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Endometriosis and Fertility - Finding Hope and Treatment

By Ipshita Ghoshal| Last Updated at: 29th Mar '24| 16 Min Read


Endometriosis is a medical condition that affects the female reproductive system. It occurs when the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus (the endometrium) grows outside the uterus, such as on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other organs in the pelvic cavity. This displaced tissue can cause pain, inflammation, and in some cases, fertility problems.

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Does endometriosis cause infertility?

Endometriosis can pose problems in becoming pregnant. As per a medical news publication, endometriosis can cause infertility in around 30% to 50% of women. Endometriosis and fertility are related. There are many ways in which endometriosis affects fertility. Those are listed below:

  • Distortion of pelvic anatomy
  • Formation of scarred tissue and adhesion
  • Inflammation of the pelvic structure
  • Impacts the immune system's functioning
  • Changes in the hormonal environment surrounding the eggs.
  • Impairment of pregnancy implantation
  • Changes the quality of the egg. 

The stage of endometriosis also affects fertility. Stage 1 is minimal and stage 4 is considered severe. During stage 4 endometriosis it gets very difficult to conceive. This is because it damages the ovaries and blocks the fallopian tubes. 

Read ahead below to learn how endometriosis affects your fertility!!

Does endometriosis damage your eggs and reduce egg counts?

In a research study, the meta analysis showed that women with endometriosis have:

  • Reduced number of oocytes (eggs)
  • Lower rates of fertilization
  • Poor quality of oocytes

The inflammation and scarring caused by endometriosis reduce the egg quality and quantity.

Can endometriosis damage ovaries?

Endometriosis has the potential to damage the ovaries. The tissues of the uterus lining grow on the ovaries. This leads to the formation of ovarian cysts. These cysts damage the ovarian tissue and affect the functioning of the ovaries. Since it impacts the ovaries, the eggs also get affected. 

The cysts are very large and filled with fluid. As they grow larger, they cause pain and discomfort. Many times, surgery is required to treat the cysts.

Is it really very difficult to get pregnant with endometriosis? Continue reading to find out!


Is it hard to get pregnant with endometriosis?

Endometriosis certainly makes it difficult to get pregnant. To get pregnant, the egg is released from the ovary. Then it travels through the fallopian tube to get implanted in the uterus.  Endometriosis infertility is caused by damaged ovaries and blocked fallopian tubes. 

Reduced egg count and quality are responsible for causing endometriosis and infertility.

Which treatments are effective? Read ahead and evaluate the options!

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Does fertility treatment make endometriosis worse?

IVF is one of the best options for women with endometriosis infertility. Some hormones are needed to prepare the eggs for IVF. Those hormones can sometimes make the endometriosis symptoms worse. However, endometriosis does not spread to other organs due to IVF. The tissues of endometriosis need estrogen to grow.

This hormone increases in the female body during the IVF egg retrieval process. Increased levels of estrogen can make endometriosis bigger. 

Would you like to know about IVF for endometriosis success rates? Keep reading ahead to get your answer!

Is IVF successful with endometriosis?

Conceiving with endometriosis can be challenging for some women. IVF can be a successful treatment option for those struggling with infertility. It is one of the most sought after solutions for treating endometriosis and infertility. IVF is as effective in women with endometriosis as it is in other women.

While undergoing IVF, you would need monitoring to ensure timely doses of your medication. Once you are pregnant you will feel relieved of the endometriosis pain. Although, you have to start medications again after childbirth to keep the pain in control. 

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Is endometriosis infertility treatable? To get the answer, keep reading!

Can you fix endometriosis infertility?

Endometriosis will increase if it gets more estrogen in your body. The tissues grow as they get estrogen. 

Hormonal medications and oral contraceptives, progestins and GnRH analogs are common medical therapies. However, these medications may alleviate the pain but have been ineffective in treating associated infertility. 

As per NCBI, there are many studies that indicate IVF can help treat endometriosis infertility. Prolonged GnRH treatment before IVF may improve fertility in advanced endometriosis patients. 

GnRH medication for a long period before IVF is beneficial for women with endometriosis. Oral contraceptive therapy is also a considerable treatment. It is effective in all stages of endometriosis before going for ART procedures like IVF. 

Surgery can also be used to treat endometriosis infertility. It is beneficial in mild to severe cases. In severe cases, surgery can have many benefits. They are:

  • Restoration of Pelvic anatomy
  • Remove implants and endometriosis
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve endometriosis and fertility

IVF is the most effective treatment for endometriosis infertility. The Society of ART reported that, in 2009, 1400 live births resulted from 5600 IVF cycles in endometriosis patients. 

Recent data shows that women with endometriosis have a higher rate of delivery (39.1%) as compared to those who don't have endometriosis (33.2%). This shows that IVF success with endometriosis is higher. 



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