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Best Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery doctors in Bengaluru

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Last Updated: 1st July 2022


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Dr. Ramesh B S Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

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Dr. G. H. Raju Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

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Dr. Nagaraj Puttaswamy Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

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Dr. Sunilkumar Alur Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

Dr. Sunilkumar Alur

Bariatric Surgeon

26 years of experience

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Dr. Prashanth J.v Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery
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Dr. Kumar Parth Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

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Dr. Maruthesh Gowda Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

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Dr. Chandra Mouli M. S Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

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Dr. Vinay B N Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

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Dr. Anupama N Krishnamurthy Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

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Dr. Sanjay B S Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

Available Tomorrow

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Dr. Gautham S L Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery
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Dr. Sachin S Shetty Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery

Dr. Sachin S Shetty


16 years of experience

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Top 10 Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery doctors Near Bengaluru

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Ramesh B S


32₹ 400
Dr. G. H. Raju


27₹ 950
Dr. Nagaraj Puttaswamy


26₹ 350
Dr. Sunilkumar Alur


Dr. Prashanth J.v


25₹ 500
Dr. Kumar Parth


21₹ 500
Dr. Maruthesh Gowda


21₹ 450
Dr. Chandra Mouli M. S


20₹ 500
Dr. Vinay B N


19₹ 500
Dr. Anupama N Krishnamurthy


18₹ 850

Questions & Answers on "Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery" (57)

My wife 40 and I am 54, my elder son is 22, the 2nd one is 18 whereas my daughter is 16. Now my wife expecting in 6th month. Every night she feels too much pain in her arms and lower legs? Due to which She remains crying. What should we do ?

Female | 40

The changes in hormones and weight gain are natural processes that happen during pregnancy, and the victims of these are aches often caused by fluid retention or muscle strain. The activities that will help to ease her aches are gentle stretching, warm baths, and a sufficient amount of water to drink. Rest can help, also trying to put her feet up higher than the rest of her body will provide comfort. 

Answered on 9th Dec '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

14 yr old boy severely obese and alcohol addicted

Male | 14

Being an obese teenager and addicted to alcohol at an early age can result in severe health problems. Conditions such as too much weight gain, feeling unwell constantly, and finally, what is more, having to crave alcohol a lot are frequent. Poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and feelings are the three most common reasons for this problem. What will help is directing these young people toward the right path. It is important to attend the first consultation with a healthcare professional who will provide you with proper guidance to choose healthier food, help you with managing alcohol addiction, and suggest suitable treatment options. 

Answered on 3rd July '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

After delivery within a month and two drastic weight loss,severe giddiness, shortness of breath, getting tired early, Please help me out with my health

Female | 33

It may seem to you that some health problems are a result of the quick loss of weight after the delivery of a baby. Being dizzy, having less breath, and feeling tired can be some signs that your body is trying to tell you it's not yet ready to recover. Eating healthy foods, keeping yourself hydrated, and getting enough sleep are the things that are of utmost importance.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I want to lose weight my weight is 106 and age 16

Male | 16

You want to be healthier – that's great! At 16, weighing 106 pounds might be a concern depending on your height. Both underweight and overweight can have risks. Start with small changes like eating more fruits, and veggies, drinking water, and staying active.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I need to lose weight without exercise what do I do....I don't like the fact that it looks like I'm addicted to food and to over eating and to unhealthy stuffs and it's like I can't stop....

Female | 20

Trying to lose we­ight sans exercise fe­els tricky. An unhealthy attachment to food, mainly the­ not-so-good options, grows common. Excessive intake cause­s weight gain. Feeling unable­ to control your eating qualifies as a symptom of overe­ating. Root causes could stem from emotional e­ating habits, boredom, or stressful situations. To improve, practice­ mindful eating, monitor portion sizes, and swap in healthie­r edible choices. 

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

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