Female | 21
لماذا أعاني من الصفير في الصدر والسعال بعد الأنفلونزا؟
لقد أصبت بالأنفلونزا منذ 3 أسابيع وتعاني الآن من مشاكل في الصدر. يشعر الصدر بأزيز وضيق، خاصة عندما يكون الجو باردًا. يأتي السعال ويذهب، ويكون جافًا أحيانًا ورطبًا أحيانًا.
طبيب الرئة
Answered on 23rd May '24
بعد الإصابة بالأنفلونزا، يصبح جسمك أضعف. وجدت الجراثيم أنه من الأسهل إصابة منطقة صدرك. ولهذا السبب تشعر بالضيق والصفير والسعال. الهواء البارد يجعل هذه الأعراض أسوأ. لتحسين حالتك، حافظ على دفئك، واشرب الكثير من السوائل، واستخدم جهاز ترطيب الهواء. إذا استمرت الأعراض، اطلب المشورة الطبية من أطبيب الرئة.
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Questions & Answers on "Pulmonologyy" (315)
White or clear phlegm without cough and breathing problem for about a year, mild right chest pain for about seven months. Sometimes its like a sore throat.Weakness is felt from within.A chest x-ray was done but nothing was detected.Several red rashes appear on the chest But I am very worried about the problem.What can I do for this or any disease symptoms?It would be great if I could know. 1.amoxyclav 625 mg2.levocetirizine 5 mg3.montelukast 10 mg 4.tab (ap) Aceclofenac Paracetamol) Pantoprazole (40mg) T. Azithromycin (500) Sup Ascoril LS 1 . Lavocet T. Montelukast /10) Itab T. Mucinac (600) Itab 7. Pan (40) I T. Boufen (4oo) Itab sos Tab. AB Phylline 100 BD Completed all those medicine. Now i feel sharp right chest and back pain with frothy white phelgum.
Female | 18+
Phlegm could signify lung or breathing problems. Rashes may indicate allergies or skin issues. Consult a pulmonologist for further examination. Tests may be necessary to identify causes and prescribe suitable treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I describe below our patient problem: 1. Suggestive of left renal mass with thrombus in left vein. 2. left paraaortic lymphadenopathy. 3. Visible part of chest shows multiple soft tissue nodules in basal segments of both lung, largest one - 3.2X 2.8 cm - suggest metastasis.
Female | 36
Answered on 10th July '24
Dr. N S S Gauri
Vesing problem breathing over
Male | 25
Shortness of breath often results from the following reasons: asthma, COPD, bronchitis, pneumonia, and other respiratory conditions. The breathing problem should be treated by the pulmonologist if it persists.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
i am a 16 year old female. i suffer from breathing difficulties that only occur at night. it has been happening the past couple of nights. i vape. i possibly have anxiety.
Female | 16
In case you vape and feel nervous, this might be the thing that is exacerbating your distress. Vaping injures the lungs and causes breathing problems. Anxiety may also bring about a rare situation where one finds it hard to breathe. As an alternative try to keep away from as often as possible and have deep breath exercises to calm anxiety or chat with someone. If it keeps up make sure you obtain help from a healthcare professional.
Answered on 21st June '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Sir, my ESR is 64 or there is infection in the right region in the x-ray, do I have TB? And I am on antibiotics (IV Fluid) but the infection has still not gone down, so what should I do next?
Female | 23
You expressed worry about tuberculosis. TB affects blood test results like ESR, causing high readings. It creates infections visible on X-rays too. However, these signs are not exclusive to TB. Various infections or diseases produce similar effects. The antibiotics not clearing the infection is concerning. It suggests the need for different medication or further tests. Finding the root cause is vital.
Answered on 23rd July '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
My girlfriend says she feels cheast pain, during cold days, she says it's a sharp pain from the inside
Male | 22
She may be suffering from chest pain due to costochondritis. This occurs when the cartilage in the chest gets inflamed in cold weather. It can cause a sudden pain inside the chest. To ease the pain, she can use warm compresses, take pain relievers like ibuprofen, and avoid activities that aggravate the pain. If the pain does not go away or becomes more severe, she should consult a pulmonologist for further treatment.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
And how much a traitment of a lung with adonikarzenom with non smalltalk cell in 4 Stadion.
Female | 53
Stage four adenocarcinoma lung cancer spreads widely. Fatigue, breathing issues, weight loss often occur. Smoking commonly causes it. Chemotherapy or surgery may assist. Targeted therapy, immunotherapy sometimes utilized. These treatments manage symptoms, better quality of life.
Answered on 29th Aug '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I had pneumonia a couple of weeks ago and got on meds and I thought it was clearing up last week and them a few days ago I started having pain I'm both sides of my upper torso
Female | 35
The pain you are experiencing is because of pneumonia. Follow up with your doctor to evaluate and ensure that the pneumonia has been fully treated. Your pulmonologist may perform additional tests or imaging to know the cause of your pain and provide appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
cough for over 2 weeks run in a competition? He has taken spetrin 500mg 2 times daily for 5 days and the cough won't go
Male | 15
You've had a lingering cough for over two weeks. A stubborn cough can be caused by colds, asthma, allergies, or environmental irritants. Taking Spetrin for five days was a good first step, but if the cough persists, a different approach might be needed. Drink lots of fluids, and get plenty of rest. Consider seeing a pulmonologist for personalized advice.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I took promethazine dm syrup with diflucan for my sinus infection and bronchitis
Other | 28
You should not combine it with diflucan sinus and bronchitis infection medications. Promethazine DM syrup is a drug that contains an antihistamine and a cough suppressant, while diflucan is a medication with antifungal action. It is advisable to get a prescriber's advice before taking any medicine and follow their patient care course accordingly. For sinus infection and bronchitis, turning to a pulmonologist or an ENT specialist is recommended.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I'm 14 years old and I have a bad cough IV had it since Friday
Male | 14
If you have had a bad cough that has persisted since Friday, you really must see a doctor as soon as possible. This may be just one of the symptoms of lots of different conditions; it can be due to bronchitis or pneumonia. You should see a pulmonologist or a respiratory physician, who will examine and treat you accordingly.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Heavy dry cough last 2 hours
Female | 20
A heavy, dry cough can happen for various reasons. Maybe you caught a cold. Or, maybe you have allergies. Some irritants in the air might be causing it. For relief, drink warm liquids like tea with honey. A humidifier could help too, by making the air less dry. However, if the coughing persists, it's wise to consult a pulmonologist. They'll examine you and guide managing this annoying symptom.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I want to know about the TB
Female | 55
TB, a common shorthand term for tuberculosis, is a life-threatening disease caused by bacteria that mainly affect the lungs. Humans with TB might experience, amongst others, the following peculiar signs: prolonged cough, chest pain, losing weight, and fatigue. The transmission occurs when a TB patient coughs or sneezes with a built-in airway and thus spreads the bacteria from person to person.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
My daughter is 10 years hold and while talking or reading books she gasps for air in between small sentence and she doesn't have any health issues
Female | 10
It's important to have her evaluated by a specialist. While she may not have any known health issues, this symptom could indicate an underlying problem that requires attention.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
How hemoptysis come up? What causes it
Male | 66
Hemoptysis refers to the coughing up of blood. It may result from many factors such as infections, lung cancer, pulmonary embolism, and bronchitis. Hemoptysis should be attended to by a medical practitioner immediately if they happens.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I have lung infection which is caused by klebseilla pneumonia.. I found it a month ago! I have been taking medications my wheezing has stopped lately but i am having severe back pain and difficulty in swalloing food. Are these due to the same infection?
Female | 19
The severe hurt in your back and the trouble to swallow food may be from the infection in the lungs caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae. Sometimes, this infectious microorganism can circulate to other locations justifying the appearance of brand-new symptoms. The back pain might be a result of an inflammation, while the timing issue could be caused by throat irritation. Discussing these new symptoms with a pulmonologist is the first step to getting a suitable treatment.
Answered on 23rd July '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Is Sinucon a safe decongestant tablet to use at 29 weeks pregnant, it contains pseudoephedrine
Female | 23
It is generally not recommended to use Sinucon, which contains pseudoephedrine, during pregnancy, especially at 29 weeks, as it may pose risks to the baby. Always consult your gynecologist before taking any medication to ensure it is safe for you and your baby.
Answered on 9th Sept '24
Dr. Himali Patel
My boyfriend (age 27) has had this all day every day hacking/throat clearing cough with mucus since January... I've been begging him since to get it checked. He waited 4 months until April & finally went. Well, the chest x-ray came back clear. But then why is he still coughing?? I'm exhausted of this, not knowing what it is, but hearing it all day every day, anxious beyond belief while he claims he's "fine" when it's not normal.
Male | 27
Even though his chest Xray came back clear, ruling out obvious lung abnormalities or infections. STill other causes like allergies, postnasal drip, GERD, asthma, or chronic bronchitis could still be responsible. Encourage him to follow up with a medical professional for further evaluation and testing to identify the underlying cause of his symptoms. Taking his cough seriously and seeking medical attention is important for appropriate treatment and relief.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I am immune compromised and currently have Bronchitis. Today I've been using my pulseox seeing my O2 is mostly 82%-92% is this normal? My O2 has been 98%-100% until today.
Female | 32
Normally your normal B02 saturation level shouldn’t be bouncing between 82-92%. This is, in particular, a troubling case for someone whose immunity is compromised and who has chronic bronchitis. I advise you to seek help from a pulmonologist to carry out further evaluation and suggest treatment options.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
i am 39 years old having vertigo allergic bronchitis
Female | 39
You have been diagnosed with allergic bronchitis, which is causing coughing and dizziness. The dizziness you're feeling, known as vertigo, makes it seem like everything around you is spinning. Allergic bronchitis happens when your bronchial tubes react to allergens like dust and pollen. Your doctor may prescribe medication to help with the cough and dizziness. It's also helpful to avoid triggers like smoking or strong perfumes.
Answered on 19th Sept '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
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Frequently Asked Questions
What should you not do before a pulmonary test?
Can you eat or drink before a pulmonary function test?
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What do you wear to a lung function test?
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Is it normal to be tired after a pulmonary function test?
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