the bleeding is not more it's just 10-12 drops per day but am suffering from vaginal itching.... please suggest me something....I don't want to go through D&C process... please...
Female | 21
It seems that complications are being experienced from the pills. When the body adjusts, brown blood besides prolonged bleeding can occur. It is possible that the itching might stem from an infection. It is crucial to see a gynecologist as soon as possible in order to make sure that everything is alright.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I'm 37 weeks pregnant since yesterday I'm experiencing that my vagina is swollen bt wit no irritation...only slightly pain when I wipe after I pee
Female | 31
At 37 weeks pregnant, experiencing vaginal swelling with slight pain could be due to normal pregnancy changes. Consult your gynecologist to ensure everything is progressing well.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
My periods is 2 day late ..I haven't had any sexual intercourse but had oral sex I'm scared is there any chance for getting pregnant??
Female | 19
The probability of conception as a result of oral sex is very small. There are other attributes like stress, weight fluctuations, hormonal imbalances, and particular medication that can slow down periods as well. Accordingly, pay attention to the recommendation of the gynecologist to get a thorough examination of your case.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
My period is not stoping like regular 4 days I had a pill a month before
Female | 20
Menstrual bleeding patterns often change when hormonal tablets are administered. But, if your menstruation continues for too long than usual then medical help of a gynecologists is required.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Can penile agenesis be prevented in pregnancy Am a first time mum I was diagnosed with polihydroaminios but gave birth to a dwarf baby with penile agenesis who died becoz of the force labour but iam still affected mentally I need help
Female | 26
Its a rare congenital condition that occurs during fetal development. Generally most congenital abnormalities including penile agenesis are not preventable. They can result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors that are often beyond our control.
It is also important to seek emotional support and counseling to address the feelings and challenges you may be experiencing.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
irregular periods skip ho jate h 2 din rhte h
Female | 24
Sometimes you can miss your period for a couple of days. Stress, weight changes, and hormone problems cause this. Besides being irregular, you may cramp and feel moody. Managing stress helps regulate periods. Eating right and living healthy can too. If you're worried though, talk to a gynecologist.
Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Hi, I want to know adnexal cyst can be treated with surgery only or can it be resolved with any medicine or by its own without treatment. Dr. Has given voltrel, cefixim and trypsin tablets for 5 days and CA- 125 test is been awaited. Pls suggest advice.
Female | 16
Adnexal cysts are sacs filled with fluid. They're located close to the ovaries. Some cause pelvic pain, bloating. Others don't show any signs. Surgery may remove big or painful cysts. But many small ones go away without treatment. Medicines like yours might ease symptoms. Your gynecologist will guide you based on your situation. It's wise to await the CA-125 test results to learn more.
Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Consulted for: Ms.Fathima (Myself) I'm a woman age 28 years. I got my last period on 3rd feb. We are planning for baby. I got my tvs follicular study and got hcg shot on feb 16. Before doing pregnancy test I actually did 1 hour fast walking. I started feeling a lot of cramps throughout my belly ( upper and lower) . I did my pregnancy test and it's positive. I did consulted docter the same day (march 10) . In tvs study there is an empty sac doctor said. And it's an early sign of pregnancy. The horrible pain in my belly area was throughout the day. Today ( march 11) I'm not having any pain only my lower back has very little amount of pain. I'm if I'll get to hear the heart beat of mt baby when I'll visit my gynaecologist after 15 days Or not. Please tell if everything can be normal. Waiting eagerly for your reply. Thank you❤.
Female | 28
Cramping and empty sac in your ultrasound at this stage is common. But it's important to follow up with your gynecologist to monitor the development of the pregnancy. Make sure to visit your doctor regularly and follow their advice for a healthy pregnancy.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
We are planning for a trip via air travel on feb 23 and my wife just got confirmed for pregnancy yesterday.. Flight travel is around 3 hrs. is it safe to travel?
Female | 23
Yes it is safe for pregnant women to travel by air during the early and middle stages of pregnancy as long as there are no complications or medical concerns.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I am 19 years old. I had sex and after that I used contraceptives after 24 hours( the following day) and since then I have been spotting
Female | 19
Spotting is mostly a side effect of using contraceptives. If the spotting continues with other unusual symptoms then check with a gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
huge pain in lower abdomen once a month from past 1 year
Female | 16
This type of tummy ache, specifically if it happens consistently, is often created due to belated menstrual cramps. These contractions take place when the uterus contracts through menstruation. The pain for which heat pads, pain medications, and light exercise are usually the cure. Reach out to a gynecologist for immediate professional advice.
Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
5 days s mere period mis h
Female | 29
A 5-day delay in your period can happen for various reasons, including stress, weight changes, or hormonal imbalances. Irregular periods are also common, especially in young people. If you've had unprotected intercourse, consider the possibility of pregnancy. If the delay continues, visit a gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Period one day ho raha h wo bhi kuch ghanto k liye
Female | 25
If your period lasts only a few hours, it might be due to several reasons. Hormonal imbalances, stress, significant weight loss or gain, and certain medical conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disorders can affect menstrual flow. Additionally, changes in contraception or underlying health issues can also lead to very short periods. Consulting a gynecologist is important to identify the exact cause and receive appropriate treatment.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I think I just miscarried at home. What should I do?
Female | 23
Miscarriages at home involve heavy bleeding. Severe pain in the abdomen or back could happen. Blood clots may pass. Miscarriages occur due to genetic issues or hormonal problems. Rest well and drink plenty of fluids. Contact your gynecologist about the situation. They'll advise on appropriate next steps.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
i am 24 years old and i had unprotected sex i missed my periods more than 10 days i took a pregnancy test its positive
Female | 24
It appears that you could be expecting a baby. Whenever unprotected sex takes place, there is a possibility of getting pregnant. Missing a period along with a positive outcome on a pregnancy test are usual indications. Other signs may include fatigue, tender breasts, and morning sickness. At this point, the best thing for you to do would be to see a gynecologist so that they can confirm this pregnancy and advise accordingly.
Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Missed period and late for 13 days. No other symptoms than spotting a week before
Female | 22
Missed periods could indicate various possibilities, including pregnancy. Spotting a week before your expected period could be an early sign of pregnancy, but it's also important to consider other factors that might be causing the delay. Take a pregnancy test for confirmation
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I am 24 years old my last period was on 25 April and after that on 3rd june I got brown discharge for two days , am I pregnant?
Female | 24
There are many different reasons why someone may experience brown discharge after their period. It is not necessarily an indication of pregnancy. It could be caused by hormonal changes, stress, or irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Feeling tired all the time, nausea, or tenderness in your breasts can be signs and symptoms that suggest you might be pregnant. To be sure, take a home pregnancy test.
Answered on 7th June '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
So i explain full incident. That I'm unmarried Not breaking my hymen 2 days before my periods i met my bf and do so romance. During romance he put finger on my vagina tip very first time. And i feel pain he dont even insert the fingr into me. And he dont ejaculate that time. Only precum are leak his penis. And we worried that he touch my vagina with that hand he masturbate his self.
Female | 26
Pain in your vagina, after your boyfriend touched it with his finger, could be due to irritation or a small tear. The pre-ejaculate fluid he had on his hand doesn’t typically contain sperm but still can carry some risk of pregnancy or infection. It’s important to always practice safe behaviors and consider using protection to prevent any unwanted outcomes.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Got back pain on left hand side and belly pain on left hand side and feeling cold all the time. And got doctors appointment on Saturday
Female | 34
Your left side back and belly pains could signify kidney or digestive issues. Plus, feeling cold constantly is distressing. Stay hydrated and keep yourself warm until Saturday's doctor visit. Ensure you communicate all these symptoms. A gynecologist will help identify the root cause.
Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
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