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Best Blood Transfusion doctors in Raj Bhavan Road

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Dr. Gv Kumar Blood Transfusion

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Gv Kumar


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Dr. B.prithviraj Blood Transfusion

Available Today


Consult Dr. B.prithviraj


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Dr. B Nagabhushanam Blood Transfusion

Available Today


Consult Dr. B Nagabhushanam

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Dr. Mohd Yousuf Azam Blood Transfusion

Dr. Mohd Yousuf Azam

General Surgeon

42 years of experience

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Mohd Yousuf Azam


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Dr. Dilip Gude Blood Transfusion

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Dilip Gude


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Dr. Sidra Shahid Blood Transfusion

Dr. Sidra Shahid

General Surgeon

23 years of experience

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Sidra Shahid



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Dr. Reginold D Lam Blood Transfusion

Next available - Saturday

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Consult Dr. Reginold D Lam


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Dr. Sashi Kalyan Blood Transfusion

Dr. Sashi Kalyan

General Surgeon

21 years of experience

Available Today

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Dr. Sudha Madhuri Blood Transfusion

Dr. Sudha Madhuri


20 years of experience


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Dr. Narender Thota Blood Transfusion

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Narender Thota


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Dr. Swetha Blood Transfusion

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Swetha


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Dr. M.k.mukarram Hussain Blood Transfusion

Available Tomorrow


Consult Dr. M.k.mukarram Hussain

Top 10 Blood Transfusion doctors Near Raj Bhavan Road

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Gv Kumar


17₹ 600
Dr. B.prithviraj


56₹ 100
Dr. B Nagabhushanam


44₹ 150
Dr. Mohd Yousuf Azam


42₹ 300
Dr. Dilip Gude


25₹ 500
Dr. Sidra Shahid


23₹ 250
Dr. Reginold D Lam


22₹ 600
Dr. Sashi Kalyan


21₹ 200
Dr. Sudha Madhuri


Dr. Narender Thota


16₹ 500

Questions & Answers on "Blood Transfusion" (236)

I am 25 years old male, I am taking PEP medication for 25 days and had another exposure today, do I have to extend my PEP?

Male | 25

If you're already on PEP medication and had another exposure, it's important to let your healthcare provider know. They will, however, determine whether you require additional PEP treatment. Sometimes symptoms of HIV can take a while to develop, therefore it is better to be safe than sorry. PEP treatment assists in reducing the chances of acquiring HIV, nevertheless, it is still preferable to consult with your doctor to ensure that you are following the correct plan.

Answered on 16th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have WBC 4.53 out of 5-10 normal range. My Neutrophils NEU % 43.3 with normal range 50-62 and lymphoctes lym% 49.2 with normal range 25-40. What does this mean? I used 2 weeks antibiotics for my UTI but this was 3 months ago

Female | 24

Your most recent blood test results show that your leukocyte count and various kinds of cells are slightly outside the range of normal. This might suggest that your body is still in the process of recovering from the urinary tract infection you had three months ago. The antibiotics you have been taking could influence these numbers, too. Ensure you drink enough water, consume a healthy diet, and observe any new symptoms that may arise.

Answered on 11th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My blood report says Total cholesterol - 219 mg/dl LDL direct - 117 mg/dl Triglycerides - 389 mg/dl Trig/HDL ratio - 8.3 HDL/LDL ratio - 0.4 Non HDL cholesterol - 171.97 mg/dl VLDL - 77.82 mg/dl Albumin serum- 5.12 gm/dl Lymphocyte - 17% Monocytes - 1.7% Lymphocyte absolute count - 0.92 × 10³/uL Monocytes absolute count - 0.9 × 10³/uL Hematocrit(pcv) - 54.2 % MCV - 117.8 fL MCHC - 26 g/dL RDW-SD - 75 fL RDW-CV - 17.2 % Platelet count - 140 ×10³/uL My question is what is my condition of health according to this report and how i can cure my condition and what is the problem.

Male | 33

The blood te­st shows high levels of bad fat in the body. This fat can hurt the­ heart over time. To help the­ heart, eat good foods like fruits and ve­ggies. Do exercise­ to stay fit. A hematologist may give medicine­ to lower the fat.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have 16 pea sized lymph nodes I am 57kg my height is 5ft 10 I’ve had them for almost 2 years and they haven’t got bigger or changed I’ve had blood tests previously and they all came back fine. I do have 2 under my jaw that’s a bit bigger than a pea though. Is it a concern? I have no symptoms except bad anxiety. I am highly afraid of cancers

Male | 17

Your lymph nodes not changing size or growing for two years is good. When it comes to cancer we tend to worry a lot due to anxiety. They might remain slightly enlarged sometimes. It’s usually benign but it would be prudent to get the larger ones checked by your doctor. Additionally, work on calming down your nerves because that can also be of help.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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