Male | 27
কোন টিবি ওষুধ আমার শরীরের ওজনের সাথে মেলে?
আমি টিবি জানতে চাই শরীরের ওজন অনুযায়ী ওষুধ
Answered on 23rd May '24
টিবি বা যক্ষ্মা ব্যাকটেরিয়া দ্বারা সৃষ্ট একটি রোগ। কার্যকর হওয়ার জন্য, টিবি ওষুধগুলি শরীরের ওজনের উপর ভিত্তি করে। এই ওষুধগুলো হলো আইসোনিয়াজিড, রিফাম্পিন, পাইরাজিনামাইড এবং ইথামবুটল। চিকিত্সার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় সঠিক পরিমাণগুলি আপনার ওজনের উপর নির্ভর করে তাই ডাক্তাররা সে অনুযায়ী আপনাকে সেগুলি দেবেন কয়েক মাস ধরে নিয়মিত এই ওষুধগুলি সেবন করলে একটি টিবি নিরাময় করতে সহায়তা করতে পারে।
61 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Pulmonologyy" (315)
I have been waking up a lot while sleeping the past few days. I work nights so I sleep during the day and I laid down this morning to sleep and then everytime I was about to fall asleep I felt like I wasn’t breathing
Male | 24
You could have sleep apnea, where breathing stops briefly during slumber. Classic signs: waking often at night, feeling breathless before sleep. It's vital to consult a physician, who'll propose remedies. Side sleeping or special masks frequently ease the issue.
Answered on 13th Sept '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
My girlfriend says she feels cheast pain, during cold days, she says it's a sharp pain from the inside
Male | 22
She may be suffering from chest pain due to costochondritis. This occurs when the cartilage in the chest gets inflamed in cold weather. It can cause a sudden pain inside the chest. To ease the pain, she can use warm compresses, take pain relievers like ibuprofen, and avoid activities that aggravate the pain. If the pain does not go away or becomes more severe, she should consult a pulmonologist for further treatment.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I have chest tightness and heaviness and shortness of breath often deep coughing help me in relaxing for short period of time in which mucus come out in my mouth Before this one week ago i have full time mucus pass through my throat but that problem is resolved now
Male | 16
The signs symptoms you told are related to respiratory or pulmonary issues.Consult a pulmonologist or general practitioner, for an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Meantime you can try general self care measures like stay hydrated, avoid triggers, and practice deep breathing exercises.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Chest and back get hot . She was in hospital 3 weeks ago for RSV
Female | 3
These signs may follow an RSV attack. RSV is a virus which affects the lungs and breathing. Sometimes heat in the chest and back is caused by swelling of the airways. Taking a lot of fluids and rest will enable your body to recover. However, if these signs persist or worsen, it is necessary to see a pulmonologist for further advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I haven't asthma flare up and I don't see my primary for 2 weeks is there anyway that I'm able to get a prescription for my prednisone for my wheezing and cough until then. I'm at Kroger pharmacy in River oaks, Gray street, Houston Texas.
Male | 52
You can go to see a pulmonologist or an allergist, who may be the appropriate professionals to see the wheezing and cough related to the asthma attack. They would be able to examine your condition and write them a prescription for prednisone if it is necessary.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Flue for more that 2weaks high fever at times and sometimes cold fever painfull hadache sore painfull eyes today I started coughing nonstop and my breath just went away for 2to 3minets happend 3times today with a funny feeling on my chest really panicked must I worry about this
Female | 38
You might have a severe lung infection that is causing you difficulty in breathing. This infection is indicated by a high fever, headache, coughing, and chest pains. If for a few minutes, you cannot breathe, it can be dangerous. Therefore, you should immediately consult a physician so that they may help make you feel better and ensure that you can breathe well.
Answered on 10th July '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I have asthma but no inhaler and I want to start track and field in my school. What should I do?
Female | 14
Sports if you are asthmatic and lack of inhaler can turn out to be a dangerous affair. Asthma is a disease that can cause breathing difficulties, coughing, and compactness of the chest among other things. Physical activities can provoke an asthma attack. In your situation, it would be dangerous to do track and field without an inhaler. Warn your parents or school nurse about your asthma and request them to help you get an inhaler before beginning track and field.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Peakflow best is 630 and now 620 but sometimes I struggle to get it up to 570 that mean what ? Or as long as within normal range im fine ?
Male | 29
A reading of 620 close to your personal best of 630, is within the normal range for you. Fluctuations can be normal due to various factors. Consult a pulmonology doctor if you have further concerns.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Heavy dry cough last 2 hours
Female | 20
A heavy, dry cough can happen for various reasons. Maybe you caught a cold. Or, maybe you have allergies. Some irritants in the air might be causing it. For relief, drink warm liquids like tea with honey. A humidifier could help too, by making the air less dry. However, if the coughing persists, it's wise to consult a pulmonologist. They'll examine you and guide managing this annoying symptom.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Hi sir, h r u? my brother got lung cancer he is in 4th stage he worked with parrots for 2 years what is the solution sir pls reply me sir ?
Male | 34
Answered on 21st June '24
Dr. N S S Gauri
Hello doctor mujhe saans lene me problem hai please eska treatment kijiye
Male | 17
Difficulty in breathing can be caused by various underlying medical conditions, such as asthma, allergies, respiratory infections, heart problems, anxiety, or other serious respiratory issues. The appropriate treatment will depend on the cause of your symptoms. Consult a pulmonologist for better treatment options.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Hi I'm Sheila I am 32 yrs old...I have blocked nose and cough ,2days before it's dry cough.. yesterday I feel little bit cold and I take Himalaya(koflet syrup) and maxigesicPE (CAPLETS). WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?
Female | 32
It seems you have the common cold. A stuffed nose, dry cough, and feeling chilly are the usual signs. These signs often come from viruses that spread easily. Good you took the koflet syrup and maxigesicPE pills. Rest up, drink lots of liquids, and try using a humidifier to help with your stuffed nose. If you feel worse or your symptoms stay, best to see a pulmonologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I have cold fever and my right side chest just paining little bit.. I want some medicine to suggest me for recover..
Male | 30
A fever and chest pain suggest a chest infection. Viral or bacterial infections often cause this. Take ibuprofen for pain relief. Acetaminophen helps reduce fever. Drink plenty of fluids. Get enough rest. If symptoms don't improve or worsen, see a pulmonologist for evaluation. They can determine the cause and proper treatment.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
My 1 year old son has a mucus blockage on his throat, its not going anywhere even when he cough and he is struggling to breath1
Male | 1
Respiratory mucus obstruction may be why your son is experiencing breathing problems, which can sometimes result in throat blockage. Coughing being the common symptom and difficulty breathing are other signs to look for. This blockage can be a result of a cold or allergies. If he is still alive, you can help him through the use of a humidifier in his room to make mucus easier to clear and whoop his back lightly a few times to help him clear his throat. If the issue continues or worsens, then you should consult a pulmonologist.
Answered on 19th Sept '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Hello so i have been coughing for almost a month now what can it be
Female | 12
When experiencing a persistent cough, you may consider consulting with a primary care physician, such as a general practitioner or family doctor, as they can evaluate your symptoms, conduct an initial examination, and provide guidance.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
The patient is having lots of cough and couldn't sleep because of continues cough can i use levofloxacin with fexofenadine precisely leflox 750 mg with telfast 120 mg
Male | 87
Do not attempt to medicate yourself without a proper diagnosis. The patient might be suffering from a respiratory illness or allergy, hence the combination of levofloxacin and fexofenadine might not be appropriate. It is suggested that you see a pulmonologist or allergist for proper assessment and management.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Gala me coughing Head sir bhari rehne Stomach pain halka halka
Male | 23
These symptoms could be either a common cold or a stomach bug. The coughing may be provoking your throat and thus making you feel heavy in the head. Drinking plenty of water, resting, and eating light, healthy foods are the ways you can get better. If it doesn't get better, it's better to go to a pulmonologist.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
My daughter was suffering from pneumonia
Female | 4
You should seek immediate medical care for your daughter. Pneumonia is a severe illness that can easily cause difficulty in the respiratory system, among other serious diseases. Immediately, you are asked to visit a pulmonologist or pediatrician who specializes in the field of respiratory diseases for purposes of diagnosis and treatment. Early intervention can help prevent the complications and aid in fast recovery.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
I am looking after my dad that has end of life copd.hes not eating much very weak talks in his sleep and fidgety and is getting withdrawn from peopl
Male | 83
Extreme fatigue and loss of appetite could be caused by COPD. Sometimes people may talk while asleep, be restless, or become unresponsive during this period. This means that the body is extremely weak. Right now, what is most important is to make sure he is relaxed all the time, don’t force him to eat too much but give him small amounts of food often.
Answered on 13th June '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
Hello ser khassi me bhut khun aa raha hai bina balgam ke ky kru kuch batao please
Male | 24
It appears as if you may be the victim of a severe coughing up blood, which could be the result of go respiratory or lung problem. My suggestion to you is to have a pulmonologist or a respiratory specialist appoint you today to know the cause and begin the right treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
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Frequently Asked Questions
What should you not do before a pulmonary test?
Can you eat or drink before a pulmonary function test?
How will I feel after a pulmonary function test?
What do you wear to a lung function test?
How long does a full lung function test take?
Why can't you have caffeine before a pulmonary function test?
What should I not do before the lung function test?
Is it normal to be tired after a pulmonary function test?
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